Acton Town Council Meeting Minutes, May 20, 2024 Approved

  1. Call to Order, Flag Salute & Roll Call – The meeting was called to order at 6:32 PM by Secretary Jacki Ayer.  Present at the meeting Jacki Ayer, Pam Wolter, June Perkins and Kelly Teno.
  2. Community Comments –  A resident spoke about the slide at the park which is still broken.  Jacki gave an update and they are having to completely replace the slide since the old slide is no longer made.  A resident spoke about a property on Antelope Woods Road where the owner has been given an NOV for violations.  He has filed for an extension and has until June 5th to comply.
  3. Announcements & Correspondence –  Free disposal days were announced. The ATC received an email from an owner of 4 parcels asking for guidance on how and what steps he needs to take to get it developed.  In response it was explained that the ATC does not meet individually with developers but that he could attend an upcoming meeting to discuss the project and then it could be added to a future agenda if he would like.  A permit application has been submitted for a vacant property at the end of antelope Woods Rd. to keep goats and a storage shed.  Right now someone is living illegally on the property and has completely stripped all the vegetation from the property.  Since the parcel is only 0.76 acres he can only have 6 goats or less according to code 22.140.080.  If the primary use is goat raising, nobody can live there unless they earn their living from the goats, and it would require a CUP.  This should be on the next agenda.  A CUP application has been submitted for the Koinonia Monastery facility on Aliso Canyon.  It is a 13 acre parcel where an olive tree farm has been started.  It is noted that the East Los Angeles CSD prohibits statuary if it is visible from the street; this could be added to the Acton CSD.  An application to construct a 71,000 square foot manufacturing and storage plant.  The ATC has requested several times for copies of the site plan and other documentation.  Regional Planning has refused to send the information and has chosen not to post it on EPICLA.  They have asked the applicant to come and speak with us which could be a problem since what applicants usually provide us is different from the project they have proposed with Regional Planning.  Someone may have to go to Lancaster to look up the plans.
  4. Representative Update –  Chuck Bostwick from Supervisor Barger’s office announced that they are working on the Pilot Program for waste disposal.  Carlo Basail from Representative Tom Lackey’s office announced that this is a big crunch time to make decisions  whether bills will stay or go.  They are looking at about 1400 bills.  Trailor Bills are coming which are budget bills.  The Governor must have a balanced budget by June 15th.
  5. Library Report –  Upcoming library events were announced.  Summer reading program begins June 1st.
  6. Sheriff’s Report –  In April there were 404 calls for service that resulted in 3 part one crimes and 7 property crimes.
  7. Public Works Plan for Intersection of Sierra Highway and Santiago – They came to present on LED stop signs They are proposing a concrete median on the east approach.  This will help to protect the stop sign and save on cost and maintenance.  A resident requested a “Horse Crossing” sign be placed with the stop signs.  Jacki questioned how bad the concrete median would be during rush hour traffic.  The representatives from Public Works spoke about alternatives they could consider.  One alternative is Delineator Poles that can knock over.  A suggestion of reflective chatter bumps since the traffic is downhill at that point.   The median is 4ft to 8ft wide and 32ft long.  PW will send pictures of the signs and also examples where they have done this.
  8. Zone Change on 3057-014-023 – This property is located on the south side of Sierra Highway at Desert Rose.  The property owner wants a zone change to construct a new commercial storage business for heavy equipment.  DRP’s communication line was not working for the One Stop meeting so we were denied access. All county departments had no problem accessing the meeting.  The County’s report confirms that a zone change and General Plan amendment are required and could only be approved if the project satisfies an unmet community need.  The report does not convey other critical concerns such as this town has never approved unrestricted zone changes; only Development Program DP zone changes that only allow the specific development project that was proposed to secure the zone change.  Instead of convening the One Stop, they should have levied a violation notice on the property because it has been completely stripped of all junipers in violation of the Acton CSD.  A One Stop should not have been scheduled until the property receive a MCUP and adopted revegetation plan.  Possible concerns for this zone change are non-local serving use, compliance with AV Area Plan, unmet community need, traffic conflicts with slow moving trucks, Equestrian area not compatible with freeway serving.  Pam Wolter made a motion to write a letter to address this potential zone change on the property at the south side of Sierra Highway and Desert Road.  June Perkins 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  9. One Stop Meeting APN 3057-015-051 – An application has been submitted for a One Stop meeting at address a proposed development that will require a zone change.  The property is located on the west side of the Californian RV.  Last year a mobile home residence was proposed for this property.  The owner now wants to install an EV charging station for the public and trucks.  It will be powered by solar and wind energy.  They are also proposing a recreation area, retail shops, and food service that is necessary to serve the freeway travelers who stop to charge their vehicles. Pam Wolter made a motion to write a letter to address this potential zone change on the property on the west side of the California RV Park at Sierra Highway, before the One Stop meeting.  June Perkins 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  10. Bess Update –  Jacki reported that the Humidor project does not need the Franchise Ordinance to build the project.  They are allowed to build the Transmission line on private property and can completely avoid county roads because SCE owns all the land between them and the Vincent Substation and if SCE allows it, they could build their powerline on SCE’s property. There is sufficient space for Hecate to install a power line from the Humidor project site to SCE property which completely avoids any portion of any county maintained highway.  Ruth from Acton Takes Action reported about the upcoming hearing to set the trial date.  She will do a full update after that.  Acton Takes action will be in the 4th of July Parade.
  11. Zone Change on 3057-016-006 – An application has been submitted for a One Stop counseling session to address the proposed development on 2 parcels east of the Californian RV Park, that will also require a zone change.  They want to build an outdoor storage RV and boat lot along with a self help storage building.  The ATC has not yet received the requested information pertaining to the project.  June Perkins made a motion to write a letter to address this potential zone change on the 2 parcels east of the Californian RV Park, before the One Stop meeting.  Pam Wolter 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  12. Violations of DP restrictions on 3217-021-027 and 3217-022-002 – To be on the June 17th agenda
  13. Minutes – tabled
  14. Councilmembers Comments –  June spoke about a plane having to land because of a lithium battery issue.  Pam spoke about the HSR final EIR out this Friday.
  15. Committee Reports –  The following committees had reports:  Utilities – Phase 2 of the GEO 131 PUC proceeding has started.  Beautification/Illegal Dumping – Tammie Necessary reported that the task force went out today to clean up what was left after to accidents over the weekend.  They spoke with the owner of Govenor Mine who was horrified at   the trash being dumped and grateful to the clean up committee.  He has been sent a Letter of Agency so Deputy Martinez can take care of the dumpers.
  16. Unfinished/New Business – None
  17. Items for Next Agenda – Sierra Highway/Ward Road.  Permit application/goats, DP – June 17th meeting
  18. Adjournment – 9:28 PM
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