Acton Town Council Meeting Minutes, June 17, 2024 Approved

  1. Call to Order, Flag Salute, & Roll Call –  The meeting was called to order by President Jeremiah Owen at 6:31 PM.  Present at the meeting – June Perkins, Jeremiah Owen, Jacki Ayer, Pam Wolter, and Kelly Teno.
  2. Community Comments – LA County public Works announced that they will be re-surfacing Carson Mesa and Aliso Canyon to El Sastre.  July 1-9th.
  3. Announcements & Correspondence –  Jacki announced that the Beach Bus is back.  Caltrans has answered the ATC regarding our concerns that billboards in Acton have been improperly upgraded or re-built without County or Caltrans permits. Caltrans reported that half the billboards in Acton have been upgraded without permits. LA County regional Planning reported that any building that faces a road can have a sign.
  4. Representative Update –  Chuck Bostwick from Supervisor Bargers office announced that they have resumed giving out Landfill Vouchers for a year.  Two per household, 1/2 ton dump, starts July 1st.  The vouchers are available at the Supervisors Lancaster office.  Carlo Basil reported for Assemblyman Tom Lackey that the assembly is in the middle of the legislative session.  They are working on bills that are mostly about Veterans.
  5. Library Report –  Upcoming programs were announced along with library closure dates and the library still has free Covid tests.
  6. Sheriff’s Report –  Deputy Martinez announced that on July 4th Crown Valley Road will have a hard closure starting at 7:30 AM.
  7. DP Zoning East of Crown Valley – The ATC has been working on getting the County’s help with illegal outdoor storage.  Jacki gave a report on the background of this property since 1991. The County approved a -DP zone change and a CUP and subdivision for these parcels in 1991.  The -DP zoning designation guaranteed that the project would only be developed with a hardware store and an antique store.  The CUP and the parcel map expiration dates coincided, and if a final parcel map were filed the CUP would have no expiration date.  The final map was never filed, so the tentative map expired more than 30 years ago along with the CUP.  When Section 22.40.080 of the Zoning Code was adopted in 1985, it required Regional Planning to revert the property to the original zoning after the CUP expired and the applicant failed to request an extension.  This property should have been reverted back to A-1 more than 30 years ago.  In 2012, the Board of Supervisors adopted an ordinance No. 2012-0021 which made the reversion optional.  The property has never been developed in accordance with any proposal or site plan.  Jacki Ayer made a motion that we ask DRP to recognize that the CUP is expired, that there is no CUP to comply with and to revert the -DP zoning on 3217-021-027, 3217-022-002, and 3217-022-003 back to agricultural zone.  June Perkins 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.  
  8. CHSRA –  About half the comments submitted on the Draft EIR for the Palmdale to Burbank section came from the ATC High Speed Rail Committee.  Our comments and concerns included; Traffic, Noise, Preferred Route, Bloom Ranch, Water Resources, and Hydrology.  The FEIR states that the project does not anticipate using local groundwater to supply water for TBM operation and that water will be obtained from commercial sources in Palmdale, Santa Clarita, Burbank, Los Angeles and other areas.  No new wells will be drilled instead water will be obtained from either AVEK or District 40 or recycling facilities.  It does not mention District 37. However it does state although they will not directly use groundwater, it could use groundwater indirectly from a potable supplier that obtains parts of it supply from groundwater.  In this case water would be used in a manner consistent with WWD37 policies.  The matter falls back on WWD37 who has refused to engage with us on this matter.  A line needs to be added about commercial purveyors like water haulers.  Jacki Ayer made a motion that the ATC submit a comment letter expressing appreciation for the SR14A route, our opposition to the construction of traffic signals, and our understanding of the mitigation measures that will be implemented to protect natural drainage patterns and local groundwater resources.  June Perkins 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.     Jacki Ayer made a motion that, if anyone is available to attend the CHSRA meeting on June 26th and speak on behalf of the Acton Town Council, that they be authorized to do so.  June Perkins 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  9. Goat Permit – Antelope Woods Road –  A site plan has been submitted for this property to raise goats.   It should not go through until all the violations placed on the property are fixed including the re-vegetation.  Jacki Ayer made a motion to write a letter stating that no site plan should be approved until violations are fixed, including the vegetation removal violation.  June Perkins 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  10. Traffic Issues Community Input on DPW Plans –  After discussion about Public Works plans for stop signs and all the plans for the intersection of Santiago and Sierra Highway the following was decided.  Jacki Ayer made a motion to write a comment letter on the proposed configuration: yes to delineators and equestrians signs and flashing light but no to curb/island based on community feedback and pending receipt of materials that we would provide the public to review.  June Perkins 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  11. Buddhist Temple –  It has been brought to the ATC attention that there have been public events that they have no Special Event Permit for.  The concerns with this property include: operating without an approved site plan, the statues have not been permitted, they are living on the property illegally, and the parking lot was paved without permit.  Jacki Ayer made a motion to write a letter stating events are occurring without permits and uses are ongoing without site plans and uses are ongoing without site plans and that a person is living there – they have a commercial kitchen where they were cooking for the event.  How do they have any permits without an approved site plan.  June Perkins 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  12. BESS –  Jacki gave an update on the appeal.
  13. Minutes –  Jacki Ayer made a motion to accept the May 6, 2024 meeting minutes.  June Perkins 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  14. Councilmember Comments –  Jacki will be gone for the August 19, and Sept 2nd meetings.  Kelly will be gone for the July 1st if there is a meeting (no meeting).  Pam has heard from concerned residents about the food trucks and fruit carts.
  15. Committee Reports –  The following committees had reports; Trails, Open Space, and Recreation – We have heard no response from our request for help with a grant for a community pool.  We will re-send.  Emergency Response & Disaster/Resiliency Plan – Tammy Necessary is putting together a Drivers Safety Class.  They need 15 kids ages 14 to 19.
  16. Unfinished/New Business –  Jacki reported about the draft email to Director Bodek.
  17. Items for the Next Agenda –  Billboards, Zone Changes, Water, CSD
  18. Adjournment – 9:05 PM
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