Acton Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes August 20, 2018 Approved

1, Call to Order, Flag Salute, Roll Call – The meeting was called to order at 7:05pm by President Tom Costan.  Present at the meeting – Pam Wolter, Jacki Ayer, Jeremiah Owen, Tom Costan, Ruth Brock, Rob Peters, and Kelly Teno.  Absent – Dylan Lunde.

2. Community Comments – A resident asked if anyone had heard about the replacement for the offroad sheriff Jeff Acton.  Nobody had.

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting – Rob Peters made a motion to accept the minutes from August 6, 2018 with the one typo correction.  Jeremiah Owen 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.

4.Announcements and Correspondence – We received a card in the mail about the renewal of the CUP for the Acton Country Mobile Home Park.  Pam will take a picture of the card and send it to us.  Jacki responded to an email asking about how to get permission to use a dirt lot on Angeles Forest Highway for a private garage sale.  Jeremiah responded to a call from a resident asking how to get a cell tower near Thousand Trails.  His suggestion was to come to a meeting.  Tom will respond to an email received from AT&T, Vance Pomeroy about notices and if we had received any input.  We have received none.  Ruth gave the renewal to the LLC mailbox to Pam.  Spoke about the request from Carmen Mackey (Fire Department).  Tom spoke with her and Don Henry, he felt it would be great to be at the Agua Dulce Country Fair.  Tom sent the info to her.  There was correspondence that SCE wants to work with our Emergency Committee.  Rob will follow up on that.

5.  Councilmembers Comments – Tom announced that he signed up to run for the School Board.  He felt some group should run a Forum to meet the people running.

6,  SEA Ordinance – Iris Chi will get back to us for dates for a workshop.  We do not know the exact date that comments are due.  Tom will ask.  Jacki spoke a little about the SEA background and then about the new changes. They are omitting parcels in the Angeles Forest, Acton has about 60 parcels that are affected.  It makes no sense because the parcels are not in the waterways and not in a wildlife corridor.  Jacki sent this info and asked for an explanation from Iris Chi and has not received anything.  There was more discussion about the boundaries and that they were dictated by biological reasons.  Donna Termeer was asked why we can’t use the CSD to state our exemption, then every community can be as strict as they want.  Could be used as a mechanism to control the use.

7.  Film Standards – Ruth spoke about film requirements and that the committee will be meeting  August 22nd, 9am at Perkin Up, to discuss proposed thresholds.  They will then bring them back to the ATC.  Special meeting set for August 29th, 7pm at the Library. Discussed the recent social media and the negatives about the ATC and filming.  The ATC is not against filming, we want to protect our residents.  Jacki spoke about the emails about the chemical that was supposed to be released on a film shoot.  The company has now come out and said they will not release it but keep it in a bucket.

8.  Illegal Dumping/Illegal Grading –  Residents from Peaceful Valley came to speak about the illegal dumping going on in their valley.  The residents were very frustrated and unaware of all that is being done by the ATC and the County to stop this activity in Acton.  Jacki spoke to them about wanting to have a public workshop to help residents know how to report illegal dumping.  We discussed the meeting the ATC had downtown with the County’s task force put together by the Board of Supervisors.  Jacki spoke about ways to mitigate the waste from the cities that are producing it through construction.  In the meeting with the County we spoke about putting axle and weight limits on trucks on certain roads to help with the problem.  The ATC was asked to provide the roads.  We  would need to make sure that trucks that were there for legal activities were allowed on the roads.  Jacki made a motion to include the following roads on the list to DPW to restrict weight and number of axles with provisions to allow for water haulers, hay trucks and local traffic.  The roads are: Forrest View Road, Hubbard Road, Red Rover Mine Road, Shannon Valley, Soledad Canyon Road west of Arrastre Canyon Road, Crown Valley north of Sourdough, Escondido Canyon Road, Sierra Highway west of Red Rover Mine Road.  Ruth Brock 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.  

9. KOA CUP –  They are in violation of their old 2006 CUP and site plan.  Campgrounds are under State jurisdiction and Jacki is looking into the grading they are doing.  Concerns:  We have heard from residents about the dirt fill.  Jacki spoke about them coming to the ATC meeting to present their new plans in their upcoming plans for a CUP renewal.  Question raised, is the County aware that are doing the things in their new CUP before it is granted.  The ATC would like to get the original site plan and new CUP application.

10.  Traffic Safety –  Ruth reported that the County has agreed to the need for a 4way stop at Crown Valley and Syracuse. It just needs to get approved by the Board of Supervisors.  Jacki requested that we ask for the Crown Valley speed limit evaluation be done after the stop signs have been put in because it will change what they determine.  Jacki will help Ruth write it up.  They will do the study at Sierra Highway and Red Rover Mine Road after school is in session.  The school zone needs to be extended to 1000 feet on either side of the school.

11.  Unfinished/New Business – Spoke about the election and getting the applications out.

12.  Items for the Next Agenda – KOA CUP

13. Adjournment – 9:45pm


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