Year: 2018
Acton Town Council Meeting Minutes June 18, 2018, Approved
Call to Order, Flag Salute, & Roll Call – The meeting was called to order by President Tom Costan at 7:05pm. Present at the meeting – Pam Wolter, Jacki Ayer, jeremiah Owen, Tom Costan, Rob Peters, and Kelly Teno. Absent – Dylan Lunde and Ruth Brock. Community Comments – The…
Acton Town Council Meeting Minutes June 4, 2018 Approved
Call to Order, Flag Salute, Roll Call – The meeting was called to order by President Pro-Tem Tom Costan at 7:04pm. Present at the meeting – Rob Peters, Ruth Brock, Tom Costan, DylanLunde, Jacki Ayer, Pam Wolter and Kelly Teno. Moment of Silence in Remembrance of Mr Larry Layton –…
Acton Town Council Meeting Agenda 07/16/2018
Acton Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes May 21, 2018 Approved
Call to Order, Flag Salute & Roll Call – The meeting was called to order at 7:04pm by Vice President, Tom Costan. Present at the meeting – Dylan Lunde, Rob Peters, Jacki Ayer, Tom Costan, Jeremiah Owen, Pam Wolter, Ruth Brock, Kelly Teno. Tom announced the resignation of President Russ…
Acton Town Council regular Meeting Minutes, May 7, 2018 Approved
Call to Order, Flag Salute, & Roll Call – The meeting was called to order at 7:04pm by Vice President Tom Costan. Present at the meeting: Dylan Lunde, Rob Peters, Jacki Ayer, Tom Costan, Jeremiah Owen, Pam Wolter, Ruth Brock, and Kelly teno Community Comments – Resident Larry Layton…
Acton Town Council Meeting Agenda 06/18/2018
Safe Routes to School Community Workshop – Monday July 2nd, 6:30 at High Desert School MPR
The Communities of Acton and Agua Dulce are invited to a public workshop to discuss plans for upgrades on Crown Valley Road and Antelope Woods Road to improve access for vehicles, pedestrians, equestrians and cyclists. The workshop is part of the “Safe Routes to School”/”Active Transportation Program” Grant application effort that the Community…
Acton Town Council Meeting Agenda 06/04/2018
Acton Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes, April 16, 2018 Approved
1. Call To Order, Flag salute and Roll Call – The meeting was called to order by President Russ Fawkes at 7:00pm. Present at the meeting – Rob Peters, Jacki Ayer, Tom Costan, Russ Fawkes, Jeremiah Owen, Pam Wolter, Ruth Brock, and Kelly Teno. Absent – Dylan Lunde. 2. Minutes…