Acton Town Council Meeting Minutes August 5, 2024 Approved

  1. Call to Order, Flag Salute, & Roll Call –  The meeting was called to order at 6:32pm by President Jeremiah Owen.  Present at the meeting: Jeremiah Owen, Jacki Ayer, June Perkins, and Kelly Teno.
  2. Community Comments –  A resident asked if the AT&T wireless tower that is in CUP renewal could make the tower into a WaterTower like the one in Littlerock. It was asked at a previous meeting with the developer and they said no because the County had said they did not have to change it.  A resident spoke about a house next door to them that has been turned into drug detox home and all the issues they have had.  It was decided to place this on an agenda to form a committee to look into Adult Group Home Regulations.
  3. Announcements & Correspondence –  The slide for the Acton Park has been acquired and will be installed on Wednesday August 7, 2024.  Summer singalong and Ice Cream Social at Hedgecock Hall August 11, from 4 to 6 pm.  There are scheduled meetings for the Draft EIR for the Garbage Disposal District.  The public meetings are August 13 at 5 PM at the Lancaster Library, and August 21 at 5 PM at the Acton Agua Dulce Library. A virtual meeting August 17, at 10 AM.
  4. Library Report –  Upcoming programs were announced. You can still get free Covid Test Kits at the Library.
  5. Representative Update – None
  6. Deputy Martinez Report – July Stats – 396 calls for service which resulted in 9 property calls.  The stats are down for this year.  Deputy Martinez went over with the Sheriff the possibility about keeping another car close by instead of ping ponging around a large area and wasting travel time.
  7. Fahnstock Ranch –  This presentation of the proposed project started with taking about their existing location up Red Rover Mine Road where they have been operating a horse rescue since 2008. They take in 20 to 30 rescue horses a year and then re-home them.  They are proposing to build an equestrian center, located on Sierra Highway next to Country Club Feed. They are hoping to expand and have a place that the community can use along with taking care of the horses. They are wanting to help educate people about horses, free to the communities of Acton/Agua Dulce.   They came to present their ideas for helping with the costs and to get community feedback.  They are talking about possibly having events there in the large indoor arena.  They are proposing 6 cabins/ 10 RV sites at lower rates for community and higher rates for people outside the community.  They would need a CUP for cabins and RV sites.  There were concerns brought up about people living on the property in the RV sites.  That is not their intention.  It was suggested that the RV Sites have no hookups and people dry camp which might solve the concern.  Other concerns brought up and discussed were about septic and ground run off.  Their site plan is posted on the ATC website.
  8. Draft EIR Disposal District –  During the writing of the Draft EIR the Acton Town Council expressed concerns and many of those concerns seem to have been addressed.  All comments on the DEIR are due September 5, 2024.  We will post a link on the ATC website for the DEIR.  Look at where the green waste is going since they had admitted they do not have enough green waste facilities.
  9. Cannabis –   February 15, 2022 BOS meeting.  Supervisor Solis stated cannabis framework would provide a 600 foot buffer for all sensitive areas.  Sensitive uses are described in the County Code , and include residential uses.  Supervisor Solis was given wrong information regarding the framework of the Cannabis Framework.  Supervisor Barger requested County Counsel to include provisions in the draft amendments to proposed ordinances that will prevent oversaturation of operators either by type of license or number of total licenses among Supervisorial Districts and local communities.  None of this is achieved in what was presented.  They claim that proposed buffer zones are based on existing alcohol licensing requirements.  This is not accurate because County’s licensing provisions only pertain to sales and distribution and not manufacturing.  Alcohol businesses also require a CUP which Cannabis businesses do not.  There is no cap on microbusinesses, all of which are located in industrial zones.  Microbusinesses are larger than individual cannabis businesses.             Jacki Ayer made a motion that the ATC reach out to the OCM and ask for a meeting with them to discuss this and have Supervisor Bargers staff present.  June Perkins 2nd the motion.  A friendly amendment was added about asking Supervisor Solis if Supervisor Barger agrees.  Motion carried.
  10. Sierra Youth Sports/Ball Fields –  Jacki reported about the zoom call with Supervisor Bargers office.  There are two groups leasing the former rehab facility.  Our concerns were about the preservation of the Sierra Youth Sports ballfields, which the ATC was told the ballfields will still be used by Sierra Youth sports.  Other concerns were raised about noise from the youth day camp that will be run at the former rehab (will they use loud speakers etc..).  It is scheduled to go before the Board of supervisors on September 10, 2024.
  11. North Angeles National Forest National Monument Campaign –  Representatives came and gave a presentation on some of the things they are hoping to accomplish and reasons for this effort. They showed the map of the area being proposed for the National monument.   All the campgrounds and picnic areas are currently closed and there is crime now going on in these areas.  If they were re-opened and protected by a Ranger Station, the crime would leave and people would be able to enjoy while preserving the wilderness.  They want to keep Rowher Flats OHV area open for off roading.  They want the recreation areas to be built back up with with amenities like trails.  They need community input along with support letters.  Many politicians, businesses, and residents have already issued support.   Jacki Ayer made a motion to write a letter of support for this effort.  June Perkins 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  12. BESS Update – Jacki spoke about Congressman Garcia speaking for Acton about the BESS on the House Floor.  Maybe we should write a letter of gratitude and maybe a 5 councilmember letter instead of just the Acton Town Council.  Jacki Ayer made a motion to write a 5 signature letter to Congressman Garcia thanking him for his words on the House Floor addressing our concerns regarding BESS facilities in the wrong place.  June Perkins 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.  The County is putting delays on the court case.  The next court date is October 17, 2024.  The County is still working on the BESS Ordinance and rolling it in with the Renewable Energy Ordinance (REO).  Supervisor Barger is introducing a motion for grant money. The ATC wrote a letter asking for items to be included.  Jacki Ayer made a motion to send a representative from the ATC to BOS meeting tomorrow.  June Perkins 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  13. RP/PW/BOS Coordination & Interaction –  The ATC needs help in ways we can facilitate interaction with us and Regional Planning/Public Works/Board of Supervisors.  We decided it might be good to reach out to former Supervisor Antonovich and see if he could give ideas on how to work altogether.
  14. Billboards –  All billboards in Acton became non-conforming in 1973.  Jacki Ayer made a motion to reach out to DPW and DRP to coordinate on their analysis effort to CalTrans.  June Perkins 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  15. Site Plan Review M-1 ISCO –  They did not build what they applied for in their Site Plan.  They have now re-submitted.
  16. Minutes –  June Perkins made a motion to accept the following minutes May 20, 2024, June 3, 2024, and June 17, 2024.  Jacki Ayer 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  17. Councilmember Comments –  June announced that one of the Taco stands was reported to the Health Department.
  18. Committee Reports –  The following committees had reports.
  19. Unfinished/New Business –  Jacki will reach out to Connie Chung at regional Planning to see what is happening with the ATC’s unanswered letter.
  20. Items for Next Agenda – GDD, Elections
  21. Adjournment – 9:51 pm

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