Acton Town Council Meeting Minutes, March 4, 2024 Approved

  1. Call to Order, Flag salute & Roll Call-  The meeting was called to order by President Jeremiah Owen at 6:37pm.  Present at the meeting; Jeremiah Owen, Pam Wolter, and Jacki Ayer.  Kelly Teno via Zoom.
  2. Community Comments – None
  3. Announcements and Correspondence – A new law has been proposed by the state legislature.  SB-620 would allow every parcel in Acton to be rented out to up to 10 RV’s.  It is called impact camping.  The ATC has asked Senator Wilks office to find out more information on this senate bill.  Our community is facing pressure for new development, which includes 2 new zone changes, 2 new RV parks, a new gas station with fast food, a new coffee shop, the four identified BESS facilities plus another proposed by NextERA.  These are all on top of other things from the County like approving ordinances that prohibit chainlink, require paving everywhere, and new plans to greatly increase groundwater extraction rates for delivery to municipal customers.  This community has never needed this town council more than it does now and the ATC is at its lowest membership level.  We need people to step up and take part.  Household and E-Waste days were announced.  Events throughout the AV were announced.   There is a billboard in Acton that exists but has no records of any permits ever issued by Caltrans.  It has been completely reinforced with steel supports.  According to LA County and Caltrans, none of the work was done with permits.  The Summit for Equity and Resilience in Water: Successes and Lessons Learned March 26 and 27th.  It is a two day program and the County Water Plan will be the heart of it.  The Board of Supervisors adopted the Water Plan with no public notice, no CEQA, and without addressing any of the comments or questions we have submitted.  Jacki has signed up to attend, and is asking what issues should be brought up.
  4. Representative Updates – None
  5. Library Report – None
  6. Sheriff’s Report – Deputy Martinez was out in the field and did not have the full stats.  February had 404 calls for service.
  7. New Gas Station/Fast Food Project –   Jacki explained about our initial comment letter about the proposed project and listening in on the One Stop meeting with the County.  The project came across last week on the Energov report.  Jacki has requested all the information about the project so the ATC can write a letter in response.  As of the meeting time no information had been given so we will put this on the next agenda for a decision how to move forward.
  8. Acton Flood Report- Tabled until next agenda
  9. Proposed Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf- Jacki gave an update on the proposed project which will bring more traffic and the project does not have enough parking spaces.  We have requested a copy of the traffic study.  According to the 2023 traffic study a traffic signal is warranted and there are no schools within walking distance.  Our High Desert children walk right past it going to the Library.  Joshephine Guitterez from Public Works about the location.  Jacki Ayer made a motion to write a letter of concern regarding the problems in the CBTL traffic study.  Pam Wolter 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  10. BESS Update –  Jacki gave an update on the ongoing BESS projects .  The Matai project could go forward on AG land.  Jacki Ayer made a motion to write a comment letter in the CEC docket on BESS siting considerations.  Pam Wolter 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  11. Acton Historic Study –
  12. Report on Quiet Zones – A local college student needed a project and they decided to do a survey for residents about the need or want for Quiet Zones for trains.  The survey received 267 responses.  Approximately half were for and half against.
  13. Joshua Trees –  Jacki spoke about Pearblossom Town Council requested that other town councils support Joshua Tree protection and each write their own letters of support.  Acton used to be covered in Joshua Trees.  Jacki Ayer made a motion to write a letter of support for the Pearblossom Town Council’s Joshua Tree Protection.  Pam Wolter 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  14. Minutes – Tabled will vote next meeting
  15. Councilmember Comments –  Jeremiah spoke about need for more people to join the council.
  16. Committee Reports –  The following committees had reports.  Planning – Jacki spoke about a letter to Director Bodek about the overconcentration of RV Parks, gas stations etc.. and when is it too much.  ARTC –  At the meeting on February 29, 2024 it was discussed that the County’s new Office of Environmental Justice and Climate Health launched a massive outreach campaign to shape the Five Year Plan of the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, Office of Public Health to advance the County’s commitment to improve public health outcomes and reduce public health disparities in communities overburdened by pollution exposure and poor air quality.  A key component of the program is to consult with and engage partners and stakeholders.  The AV is severe non-attainment for Ozone and still non-attainment for State PM10 and unclassified for State PM2.5. The AV will also be more affected by climate change than any other place in LA County.  The last time the Department of Health looked at health outcomes in the AV was 8 years ago.  The workshop notice was not distributed to any AV groups and all the workshops are completed.  There were no workshops in the AV.  There was only one workshop in District 5 in Altadena.  It seems that the health department has no interest in developing a 5 year plan to improve health in the AV.    Jacki made a motion to write a letter of support to ARTC’s letter regarding DPH 5 year plan.  Pam Wolter 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.  Finance Ways & Means –  Pam announced that the checking account has been taken care of and Tom Costan is off the account and Jeremiah Owen is on. Illegal dumping – Tammie Necessary gave an update and spoke about trash from a repeat dumper.
  17. Unfinished/New Business –  Jacki spoke about an email to Anish at Regional Planning asking about our concerns about questions that were not addressed om the Water Plan.
  18. Items for Next Agenda –
  19. Adjournment – 9:00pm
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