Acton Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes, April 3, 2017 Approved

  1. Flag Salute & Roll Call – The meeting was called to order at 7:07 pm by Pam Wolter .  Present at the meeting: Dylan Lunde, Angela Toghia, Jacki Ayer, Pam Wolter and Kelly Teno.  Absent: Larry Layton, Tom Costan, and John Farrar.
  2. Community Comments – It was asked if the ATC has control over the storage lots.  It was explained that we do not but that much of what you see in the storage lots violates county code.  Ruth from Acton Takes Action spoke about what the group is doing to try and get the county to enforce their codes.  The next meeting is April 10th at 7:00 pm at the library. Residents talked about the problem with big rigs parking at night on the shoulder and working on them, leaving their trash.  Why cant we have an ordinance against this.  It was brought up that the 76 Station is a mapped truck stop and they are supposed to pull in.  Deputy Short said he will talk to the CHP.
  3. Minutes of the Last Meeting – Jacki Ayer made a motion to approve the January 30, February 6, 2017, and the February 27, 2017, and she will check her notes for any changes to be made.  Angela Toghia 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.  The minutes of the March 6, 2017 and the March 20, 2017 will be voted on at the next regular meeting.
  4. Treasurer’s report – The checking account balance is $1,374.24 with no transactions.
  5. Sheriff’s Report – There were 32 incidents that resulted in reports.  Deputy Short has spoken with CHP about speeders through Acton and is trying to get more presence.  A Resident spoke about how well Coffee With the Sheriff went and was wondering if it could be done on a weekend or one evening so more people could come.  The sheriff explained that much of the Brass cant come on the weekend, but if the ATC wrote a letter requesting it they might change schedules around.  Donna Termeer offered to send a email and give Jacki a letter writing break.
  6. Library Report – Announced April events and programs.  John announced he will be leaving our library and taking a promotion at Santa Clarita.  He will introduce the new librarian.
  7. Announcements and Correspondences- Announced Waste management dumping days.  Jason Zink asked for the support of the Acton Town Council in his group trying to acquire land adjacent to Vasquez Rocks for preservation.  It was felt that we should wait and talk to Agua Dulce Town Council about their thoughts on the subject.  Jeff Carr from HSR Cultural Resources sent an email asking if we would like to be in on the Cultural Resources portion of the HSR. Will dicuss later in Committee Reports.  SCE would like to come present the changes to the Vincent Sub Station at a ATC meeting.  Donna Tremeer said they will come and be very transparent.  Possibly they can come be on the May agenda.  Reminded everyone of the SGMA meeting at the Community Center on April 18th at 6:30pm.  Draft 7 on the SEA Ordinance is up and available on their website.  This needs to be on the next agenda.  We were contacted by someone who wishes to open an RV Park.  Jacki gave him info on zoning and told him to conyact Mitch Glaser at Regional Planning.
  8. Acton Community Standards Drive Through Prohibition – It was just learned that there may be some opposition to this change in our CSD.  Donna Termeer said she has heard nothing.  It was brought up that we maybe in the situation to make another petition.
  9. High Speed Rail Cultural Resource Planning – Jacki Ayer made a motion to formally request consultation party status on the Cultural Resource Planning effort.  Angela Toghia 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  10. Sustainable Groundwater Management Act – Discussed date of community meeting with DPW on April 18, 2017.
  11. Letter to DRP re: Planting of Oleander in Acton – Jacki Ayer made a motion to write a letter to DRP asking them to prohibit oleander planting for site plan approval in Acton.  Dyan Lunde 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  12. Committee Reports – A. Planning, Coordination, Trails & Open Space – Department of Parks & Rec has made decisions about where trails are in Acton.  Jacki would like to reach out to Parks and Rec to seek a meeting to go over trails.  Jacki Ayer made a motion to seek a meeting with Parks and Recreation to get the Acton trail program started.  Angela Toghia 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.  B. High Speed Rail – Another lawsuit has been filed by the group up north to stop Prop 1A funds to electrify the commuter train tracks in San Francisco.  C. Publicity & Association of Rural Town Councils – Jacki spoke about the Centinial ranch project presentation that was made at the last meeting.  D. Finance Ways & Means – No Report E. By-Laws, Community Standards & Decorum – Ruth reported that our tax exempt status may not be dead in the water.  F. Public Works & Utilities –  Jacki Ayer made a motion to start dialogue with Public Works to set up mechanism to have equestrian use allowed in the County right of way outside of the roadway.  Dylan Lunde 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.  G. Emergency Response & Disaster Planning – None H. Beautification, Illegal Dumping & Perspective –  Calls have been received about dirt dumping at the top of Gillespie on private property.  About 15 to 20 loads.  Someone suggested they may be building an arena.  They would need a grading permit.  The same person who called last month about the dump trucks dumping dirt up Aliso Canyon called again.  Pam will go check it out again, last time she found no dumping.  Someone suggested that the mine is producing more trucks. We need to have callers for dirt dumping to call Regional Planning to see if there is a permit.
  13. Unfinished Business – The letter for Donna Termeer about the approval package is updated and ready for a signature.  In Tom’s absence who would be the next signature.  Since we do not have a Vice President it would be the Secretary.
  14. New Business –  Upcoming Agenda Items: Draft 7 of the SEA Ordinance, SCE Vincent Hill Sub Station, HSR Cultural Resources, Jason Zink seeking approval of land adjacent to Vasquez Rocks
  15. Adjournment – Jacki ayer made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:48pm. Dylan Lunde 2nd the motion. The motion carried.
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