Acton Town Council Meeting Minutes, July 1, 2019, Approved

  1.  Call to Order, Flag Salute & Roll Call – The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by President Jeremiah Owen.  Present at the meeting: Pam Wolter, Jacki Ayer, Jeremiah Owen, Tom Costan, and Kelly Teno.  Absent: Dylan Lunde
  2. Community Comments – None
  3. Minutes of the Last Meeting(s) – Tom Costan made a motion to accept the minutes of the May and June meetings.  Kelly teno 2nd the motion. The motion carried.
  4. Treasurer Report – No changes
  5. Sheriff’s Report – 10 total reports taken in Acton for June
  6. Library Report – The July events were announced.  There is a new online tutoring tool that can be accessed through the library website under homework or learning section.  The tutoring tool is called Brain Fuse.
  7. Thousand Trails CUP – We learned through planner Ramon Cordova that Thousand Trails is close to being ready for a hearing on their CUP.  Mr Cordova said the all that was missing is a letter from the ATC.  To which we replied that was because the project has not been presented to us.  Concerns were discussed about TTrails  which included the following: 1. Bright new LED lights. 2. Acton residents have asked for no access from Bootlegger Canyon Road.  3. Not supposed to be using a PA System.  4. Not supposed to be having large gatherings.  5.  People living there.  6. CUP states Members Only and they are open to the public.  7.  The EIR from 1981 states that the development is private, so there is no concern for contaminating river during Winter months, which is the rainy season.  The concern is that now they have people living there, it presents a problem for river contamination.  This could cause problems for Acton/Agua Dulce.  We would like to hear from residents how they feel before we proceed with a letter.  Tom Costan made a motion to seek a meeting with the County, including the planner, to discuss concerns with Thousand Trails CUP.  Pam Wolter 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  8. Compliance Concerns with Commercial Development in the Crown Valley/Sierra Highway Area. – Two items have recently come to our attention.  1. The new Arco sign – We have been told that they would not approve anything without letting us know.  The new Arco sign has been approved and does not comply with the code.  Tina Carlon will take this up with the CEO but the plan has already been approved.  County is not complying with the sunset provision on signs.  2.  The other issue is the letter we wrote with concerns over the establishments with drive throughs that would need to get CUP’s for their drive throughs within 5 years of the adoption of the AV Area Plan.  In the response letter back the ATC felt that the County thought we wanted to get rid of the existing drive throughs which is not true, we wanted to make sure they were not denied and that the establishments were aware they must obtain a CUP before it was too late.  We should clarify our position on both these issues.  If we don’t speak up on the ARCO sign now we wont be able to speak up on other signs later.  Kelly Teno made a motion to write a letter stating our issues with the ARCO sign not complying with the Acton CSD.  Pam Wolter 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  9. Drive Through CSD Revision Hearing –  The revision to the Acton CSD, defining a new drive through is going before Regional Planning on July 17, 2019.  Concerns were discussed.  Jacki Ayer made a motion to respond to the staff report when it comes out.  If they identify as a Primo Burger make sure we clarify that it is not how the approved plan calls it out.  Jeremiah Owen 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  10. Speed limit Law – We received correspondence that the State is going to look at how they establish speed limits and make changes.  The State is asking for county level input.  Chuck Bostwick has asked for our suggestions.  We discussed more local control and we support this and look forward to hearing the ideas and working with you for our community.  Jacki Ayer made a motion to write a letter of support and loop us in at the beginning so we can provide input and have some local control on speed limits.  Tom Costan 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  11.  Announcements and Correspondence – There was no mail in the PO box.  There was an email from Shelter Partners about them addressing homelessness.  Jacki screen shot a survey and we can fill it out at the next meeting.  Jacki and Pam met with them and spoke about homelessness in our area.  Jacki went to a Clean Power Alliance meeting workshop.  She expressed wanting them to come out and do local generation of clean power. An example would be solar at our schools and not large solar fields throughout the AV.  Most everyone at the table agreed to wanting local distribution and reaching out to residents.  Gary Gero, Kristen Pawling, and Rita Kampalath from the County Sustainability office came out to speak to us about our concerns with the plan for Acton.  They agreed to take our concerns back and work to make the plan work better for us and to be clear in their intention.  We were informed that the Sustainability Plan is now and agenda item on the Superintendent Report for the school board.  The ATC wants to pose the question whether sustainability can be part of the CSD.  Flyer from Assemblyman Lackey about a Womens Self Defense Workshop  and one about a Wildfire Townhall being put on by Lackey, Senator Scott Wilk, and Supervisor Kathryn Barger.  We received a request from a solar company to come and talk at a meeting.  Would he be willing to come speak about solar technology and not be there to just sell his company.  Maybe invite him to come before the meeting and let the community know.
  12.  Councilmember Comments – Pam is continuing to work on non complying real estate signs.  She will contact the road department and report the signs to close to the roadway and blocking line of sight.
  13.  Committee Reports –  The following committees had reports: ARTC – The county was present speaking about the plans for housing for homeless.  They commented that their plans were county wide, but it is not because 95% of the areas called out are in the AV.  We might want to take a position and look at this in August.  They are looking for feedback on Temporary housing such as parking cars in church parking lots and turning campgrounds by taking away the 90 day turn around.  We commented that it might be temporary housing for the residents but it is permanent for the facility.  We should invite Connie Chung to come speak at an ATC meeting in August.  There is a proposed State Law that homeowners will be responsible for the mulch delivered to their property.  The receiver must get the mulch inspected and if it is contaminated they must pay to dispose of it even if the provider gave them a clean mulch report.  This could become an issue.  Film Coalition – Spoke about the email trail on filming.  We need to push the meeting with Chris Perry until August.
  14.  Unfinished/New Business – We received an application for the empty ATC seat from resident Troy Pieper.  He has been coming to ATC meetings and joining in for the last few months.  He has also been to multiple ATC committee meetings and is willing to work.  Tom Costan made a motion to appoint Troy Pieper to the Acton Town Council to fill one of the vacant seats.  Pam Wolter 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.  Troy took a seat at the table.
  15.  Items for the Next Agenda – position on Thousand Trails, Drive Through position.
  16.  Adjournment – 10:09pm

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