Acton Town Council Meeting Minutes, August 2, 2021 Approved

  1. Call to Order, Flag Salute, & Roll Call –  The meeting was called to order at 6:40 pm, by Vice President Tom Costan.  Followed by the Flag Salute.  Members present – Pam Wolter, Jacki Ayer, Tom Costan, Troy Pieper, and Kelly Teno  Absent – Jeremiah Owen.
  2. Community Comments – Non agenda items – A resident asked if we knew when the library meeting room would be open for meetings.  Chuck Bostwick will check.  They are also concerned that opening filming back up will bring more cases of Covid to our area which has low numbers.  They spoke about the trucks on Aliso Canyon coming from the mine.  Jacki asked that they send an email stating their concerns, since they have a CUP they must comply with their conditions.  Tom suggested we contact the mine even though the trucks are independent contractors.  Another resident brought up the pot holes on Aliso Canyon because of the trucks.  That should fall under Department of Public Works.  Another resident was concerned about the trucks parked at Soledad Canyon Rd and Sierra Hwy.  Another resident asked when Waste Management and Public Works would be at a meeting.  They will be here August 16, 2021.  Resident concerned about the housing project in Agua Dulce near the 14 Freeway and Valley Sage Rd.  The ATCnhas requested the EIR.
  3. Correspondence – Notified by the owner of the property where the trucks park on Soledad Canyon Rd and Sierra Hwy that they want a zone change from AG to M-1.  Right now it appears to be a truck parking and storage hub.  Jacki brought up the line of sight issues.  We have notified Regional Planning and they have the option to place an NOV on the property. An owner of a property in Central Acton was issued an NOV, They have applied for a house building permit.  The ATC extended an invitation to the applicant to attend the September 20th meeting.  The Housing Element Update is being revised by the County.  The ATC will post the revision on our website.   The EIR for the AVL project is out and they are doubling the train trips.  The ATC has requested that Acton be a quiet zone.  We have been told they probably will not happen.  Jacki spoke about the noise impacts and how they are supposed to take our letters and incorporate them into the EIR.  Which they have not done.
  4. Trails/CSD – Jacki spoke about the community trails meeting on Sunday August 1, 2021 at the Community Center.  First we need to address the mapping issues and need the communities help in mapping where they ride.  We need to map all roads in Acton.  All equestrian residents should write Regional Planning about the issues they have with the trails section in our proposed CSD.  The ATC will have bullet points and who to write on our website.
  5. Cannabis – Pam reported that as of two weeks ago Deputy Martinez has verified 42 grow houses between Acton and Agua Dulce.
  6. Election – The ATC has 4 open seats.  Applications will be out August 16th and due back September 17th by 5:00 pm.
  7. Councilmember Comments – Pam is concerned about where we are meeting and asked Chuck Bostwick to ask .  Jacki spoke about mask concerns.
  8. Unfinished/New Business – None
  9. Items for Next Agenda – Public Works, Waste Management, CSD
  10. Adjournment – 8:10 pm
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