Acton Town Council Meeting Minutes September 17, 2018 Approved

  1. Call to Order, Flag Salute & Roll Call – The meeting was called to order by President Tom Costan at 7:02 pm.  Present at the meeting – Rob Peters, Pam Wolter, Tom Costan, Jacki Ayer, and Kelly Teno.  Absent – Ruth Brock, Jeremiah Owen, and Dylan Lunde.
  2. Community Comments – A resident commented on the Sheriff Department leadership and them not getting the support they need, along with not enough presence in Acton.  They felt we should schedule a meeting with Commander Kneer to talk over resident concerns.  We will put this on an upcoming agenda to discuss in detail.  Another resident commented on the illegal dumping and his concerns for truck restrictions on certain roads.  He is a dump truck driver and does legitimate dirt, gravel hauling and feels that it would be restrictive to legitimate truck owners.  He spoke about using the penal code for illegal dumpers.  The ATC spoke about where the idea for the restrictions came from in our meeting with the County Task Force for illegal dumping.  Jacki spoke about the County wanting to do a workshop in town to help people understand how to report and what their actions have been.
  3. Minutes of the Last Meeting – Jacki made a motion to approve the minutes of the August 20, 2018 as written.  Rob Peters 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.  The August 29, 2018 Special Meeting Minutes were tabled
  4. Announcements and Correspondence – An email was read about the HSR announcing their preferred route from Palmdale to Burbank on Wednesday 19, 2018 at 12:00 pm.  It was discussed about bringing up the 5 signature Supervisor letter again. Donna Termeer will give Kathryn Barger a heads up.  There is a HSR workshop at High Desert School on September 29, 2018 at 10:00 am.  There will be a Fall festival at Vasquez High School on October 20, 2018.
  5. Councilmembers Comments – Comments included Superintendent Larry King will speak about the School Bond at the October 1, 2018 ATC meeting.  There will be a School board Forum for those running for the school board on October 22, 2018 at the Community Center.
  6. Presentation – Vance Pomeroy – Mr Pomeroy spoke about the proposed AT&T cell tower follow-up.  There are no changes from the June 18, 2018 presentation.  A notice went out to residents on July 31, 2018 asking for comments by August 31, 2018.  The site will have First Net.  The ATC only received one correspondence from a resident asking if water and electricity will be brought to the site and could residents bring the utilities to their property.  Mr Pomeroy was looking for approval from the ATC.  Jacki made a motion to write a letter of support for the AT&T Tower at Soledad Pass Road.  Rob Peters 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.  Tom will write the letter and Jacki will send
  7. SEA Ordinance –  The discussion included having not heard back from Iris Chi about the workshop, an explanation about the properties that have been left off the exemption, and the date comments are due by.  Tom will follow up.  Jacki made a motion to write a letter opposing the alternative if it omits the private inholdings from the exemption. Pam 2nd the motion.  There was an amendment to the motion: amend to the omission of the inholdings from the exemption.  Motion passed.
  8. Film Standards – Chris Croisdale gave an update on the standards from Gary Smith and felt they left loopholes on all the filming standards. When they say things are looked at on a case by case basis then the standard cannot be in the ordinance.  Chris recently pulled a film permit and the whole system is on the computer and there is no speaking to anyone. He spoke about current filming and road closures.  ATC should make filming one of our 5 bullet point items to talk to the supervisor about.
  9. Discussion – CUP’s – Expired CUP’s and operations outside of permitted conditions – Discussion included Thousand Trails operating without their CUP and operating outside their original CUP.  County has told us they can’t enforce operating outside their original CUP uses because their CUP has expired.  Large events are going on a Thousand Trails and if it is open to the public and not just Thousand Trail members then they need a permit.  The expired CUP says they can not be used by non members.  Donna Termeer will look into it.  It was also discussed about KOA operating outside their CUP and doing things they want in their new CUP.  Jacki will ask Regional Planning to pull all the files on Thousand Trails and KOA so we can see them next week.
  10. Discussion – Top 5 items to bring to the Supervisor – 1. How she sees our role or partnership with her. 2. Commercial Development 3. CSD use issues 4. Filming 5. CUP  and on the back burner SEA  Tom will call a committee meeting.
  11. Election Committee Report – No report
  12. Unfinished/New Business – None
  13. Items for Next Agenda – Sheriffs appreciation at Palmdale Station.,
  14. Adjournment – 10:30pm

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