Acton Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes September 19, 2016 Approved

  1. Flag salute & Roll Call –  The regular meeting of the Acton Town council was called to order at 7:33 pm by President Tom Costan.  Members present at the meeting: Angela Toghia, Jacki Ayer, Tom Costan, Pam Wolter, John Farrar, and Kelly Teno.  Absent: Katherine Tucker.
  2. Community Comments – Ken Phalzgraph talked about his candidacy for school board, he announced that he will have his campaign signs down quickly after the election.  It was suggested that the ATC run a Candidate Forum for the community to get to know those who are running for the position.  It was also suggested that maybe the ATC and Acton Womens Club join forces.
  3. Minutes of the Last Meeting:  There were three sentence additions to the minutes.  Jacki Ayer made a motion to approve the minutes as corrected, Angela Toghia 2nd, the motion carried.
  4. Treasurer’s Report – Checking account balance – $1,813.27, Receipts – $0.00, Expenses – $201.00
  5. Sheriff’s Report – None
  6. Library Report –  Librarian announced that the library is losing their childrens librarian to another library.  Upcoming workshops and events were announced.  New art work will be up September 22nd.
  7. Announcements and Correspondences –  A letter was received from Don Henry of the Agua Dulce Town Council, requesting we join together for waste disposal options and get the County involved.  We received emails from Acton resident John Pappas about wanting to put up 6 new cell sites in Acton.  Tom will follow up with him this week to get more information.  Agua Dulce Town Council has asked the ATC to join forces together on the Resiliency Committee.
  8. Title 10- Animal Facilities Update – The requested line strike out happened before Title 10 went before the Board of Supervisors.  Animal Facilities have to comply with noise just like resident with an animal.  Agua Dulce Town Council set up a meeting with the County and invited Acton Town Council.  We are seeking clarifications on Title 10 and Title 22.
  9. Election Committee Report – The candidates for the Acton Town Council were announced.  There are 8 candidates for 8 seats.  Kelly Teno made a motion to waive the election and to seat the 8 candidates after the November 8, 2016 election date, which would be Monday November 21, 2016.  Jacki Ayer 2nd the motion, motion carried.  Candidate filing fee checks were given to the Treasurer.  New to the Acton Town Council will be Larry Layton and Dylan Lunde, they both introduced themselves and told why they wanted to join the council.
  10. 2016-2017 Vision Plan – Tabled.
  11. State Legislature Hauled Water Prohibition – State Bill # 1263 came on the heels of the County’s Hauled Water Ordinance.  The Sate adopted a statute that no building permits will be issued if hauled water is any source of water. This Bill kills the Hauled Water Ordinance.  Everyone was asked to write the Govenor asking him to use his one line veto to get rid of the one line about hauled water.  An resident realtor asked if she could be kept in our discussions, she has clients who are affected by the Hauled water Ordinance and also the water yield requirements.  She is part of another county water group and would like some talking points.  Jacki Ayer the chair of the Hauled Water Ordinance Committee will help to give her talking points. At the Agua Dulce Town Council meeting Scott Wilk said this takes away 115 years of water rights and property owners rights to use their property.
  12. Access Ordinance – The Access Ordinance can be looked up on the LA County Regional Planning website.  This will be applicable to any property improvement that requires a permit.  Under the ordinance the property owner would have to show physical access to a dedicated county road, it has to be established through a surveyor and has to have an engineer stamp it.  A resident brought up why don’t they just worry about the individual properties and not all properties. There will be a meeting with the County on November 5th at the Library.
  13. San Gabriel Mountains National Monument, Environmental Assessment Comments – It was required that the plan be finished within 3 years of the proclamation.  The Environmental Assessment is out now.  It is important for the plan to contain the following provisions: any transportation projects in the monument don’t affect surrounding areas or communities.  Communities can not provide services.  Make sure any projects like the HSR in the boundaries are looked at by the Forestry.  Condition the HSR to be below ground at the boundary, to protect the resources in the boundary not outside the boundary.  Comment period ends the first part of October.  Jacki Ayer made a motion hat the Acton Town Council write a letter stating that objects in the proclamation need to be protected with standards in the new monument plan.  John Farrar 2nd the motion, motion carried.  Jacki will bring the letter to the October 3rd meeting.
  14. Committee Reports: Planning, Coordination, Trails & Open Space –  None  High Speed Rail – The Coalition Against the HSR had a get together with Allen_____ from the group fighting HSR in Northern CA.  HSR is being worked on from Merced to Bakersfield but is stopping 19 miles out of Bakersfield in an Almond Orchard ???  He brought great ideas on how to work on the DEIR and said we should get started and could use their comments from up north as a guideline because our DEIR should look similar.  Mary Johnson and Agua Dulce Town Council member thought a great way to get people together is to work through animal facilities.  HSR came and did a community presentation on Saturday September 24th at the Junior High.  Not much new information.  The noise engineer did agree to the fact that no one has built a steel wheel electric train over 200 miles per hour. So noise predictions are just theoretical.  The community needs to do another round of comments.   They do not have any thresholds for noise and wild animals.  We need to attack their averaging method and not do peak hours.  Juan Carlos a HSR engineer has agreed to come out and talk about Shambala and other animal facilities and what makes our community unique.  Publicity & Assoc. of Rural Town Councils – John has been doing research on the Williamson Act, our county is still not involved but he stirred some interest.  He started his new installment of The Acton Town Council and You and would like feed back on his letter.  Tom will write a Mission statement for the ATC.  Finance Ways & Means – None  By-Laws, Community Standards & Decorum – Suggested to put a committee together in January.   Public Works & Utilities – None  Emergency Response & Disaster Planning – Tom will answer letters and work on planning this week.   Beautification, Illegal Dumping & Perspective – None
  15. Unfinished Business – John Farrar made a motion for the Acton Town Council to write a letter of reconsideration to the Board of Supervisors outlining concerns and addressing facts that were misunderstood about the Country Club Feed / Primo Burger Project.  Pam Wolter 2nd the motion. The motion carried.  Acton resident Kathleen Trinity asked that the following be brought to the next Animal Facilities meeting ; people want to see a CUP or CUP like for animal facilities, density of 1 square mile, and keep them out of established neighborhoods.  She was asked to provide us with her definition of established neighborhoods.
  16. New Business – A resident student came to speak about a program she is involved with and would like to get started for students in Acton.  It is Golden Valley High School Student Safe Rides.  Students get teens home safely.  They are insured through the Boy Scouts of America.  They have adult volunteers and student drivers.  She was asking for adults in Acton who would like to help get this started, they need the adult group before the teen group.  A suggestion was made for her to go and talk to the School Board.
  17. Meeting adjourned at 10:51pm, Next scheduled meeting October 3, 2016 @ 7:30pm at the Library.
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One Comment:

  1. 13303 sierra hwy
    Santa clarita, ca 91390

    This houses needs to be reported. They have two horses with no proper housing for rain or heat. Water access for the horses is a bucket of water. They also have three dogs that are left outside. One eaten by a coyote already. They also have around 20 junk cars.


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