Acton Town Council Meeting Minutes, March 18, 2024 Approved

  1. Call to Order, Flag Salute, & Roll Call –  In President Jeremiah Owens absence the meeting was called to order by Secretary Jacki Ayer at 6:33pm.  Present at the meeting – Kelly Teno, Pam Wolter, Jacki Ayer, and June Perkins.
  2. Community Comments –  A resident asked the stand point of the ATC on the Safety Element and the paving of roads.  The ATC has always maintained that if a resident wants to pave their road they need to follow the contours of the road and they need to show that pavement is needed.  It is a huge problem when the County wants roads paved to County Standards.
  3. Announcements & Correspondence –  Announced events from the Parks Department.  Announced a 3 day fentanyl awareness program.  The ATC has received emails with concerns about loud houses, dirt moving and grading.
  4. Representative Update – Carlo Basail from Assemblyman Lackey’s office spoke about microgrid opportunities and the best places to put them.  The best place for micro grids is at the end of distribution lines, it was brought up that they would also be good at schools.  Place on future agenda.  Chuck Bostwick from Supervisor Barger’s office announced that the Short Term Rental Ordinance is coming back to the Board of Supervisors tomorrow.  Their office is still passing out 1/2 ton dump vouchers.
  5. Library Report –  Jim Wall announced upcoming library events along with library closure days.  You can now check out a hot spot at the library.  See the calendar online.
  6. Sheriff’s Report –  Deputy Martinez reported for February their were 404 calls for service that resulted in 1 part one crime, and 2 theft
  7. Acton Flood Report –  Amanda Begley from Tree People and Mike Santos from Watertalks came and gave a presentation on their findings and possible solutions to the downtown Acton flooding.  They went through different scenarios and how they would work and all the conclusions were that these would not work for Acton.  Downtown Acton is a natural built area and is subject to high flood risk and the storm event on August 3, 2017 was a 1000 year storm.  That stated that a 50 year storm could potentially do more damage.  Their report recommendation is an Integrated Watershed Management Plan.  They believe that with this plan it will bring all the agencies that should be involved together.  Questions and comments were taken.  The storm drain on Crown Valley ( Volkswagon catcher), the County believes it is critical in the event of a 50 year storm.  It has been blocked off for decades because the storm drain goes no where and dumps into a backyard.  Acton could really use Tree Peoples help in conveying that message to Public Works.  There were questions about the 1,000 year storm and how the type of storm is determined.  They stated that it is how much water comes down in a time period.  A representative from Public Works LA County Flood Control District spoke about the issues of the sediment and possible ways to control it.  Brochures were passed out about Stormwater & Sediment, Understanding Water and Sediment Obstacles In Acton, CA.
  8. Storage Facility at 3051 Soledad –  ATC received an email that they are unable to attend today and will plan to come in April.  Jacki Ayer reported on her notes she had which included, the ATC asked DPW about easement and we are waiting to hear back.  The project has no landscaping. the fencing does not comply, and allocations for pedestrian/equestrian.
  9. BESS Update –  Ruth Brock from Acton Takes Action gave an update in which she spoke about the BESS Ordinance, and the meeting with Congressman Garcia to talk about transmission lines and toxicity and lithium ION batteries. Congressman Garcia has met in a Subcommittee of homeland Security hearing and spoke about our issues.  The good news is that in Washington DC they are now talking about Lithium ION Batteries and their toxicity.
  10. No Parking at Miso Sushi – Tabled
  11. PM71006 –  This minor land division was discussed at an ATC meeting in February.  After our discussion a motion was made to support the project with the proviso that the Edison Easement could be used for a pedestrian trail.  Information provided by the developer in March shows that most of the easement will be eliminated.  The new easement will be exclusive to SCE.  Which means that no one can use it except SCE.  The Subdivision Committee Report states that pedestrians are expected to use the 4 foot shoulder along Soledad Canyon Road which is a major highway where cars sometime go 70 plus miles an hour.  The ATC told the Developer that we hope to collaborate on a new and different plan that will expeditiously advance the project to hearing while at the same time protect the pedestrians of Acton. The property owner spoke about the easement and people being able to use it.  The ATC stated that since the developer wrote in the condition that the easement be given to SCE exclusively then pedestrians can not use it.  The ATC just needs the conditions to remain the way they were.
  12. Minutes –  Kelly Teno passed out the minutes and asked for help filling in the blanks.  She took her notes via Zoom and could not hear the entire meeting.
  13. Councilmember Comments – None
  14. Committee Reports –  The following committees had reports.  Emergency Response & Disaster/Resiliency Plan –  June Perkins spoke about a meeting she went to in Palmdale and sponsored by the City of Palmdale.   Industrial Aesthetics –  All outdoor storage areas in Acton have problems that are not in compliance.
  15. Unfinished/New Business –  Pam Wolter reported under New Business that she paid the PO Box fee of $364.00, and the ATC has received its debit card.
  16. Items for Next Agenda – No Parking Signs, Micro Grids
  17. Adjournment – 9:42pm
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