Acton Town Council Meeting Minutes April 15, 2024 Approved

  1. Call to Order, Flag Salute & Roll Call –  The meeting was called to order at 6:32 pm by President Jeremiah Owen.  Present at the meeting – Jeremiah Owen, Pam Wolter, Jacki Ayer, June Perkins and Kelly Teno.
  2. Community Comments –  A resident thanked the Librarian, Jim Wall for the good job he did at the library for the eclipse.  A resident raised concern about the slide that is broken at the park.  The ATC spoke about the Friends of Acton Park disbanding and the need for a new group.
  3. Announcements & Correspondence –  Announcements included County free disposal days. Please see flyers on our website for dates.  Events happening in the Antelope Valley include – the 25th annual Fire Service Day at Fire Station 129, a comprehensive mobile cancer screening van will now service the AV through the City of Hope, the Parks After Dark program is starting up again, no events are scheduled for Acton.  Flyers for all events can be found on the ATC website.  The ATC received an email from a resident asking if ADU’s are allowed in Acton.  We received confirmation from the Department of Regional Planning that ADU’s are allowed but the ordinance is being revised and may become stricter. If a complete site plan is submitted before the new ordinance goes into effect and is approved, you will have 2 years to pull a building permit (after the two years a one year extension can be applied for).
  4. Representative Update – None
  5. Library Report –  Events for the month and programs were announced.  They can all be found on the LA County Library website.  You can check out a State Park Pass at the library.
  6. Sheriff’s Report – In March there were 330 calls for service.  These calls resulted in 4 Part1 crimes and 4 Property crimes.
  7. Historic Acton Presentation –  The LA County Department of Regional Planning is preparing an Acton Historic Resource Survey, which came about due to a motion by the Board of Supervisors.  The County contracted with Sapphos to complete this process.  The survey is intended to document historical activities, buildings, and architecture.  It is intended to be used by individual property owners and the County in the evaluation of eligibility to qualify as a historic resource.  The timeline to complete this process: April 15 – Community walk-thru (ATC members went with to show them around).  Week of April 22 – Reconnaissance Survey is conducted.  August 8 – (tentative) Draft available for public review.  August 29 – (tentative) Public workshop to present draft HCS/CWS.  November 1 – Draft presented to Historical Landmarks and Records Commision (HLRC) for feedback.  November 22 – Finalize HCS/CWS.  After this process is complete property owners would make the decision to pursue being named an Historic Resource.
  8. RPPL20223002887 – John Merritt, Empire Media Group – A presentation was given on the CUP renewal for this cell tower site.  The address is 4718 Sierra Highway and Verizon is the current group on the cell tower.  They are considering fence updates and a color change to the tower.  The existing tower is 100 feet tall and according to the new Wireless Ordinance in the M1 zone the allowance is 75 feet.  They showed the coverage map for 100 feet and will send the coverage map for 75 feet.  Questions that were asked included: Could more than one group occupy the tower and the answer was yes but it would be unlikely.  Do they have backup in case of PSPS? Yes, they have battery backup that will last 6 to 8 hours and then a diesel generator that can run as long as needed.
  9. Overconcentration Issues – This is becoming a big issue for Acton.  Supervisor Barger has asked the Department of Regional Planning to look into the BESS and overconcentration issues.  They really ignored the over concentration in Acton because they stated that most were in Palmdale even though they are in our mapped boundary.  The ATC also wants to talk about the 2 proposed RV Parks  which could potentially with that and all of our existing RV Parks bring in more people than we have residents.  They are not local serving,  and bring no employment opportunities.  More new storage facilities are being proposed with the same outcome.  Jacki Ayer made a motion to start a dialog with the Department of Regional Planning on our over concentration issues.  Pam Wolter 2nd.  The motion carried.  The ATC will request a meeting to ask the best pathway to take on this issue.
  10. BESS Update –  The update included reporting about the Lummin Report sent out by Katie Lampul of Regional Planning.  The report talks about legitimate safety concerns.  Mark Herwick and Katie Lampul from Regional Planning are working on the BESS Ordinance, so it is great to know they are concerned with safety issues.  The ATC received response from the Fire Department stating that they have not found any documents to support the comments that Chief Marrone made on December n19, 2023 regarding how County will not use water to put out BESS fires and how there have been only 3 BESS fires that have happened.
  11. Officer Selection –  Jacki Ayer made a motion that the ATC goes forward with the same ATC officers and if necessary we can re-visit this if the vacant ATC seats are filled.  Pam Wolter 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  12. Minutes – Jacki Ayer made amotion to accept all the minutes pending except April 1, 2024 with changes.  June Perkins 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  13. Councilmembers Comments – None
  14. Committee Reports – The following committees had reports – Community Standards/Decorum – We need to get the committee back together to discuss re-scheduling with Mark Herwick to discuss the Acton CSD and the need for a CUP for outdoor storage and other items.  Beautification/Illegal Dumping – There has been a lot of dumping of construction debris.  The committee is having a large Spring Cleanup on May 3rd, 4th, and 5th.  Waste Management is providing 2 40 yard bins and will pick them up.
  15. Unfinished/New Business –  The ADU Ordinance revisions are going before the BOS.  Jacki Ayer made a motion to write a letter expressing the ATC concerns about access points, County Road Standards and set backs.  Pam Wolter 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  16. Items for Next Agenda –  ADU, CAP letter, John Merrit cell tower, and BESS
  17. Adjournment – 9:58pm
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