Notice: High Speed Rail Palmdale to Burbank Meeting

Palmdale to Burbank Project Section Community Open House Meeting The California High–Speed Rail Authority is conducting a series of Open House Meetings for the Palmdale to Burbank Project Section. The section is part of the first phase of building the nation’s first high–speed rail system and runs approximately 40 miles connecting Palmdale and Burbank…

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Safe Routes to School Community Workshop – Monday July 2nd, 6:30 at High Desert School MPR

The Communities of Acton and Agua Dulce are invited to a public workshop to discuss plans for upgrades on Crown Valley Road and Antelope Woods Road to improve access for vehicles, pedestrians, equestrians and cyclists.  The workshop is part of the “Safe Routes to School”/”Active Transportation Program” Grant application effort that the Community…

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Special Acton Community Standards District (CSD) Workshop, April 24th

The Acton Town Council is seeking input from Acton residents regarding additions and changes to the Acton Community Standards District .  The Council will be bringing the suggestions to LA County for discussions regarding CSD revision. The Acton Community Standards District was established to protect and enhance the rural, equestrian…

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