Acton Town Council Meeting Minutes, July 18, 2022 Approved

  1. Call to Order, Flag Salute, & Roll Call – The meeting was called to order at 6:35 pm by President Jeremiah Owen.  Present at meeting – Jacki Ayer, Jeremiah Owen, Pam Wolter, and Kelly Teno
  2. Community Comments –  resident June Perkins announced that she likes to be involved in the community and showed an interest in being on the Town Council. A resident helping other residents with their NOV issues commented that she is working with attorney’s on the NOV’s.  They are turning into attacks on homeowners from the County.  The ATC has asked for this subject to be on the next agenda and we asked her how we can help.
  3. Correspondence – Congressman Garcia has secured legislation that puts an end to the limits that the DOJ puts on the amount of overtime pay that can be received . This is huge in the fight against illegal Marijuana grows.  Susan Zahnter of the ARTC joined a discussion by Senator Scott Wilk to discuss the illegal grow situation in the AV.  On July 12th the BOS decided move forward with an action that could put a measure on the November Ballot that will let the Supervisors vote to remove the Sheriff with only 4 votes instead of all 5.  The County is launching a Community Wildfire Protection Plan Effort.  The AV is scheduled for a community meeting August 3rd from 5:30 to 6:30 pm.  See the announcement on the ATC webpage.  The Safety Element was adopted by the Board of Supervisors on July 12th.  The County’s Green Zones program went into effect on July 14th.  Several of the rural town councils asked for them to include rural areas, but the County denied the request.  In October ,the Clean Power Alliance will be switching customers in Acton to the 100% green energy program which will raise rates.  They will let us know the rate increase next month.  There is a process through CPA to go back to the lower rates.  In March the BOS approved a motion directing the CEO, DRP,DPW and others to initiate talks that would include town councils to develop ways to decarbonize buildings.  They are supposed to report back in 120 days with recommendations to phase out gas powered equipment and appliances.  Supervisor Barger made an amendment to the motion that requires consideration of the unique infrastructure, geographic, and climate challenges in rural communities.  The deadline was July 12th but we have never been contacted.  We reached out and were told that the process had not started an they were given an extension.  We need to keep an eye on this .  The paving activity at Red Rover Mine Road is set to wrap up by July 22, 2022.  All County and Local events along with any County free disposal days were announced.
  4. Home Owner’s Insurance – State of California Department of Insurance – Peter Meza – Jacki gave an overview of what we know now and what questions we have.  Insurance rates have increase in our community, some by 900%.  Under Prop 103 these rate hikes have been approved by the Commissioner.  WE have heard that the rates have gone up because of the increase in wildfires since 2017.  In Southern California the insurance companies have had no fiscal harm from these events.  They have not had to pay out any money because of wildfire since SCE and LADWP has had to pay the damages to property owners not the insurance companies.  For this reason the insurance hikes make no since.  How do we request the Commissioner to provide comparison rate information that was provided for in Prop 103?  How do we find out which hearing was convened for a specific fire insurance company and once we know how do we obtain information from that hearing?  That information will help us know what is driving these rate increases and what we can do to reduce them.  What is the status of Commissioner Lara’s efforts to bring down rates via SCE hardening?  Do these efforts only address rates for older homes?  Rates are skyrocketing even for newer homes in Acton.  These homes are constructed to local standards which are even higher than State standards.  Peter Meza gave a presentation which included the role of the Commissioner, Improving the Fair Plan, Safer from Wildfires part1 part2 and part3, Regulations to lower costs and increase transparency, It is working, and finally Questions.  Regulations came out in draft form with comment period ending in April.  The ATC never received any notices.  We have asked for the ATC to be put on the email list.  Mr Meza encouraged us to write an email to ask if they will take our comments.  Lots of residents have expressed that they would like to know their score and how they can improve there home to be able to get affordable insurance.  Pam spoke about her insurance issues, Her policy went from $3600.00 a year and she got a notice that it was going up to $1900.00 a year, she went to the CA Fair Plan but it costs were Not much different.  She knows of at least 5 neighbors that have similar issues.  They are hoping that the new regulations will level the playing fields.  He suggested calling 1-800-927-4357 and asking about rates, talk to a compliance officer and open a RFA.  The ATC will put the 800 number on our website.  We need to put Firewise and getting us out of the High Fire Hazard Area on a future agenda.
  5. Home Owner’s Insurance – CA Fair Plan – Phil Irwin –  Mr Irwin started off saying the CA Fair Plan was established in 1968 and was intended to be a short term fix.  He gave a presentation which included, About the Fair Plan, How the Fair Plan Works, CA Wildfires and the Fair Plan, Fair Plan High Risk vs Private Insurer Balanced Risk, New Enhancements from Fair Plan, Getting Covered by the Fair Plan, Learn More About the Fair Plan.  Questions included When they come up with their rate plan do they look at CA as a whole or by region?  Fair Plan rates are generally higher than traditional coverage ,so what is to keep other insurance companies rates down.  Mr Irwin answered that when an insurance company gets too saturated in an area, they have too high a risk, and it drives costs up and they stop insuring in that area.  Comments that were made by residents included, Insurance companies need to start looking at each individual case or insurer in order to restore fair insurance policies in CA.  They need to look if people have had claims, has SCE completed hardening in their area. How do we get the community fire safe?  A Fire Wise Certification is the most recognized now.  Contact the Fire Chief, he will know how to get certified.  Edgar Ortiz commented that he is an insurance agent in the AV and has helped other areas with the step by step process to become certified.  He passed out information.  We will put Firewise on the next agenda.
  6. Garbage Disposal District Update – We have been talking about this for over a year .  Comments on the GDD were due last week.  All the information we were given on vacant property fees was incorrect.  The funds will all go to clean up homeless encampments on vacant parcels and the funds will also be allowed to leave our community.  They will also go to County clean up on our maintained roads.  Jacki has already prepared a letter.  Jacki made a motion to send the prepared letter to Supervisor Barger.  Pam 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  7. Climate Action Plan – Comments due today on the CAP, we wrote a 21 page letter.  Jacki spoke about what was included letter and gave some background,  Comments on the EIR need to be separate.  We encourage the community to write letters.  We will post ours and the ARTC’s letters on the website along with who to send comments to.
  8. Councilmembers Comments – Pam commented on how hard Jacki worked on the CAP.  She wanted to attend the Round Table set up by Scott Wilk last week, but small communities could not attend.
  9. Unfinished/New Business – Question about Edison proceedings, since we are already in the proceedings do we need a motion to support their motion.  No we do not.  Election Commitee, June Perkins -New Member, LA County Property, Firewise
  10. Adjournment – 9:40 pm
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