Acton Town Council Meeting Minutes October 15, 2018 Approved

  1.  Call to Order, Flag salute & Roll Call – The meeting was called to order by President Tom Costan at 7:00 pm.  Present at the meeting: Tom Costan, Ruth Brock, Jeremiah Owen, Jacki Ayer, Dylan Lunde and Pam Wolter. Absent : Rob Peters and Kelly Teno  Standards of Decorum read by Ruth Brock.
  2. Community Comments – None
  3. Minutes of the Last Meeting – Tabled until Kelly Teno returns.
  4. Announcements and Correspondence – 1. Resident who spoke about dirt bike riding in the river/wash also emailed the ATC.  Sgt Dillard – new deputy on board.  Six citations were given over the past weekend.  2.  Jeff Holland – road side trash and sent email to ATC and Illegal Dumping Task Force.  Agendize for next meeting – fast food restaurants to do their own clean up.  Public Works will come do the clean up.
  5. Council members Comments – Proposed new gas station is a freeway serving business.  Safe Routes to Schools has heard nothing new from Sacramento.  Jacki reviewed the traffic studies – no urban traffic signals.  Suggested to the community to read the CSD’s and AV General Plan.
  6. Palmdale Sheriff Department visit – Suggested at the meeting to move forward ASAP with the Sub Station. Brady Watt has offered the space in Santiago Square.  Jacki Ayer made a motion to contact PSS specifically to contact Captain Kneer and Deputy Soffa and as well us.  Ruth Brock 2nd the motion.  Motion carried.  Ervin Turner a new resident wants to join the meeting at the County Sheriff’s Department.  Tom Costan to contact Deputy Soffa and Capt. Kneer.
  7. Discussion on proposed Crown Valley Developments – 4.28 acres in size – gas station and market proposed – SW corner of Antelope Woods and Crown Valley Road – site plans and rendering from developer on the ATC website.  There will be 170 cars per gas pump daily, 20 pumps – We need a traffic study – a variance will be needed for the 30foot sign. 7000 square foot market proposed – they also may want a liquor license.   Public comments can be made to the ATC or the County.  Jacki Ayer made a motion to write a letter to Supervisor Barger regarding liquor license, CUP, traffic, and signs.  Jeremiah Owen 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.  Jacki will draft the letter.
  8. SEA Ordinance The County promised workshop is Monday October 29, 2018 from 1-3pm at the library.  SEA maps available online.
  9. Filming Standards – Ruth gave a report on the film standards from LA County – Gary Smith CEO – county is re-working their standards.  In the final draft our suggestions were not included.  will become an ordinance soon.  1600 permits issued in our area for the past year.  Thresholds need to be established.  Jacki Ayer made a motion to schedule another committee meeting soon.  Ruth Brock 2nd the motion.  Motion carried.  
  10. Illegal Dumping/Illegal Grading – Notice of public meeting Saturday October 27, 2018 10-12 pm at 335 A East Ave K-6,  55 locations have been identified by the county.  NOV’s have been issued,  Residents were encouraged to attend public meeting.  Several Hubbard Road residents were present at the ATC meeting tonight.          Brief discussion about cargo containers – encouraged residents to give their comments
  11. Unfinished/New Business –  CSD meeting – Tuesday October 16, 2018 – 10:30 am at Perkin Up
  12. Items for Next Agenda – None
  13. Adjournment – 10:15 PM

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