Acton Town Council Meeting Minutes, July 15, 2019, Approved

  1. Call to Order, Flag salute & Roll Call – The meeting was called to order at 7:04pm by Vice President Tom Costan.  Present at the meeting : Pam Wolter, Tom Costan, and Kelly Teno  Absent: Dylan Lunde, Jacki Ayer, Jeremiah Owen, Troy Pieper.
  2. Community Comments – A longtime resident spoke about wanting to bring back the teen dances at the Community Center and wanted to see if there was anyway we could help facilitate that.  He also spoke about the possibility of getting our help with Fish and Game restocking Apollo Park.  It is a great family place and he would like to see it used more.  We can place this on the agenda for the next meeting.  A resident received a phone call from Edison about possible power shut offs.
  3. Minutes of the Last Meeting – Tabled
  4. Announcements and Correspondence – Letter from Jacki Ayer about the drive through issue and what is being presented to the County Commissioners.  Jeremiah is ready to sign.
  5. Councilmember Comments – Pam is continuing to work with real estate directional signs.  Most realtors have removed them.  A young girl was almost hit because she had to pull out in the roadway in order to see oncoming traffic.  dumping going on again at Ward Road and Escondido Canyon Road.  She will send Chuck Bostwick pictures.
  6.  Disaster Preparedness – Spoke about the importance of getting this going again and hoping that new member Troy Pieper and Deputy Martinez can help.  Kelly spoke about the work that Rob Peters had done on the manual and how to look it up on our website.
  7.  Thousand Trails CUP – We have received no feedback from the community on this.  Need to check on email for Chris Perry and County Planner.
  8. Drive Through Ordinance – Regional Planning Hearing – It was felt that the letter Jacki had written should be sent to go in the record.  There was nothing alarming in the package for the commissioners.  Pam spoke about going to the hearing just to see what they say.
  9. Unfinished/New Business – The new septic monitoring fee was discussed.  Last year there was a meeting at the library about this and about 100 people were present. The fee to residents with septic will be $5 added to their property tax bill. There are about 25,000 septic tanks in the AV.  Residents were worried that this may lead to inspections of our septic systems which may lead to having to do upgrades.
  10. Items for the Next Agenda – Apollo Park and Fish and Game, Directional Signs, Septic
  11.  Adjournment – 8:05pm
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