Residential Subdivision Package

Developers and/or property owners wishing to present proposed parcel subdivisions to the Acton Town Council must provide the following information at least 2 weeks before a presentation can be scheduled so that your proposed subdivision can be fully and properly reviewed by both the Council and Community.

If you would like to schedule your presentation or have any questions, please contact the Acton Town Council at [email protected].

Items Required Two Weeks In Advance of Presentation

  1. Vicinity Map.
  2. Subdivision Map Showing:
    1. Lots, Pad areas, streets, Septic areas, Trail easements, Water and utility infrastructure, Topography, Existing drainage areas/flood zones, runoff control/debris/detention basin infrastructure, Dedicated open space areas, other easements/dedications, etc.
    2. Lot Schedule (indicating lot number, gross area and net area in square feet).
    3. Street cross section figures.
    4. General Notes – Project area, Existing zoning and land use, Fire zone hazard area, street grade, cut and fill.
  3. Developer information.
  4. Name and contact information.
  5. Assigned Planner at Regional Planning.

Item Submission Form

    Developer Name: (required)

    Your Name: (required)

    Your Email: (required)

    Your Phone Number: (required)

    Summary of Request: (required)

    Regional Planner's Name:

    Parcel Number:

    Upload Plans and Drawings - PDF, DXF, DOCX, JPEG

    Vicinity Map

    Subdivision Map

    Application Submitted to Regional Planning

    Other Applications (ATF, etc.)

    Any additional information:

    Print Friendly, PDF & Email

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