Acton Town Council Meeting Minutes, April 1, 2024 Approved

  1. Call to Order, Flag Salute, & Roll Call –  The meeting was called to order at 6:32 pm by President Jeremiah Owen.  Present at the meeting Jeremiah Owen, Jacki Ayer, June Perkins, Pam Wolter, and Kelly Teno.
  2. Community Comments –  A resident spoke about owning property on the corner of Sunrise and Old Sierra Highway.  They are planning a Mini Storage Facility along with RV and boat storage.  DPW had advised them to come intrduce themselves to the ATC and requesting to present their project at a future meeting.  It was explained to them that once they had plans and they are ready to go to the County send them to us so they can be posted on the ATC website so the community may make comments on them.  We ask for public comment to be 30 days before the plans are presented at an ATC meeting..  A resident spoke about a social media post that spoke about a dog fighting ring.  It was speculated that this may be where all the dead dogs that the Illegal dumping Task Force is finding.
  3. Announcements and Correspondence- Jacki announced upcoming free disposal day for the County.  See flyers posted on our website.  County services available to residents and schools were announced.  See the flyers posted on our website.  Department of Regional Planning  will give a special presentation at the April 15th ATC meeting.  The presentation is on a report that is being prepared pertaining to Acton historical resources.  The following County meetings and Board hearings were announced – April 29th, the Water Resiliency Summit will be held at Public Works Headquarters, Jacki will represent the ATC.  The Board will hear the Climate Action Plan on April 16, the ATC comment letter will be completed by the end of the week.  The ATC received several emails pertaining to development of single family homes on existing lots.
  4. Representative Update –  Carlo Basail from Assemblyman Lackeys office reported that the legislature is starting off committees.  The Assemblyman is involved with criminal Assembly bills, AB2730 and AB3083.  Mr Basail was asked if the Assemblyman would write a letter in support of Acton on the BESS and the many safety issues.  He requested that an email was sent asking for what is wanted so that it is in writing.
  5. Library Report –  Events and programs were announced
  6. Sheriff’s Report – March 2024 there were 330 calls for service.  Deputy Martinez did not have any specific crime stats.
  7. Zoom Continuation –  After discussion which included the costs and not having a ATC member to run it every meeting the decision was made to discontinue Zoom.  We may bring it back at a later date.  Right now we will try and find something to use that we will be able to have invited people on such as the sheriff, County Representatives, and other representatives and have no costs.
  8. ADU Ordinance –  On April @4, 2024 the board of Supervisors on the new ADU Ordinance.  Jacki Ayer spoke about the past history of the ADU Ordinance.  It was asked if all ATC members could review the ordinance and we will take a position next meeting.
  9. SB 1359 –  This illegal dumping bill was introduced by State Senator Scott Wilk to close a loophole on illegal dumping on private property.  The question is should the ATC support SB 1359?  Deputy Martinez spoke about some of the issues the Sherrif’s Department has with the bill.  Deputy Martinez was asked if there was anything the ATC could ask the senator to make things better for the Sheriff’s Department.  He stated that enforcement from the DA for residents of illegal dumping.  Jacki Ayer made a motion to write a letter of support for SB 1359.  Pam Wolter 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  10. BESS Update –  An update was given on the ATC comment letter to the CEC.  Acton Takes Action gave an update on clean energy and reported about all the quality issues associated with the BESS,  batteries,  containers ,fire suppressant systems and all the systems associated with BESS.  Not one system is free of glitches and problems and when the there is a problem with one aspect with the BESS the whole will fail.
  11. Mulch –  The issues with dirty mulch was brought up at a ARTC meeting.  The mulch that is being generated has lots of trash in it.  State standards for mulch are not great and need to be re-evaluated.  The questions is can we ask the County level to make more stringent standards for cleaner mulch and change the definition of clean mulch.
  12. Minutes – The ATC members will be prepared to vote on all past minutes at the next meeting.
  13. Councilmembers Comments –  June Perkins spoke about the Board of Forestry April meeting and no stop for the shuttle in Agua Dulce except by request.  Jeremiah Owen reported the Registered Agent has been taken care of.  According to our AV Bank account ,the ATC physical address is Pam Wolters address.
  14. Committee Reports – The following committees had reports – Education Committee – Jacki Ayer volunteered to go to the next School Board meeting to speak about Microgrids.  Trails, Open Space, and Recreation – The next Trails meeting is April 18 at 3pm. Bring up Primetime Storage.  We need to bring up the Parcel Map.  Utilties – The ATC has asked the Tree People to help get funding for a water project.  Bylaws – Jeremiah will get the pdf file from Tom Costan to be able to make changes without rewriting complete bylaws.  Beautification/ Illegal Dumping – Trash bags were reported on Sierra Highway near Crown Valley Church.  Film Coalition – It has been observed that there has been an increase in filming permits.  High Speed Rail – We are still waiting on the EIR.
  15. Unfinished/New Business – Emails are going back and forth for Primetime Storage with the County and road right of way.
  16. Items for Next Agenda –  Officer Elections, BESS, ADU, Concentration Implications, DPW Road Maintenance for May.
  17. Adjournment –  9:06pm
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