Acton Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes November 21, 2016 approved

  1. Flag Salute & Roll Call – The Regular Meeting of the Acton Town Council was called to order at 7:33 pm by President Tom Costan.  Members present at the meeting: Angela Toghia, Jacki Ayer, Katherine Tucker, Tom Costan, Pam Wolter, and Kelly Teno. Absent – John Farrar.
  2. Swearing in of New and Incumbent Members: Daniel Davita from the Supervisors office performed the swearing in of incumbent members Angela Toghia, Jacki Ayer, Katherine Tucker, Tom Costan, and Pam Wolter,  new mwmbers Dylan Lunde, and Larry Layton.  (Two year terms will be held by Jacki Ayer, Katherine Tucker, Tom Costan, and Pam Wolter, One Year Terms will be held by Dylan Lunde, Angela Toghia, Larry Layton, and John Farrar.  Kelly Teno has one year left on her term.).  Daniel took Larry Layton and Dylan Lundes contact information for the Supervisors office.
  3. Council Officer Elections – Interm President named Jacki Ayer, Katherine Tucker, and Kelly Teno as the nominating committee.  The committee made the following officer recommendations.  President – Tom Costan, Vice President – Katherine Tucker, Recording Secretary – Kelly Teno, Corresponding Secretary – Jacki Ayer, Treasurer – Pam Wolter. After a silent vote counted by a community member the recommendations were accepted.
  4. Community Comments- comments allowed on non agenda items only- A community member brought up the access issue saying it is a civil matter.  He spoke with Regional Planning and conveyed that the clock is ticking and we are watching you.  An email statement to Tom from Edel Viscarro  was shared.  Community member Ruth Brock volunteered to head the industrial task force.  The name will be Acton Takes Action and the email is [email protected].  She would like to have a committee of about 10 people and then schedule a meeting.  Other community comments people are fed up , how does storage not follow the same stringent rules like Primo Burger. It was explained that the are a by right use.  Regional Planning is not implementing their own code. Fences are supposed to be block wall or equivalent.  Planner said old planner thought chain link with slats were okay  so that’s what she approves.   Another comment, it is so hard to build your home but they can store trash, our property values are down but our taxes went up.  The yards in downtown Acton were brought up and the sheriff said they are on the NAT team agenda, but there is a legal process and he can apply for an extension.   It can take up to a year to get to a judge.  The task force as a courtesy will contact industrial sites and ask them to do the proper landscaping, clean-up before they go to the County.. The committee needs to address all storage units.
  5. Minutes of the last meeting – Pam Wolter made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 17, 2016 and November 7, 2016 meeting, Angela Toghia 2nd the motion, the motion carried.
  6. Announcements and Correspondences – Tom Costan announced that ATC member Pam Wolter was named Acton Womens Club Woman of the Year.  The Board of Supervisors updated all their codes  which upped the fire fees.   The Acton Town Council was invited to be in the Palmdale Christmas Parade on Saturday December 10, 2016.  The access ordinance has been taken off the calender for January.
  7. Access Ordinance – Jacki reported that she met with Mitch Glaser and Gary Fountain and gave them examples of Acton parcels that are landlocked because of the County.  Another that the access would be over a flood plain which would never meet fire code.  Talked about how Riverside County handles their access and it would unlock most of the AV.  Mitch asked what would happen if they went forward with only new development.  Jacki said they still cant build over a flood plain.  There was lots of concern about easements and saying it belongs in the courts.  The Fire Department big concern is all weather access.  The Fire Department needs to define what is an all weather road material and Fire Department in Acton needs to have trucks that can go on our roads instead of us changing for them.  It was brought up to talk to the firemen who drive in Acton and find out where their issues are.  Jacki Ayer made a motion for the ATC and resident Stephen Brock to have a meeting with Station 80 about which areas are not accessible and what type of equipment would be better.  Pam Wolter 2nd the motion, the motion carried.   Jacki Ayer made a motion to write a letter to the Regional PLanning Commission and cc: BOS, Edel Vizcarro, Dean Edward, Mitch Glaser, and Gary Fountain, addressing concerns with the access ordinance and to have it remain as status quo and the fire department is too burdensome and renders properties valueless.  Pam Wolter 2nd the motion, the motion carried.
  8. Primo/Country Club Feed Parcel Split – The BOS adopted the CUP findings and at the same time they were working on the CUP they were working on a parcel split.  Questions asked included: Will their CUP still be valid.  Shouldn’t split have been done at the same time as the CUP and does this trigger a new one.  Who owns the CUP after the split?  They have made each project smaller under CEQA  What was presented to the community is now very different.  Can we ask to be notified by Regional Planning when it comes up.  Pam Wolter made a motion to get a meeting with County Counsel, Kathryn Barger, and Edel Vizcarro to talk about the split and the implications to the CUP.  Jacki Ayer 2nd the motion.  The motion carried with one dissent from Larry Layton.  Tom will make the phone call.
  9. Committee Reports – Planning, Coordination, Trails & Open Space – No Report; High Speed Rail – Pam reported that last Friday November 18, 2016 there was an article in the AV Press about the rail station planned in Palmdale.  Planning 12 tracks through the station.  There is a public workshop[ planned for November 29, 2016 6:30-8:30pm at the Chimbola Cultural Center.  We should hear about the preferred route in the next month and half.  Publicity & Association of Rural Town Councils – No Report;  Finance Ways & Means – No Report;  By-Laws – No Report;  Public Works & Utilities – No Report;  Emergency Response & Disaster Planning – Tom reported that he will work on getting this going with Agua Dulce Town Council after the 1st of the year.;  Beautification, Illegal Dumping and Perspective – Need to look at Zoning Code 22.52.940 to find real estate sign specs.  We need to ask Oscar to define what is a temporary sign.
  10. Unfinished Business – Resident Russ Fawkes asked for our support and a letter requesting for rent control on the Acton Mobile Home Park. This matter has never been on the agenda and the ATC needs community input before we could write a letter.  If the people are concerned about this they should come forward ans ask that this be put on the agenda. There was discussion about the proposed AT&T towers.  Jacki Ayer made a motion to write a letter to the developer to talk to adjacent neighbors in the vicinity and get back to the ATC.  Kelly Teno 2nd the motion. The motion carried. 
  11. New Business – It was decided to move the time of the Acton Town Council Meeting from 7:30 to 7:00 pm
  12. Meeting Adjourned at 10:45 pm  Next Scheduled Meeting December 5, 2016 @ 7:00 pm at the Library


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