Acton Town Council Meeting Minutes, April 17, 2023, Approved

  1. Call to Order, Flag Salute, & Roll Call – The meeting was called to order at 6:31PM by President Jeremiah Owen.  Present at the meeting: June Perkins, Jeremiah Owen, Jacki Ayer, Tom Costan, and Kelly Teno.
  2. Community Comments – None
  3. Correspondence –  Jacki’s announcements included the following:  The ATC received an email indicating that our concerns were incorporated into the revised Climate Action Plan (CAP), A 2 part seminar has been scheduled to help property owners struggling with their wells and septic systems, the flyer is posted on our website.  Congressman Garcia announced he is introducing 2 pieces of legislation addressing school safety.  The ATC received a response from CAISO regarding information the ATC requested pertaining to several new proposed battery storage projects, we were rejected.  The ATC received confirmation from RWQCB that 1000 trails did not submit their monitoring report due for 2022 or the report due for the first quarter of 2023.  The Department of Water Resources just released their guidelines document called “Considerations for Identifying and Addressing Drinking Water Well Impacts” meant to inform the Groundwater Sustainability Agencies and how to deal with domestic wells in their basin.  The ATC received a notice from CalFIRE that our request for information would be treated like a public records request under CPRA.  Then we received notice they would not be sending us the information and instead would just treat our information request as a public comment submitted pursuant to the fire hazard severity map process.  The ATC wrote a comment letter on the new county ADU policy.  The ATC submitted a letter to EPA regarding Cactus Creek.
  4. Library Report – Librarian Jim Wall announced  The Friends of the Library book sale and that all library programs are listed on the library website.
  5. Local Representatives – Chuck Bostwick from Supervisor Kathryn Barger’s office announced that there is a good chance that dumping vouchers will return.  The Board of supervisors will be voting on this on June 1st.  The Draft Short Term Rental Ordinance is coming out soon.  He will let us know as soon as it is out.
  6. Sheriff’s Report –  Off roaders are still an issue.  Deputy Martinez announced that residents have to make the call.  The off road team is working in areas of high volume calls.
  7. KOA/Action Camp – In February the ATC agreed to write a letter about the KOA/Action Camp issues.  Since then KOA has started the WDR process.  When we made the motion we did not know about the WDR  so do we need to make a new motion.  No new motion needs to be made since we have already agreed to write a letter, so Jacki can incorporate this into our letter.  Jacki Ayer made a motion to write a letter to LARWQCB expressing concerns with KOA’s WDR application and that it be copied to DRP.  Tom Costan 2nd the motion.  The motion passed.
  8. Letter to Sheriff – We received from a resident a response letter from the Sheriff Luna.  The resident concern came at a town meeting about marijuana grows which was being filmed.  When a question came from an unknown person online about who was in the audience the filmer was instructed to film the audience so they could see.  This was disturbing to many people so the resident decided to write the letter.  The resident felt the Sheriff’s response needed to be addressed and brought the letter to our attention.  After discussion it was decided to write a letter.  Jacki Ayer made a motion to write a letter to the CAC and copy the Palmdale captain.  June Perkins 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  9. Census Designation – Jacki went through the Census Designated Places (CDP).  This would be a way to get boundary issues solved for groups like SCE who keep changing our boundaries.  Acton meets all the requirements to pursue a CDP.  We need to ask the County to match our map in the Acton Community Standards District (CSD).  WE need to make sure it captures all the parcels up Aliso Canyon Road, Angeles Forest and Peaceful Valley.  Chuck Bostwick suggested contacting Mark Herwick at Department of Regional Planning for help.  Jacki Ayer made a motion to request the County to pursue an Acton CDP that corresponds to our boundaries.  Tom Costan 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  10. Thousand Trails Hearing –  Jacki reported about the One Stop meeting for the Thousand Trails RV Park (TT).   Richard Claghorn from Department of Regional Planning stated that the TT CUP hearing should be soon.  Jacki spoke about the ATC’s previous letters expressing our concerns.  We need to always write our comments as if everything we think will happen is happening.  We need to expect the worst since County agencies are already going against all their conditions.  Tom suggested we get a one subject meeting with Supervisor Kathryn Barger.  Tom Costan made a motion to write a letter to Supervisor Kathryn Barger requesting a meeting about the Thousand Trails CUP.  June Perkins 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.  Jeremiah will write the letter.  Jacki Ayer made a motion to write a letter to Department of Regional Planning addressing all our concerns with the Thousand Trails CUP project.  Tom Costan 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  11. Resident Questions On Local Industrial Usage Monitoring – A resident had previously inquired about an industrial use on Smith Street that does septic pumping and concerns about where they dump.  They are close to WWD37 wells so it is important to know where they dump and are they being monitored.  Need to make an inquiry to Department of Health and place on another agenda possibly inviting them to attend.
  12. Bylaws –  Tom has edited the Bylaws with the changes discussed and will post them.  Keep on the agenda.
  13. Minutes –  Tom Costan made a motion to approve minutes as corrected from before January 2023.  Jacki Ayer 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  14. Councilmembers Comments –  Tom will get the letter about the stop signs to the School Board.  Jeremiah announced the SCE proposal to make rates adjusted by income.
  15. Unfinished/New Business –  Jacki announced May 5th Director Bodeck will be in Acton along with others from the County for a tour of Acton.  Meet at Perkin Up and maybe lunch in the park.  Jacki and Jeremiah will be there.
  16. Items for Next Agenda –  Short term Rental, Bylaws, Edison proposal, Coffee Bean proposed project.  Battery Storage, Tree People
  17. Adjournment – 9:09 pm


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