Acton Town Council Special Meeting Minutes October 17, 2016 approved

  1. Flag salute and Roll Call – The Special Meeting of the Acton Town Council was called to order at 7:34pm by President Tom Costan.  Members present at the meeting : Angela Toghia, Jacki Ayer, Katherine Tucker, Tom Costan, Pam Wolter, John Farrar, and Kelly Teno.  After the flag salute Dylan Lunde spoke a few words about his grandfather Everett Lunde.
  2. AADUSD School Board Q&A Candidate Amy Frank – Amy Frank gave her Introduction. She then received questions from the Acton Town Council followed by Questions from the Community.
  3. AADUSD School Board Q&A Candidate Ken Pfalzgraf – Ken Pfalzgraf gave his Introduction.  He then received questions from the Acton Town Council followed by questions from the Community.
  4. Community Comments – Non agenda items only – In a letter to the editor the subject of the storage properties around Acton was brought up. Can we do something about these properties?  The ATC can’t do anything but the County can do a lot but does not act.  The storage units are not following County Code and our CSD’s.  These are by-right uses not a CUP, the ATC sees it when residents see it.  We need to form a committee under Beautification to gather information about every storage site in Acton and then have a dialogue with the County.  Maybe we need to put a letter out in the Country Journal asking for help on the committee from the community.  Ruth Brock wants to help get the committee going.  It was brought up again about speeding on Crown Valley and the accidents at the freeway, there were 2 accidents last Friday Oct. 14th.  Traffic complaints need to go to CHP and maybe we will get more patrol.  CHP has to request that Sheriffs can write traffic tickets.  The ATC will put both these items on our 2017 Vision Plan.
  5. San Gabriel National Monument Collaborative – The ARTC wrote a letter in support of the Collaborative, do we support it? Jacki Ayer made a motion to write a letter for the ATC, seeking protection for the Aliso Arrastre Special Interest Area under the new SGNMC plan.  John Farrar 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.   Jacki Ayer made a motion to provisionally accept the letter from the SGNMC and for the ATC to get changes to her or a thumbs up or thumbs down by Saturday the 22nd and she will get them implemented.  Kelly Teno 2nd the motion.  After discussion the motion carried.
  6. HSR ATC Draft Letter- Everyone needs to read and comment back on HSR letter, it needs to be approved in the next 2 weeks.  Jacki discussed the additional part about forestry and railway.
  7. Primo/Country Club Feed Draft Letter – Tom will sign
  8. Adjournment – 10:50pm  Next scheduled meeting November 7, 2016 @ 7:30 at the Library.
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