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Home Minutes Acton Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes January 9, 2017 Approved
Acton Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes January 9, 2017 Approved
- Flag Salute & Roll Call – The regular Meeting of The Acton Town Council was called to order at 7:03 pm by President Tom Costan. Members present at the meeting : Larry Layton, Angela Toghia, Jacki Ayer, Katherine Tucker, Tom Costan, Pam Wolter, John Farrar, and Kelly Teno. Absent : Dylan Lunde.
- Intrduction – Donna Termeer, Deputy, 5th District BOS – Donna Termeer , deputy to our 5th District Supervisor, Kathryn Barger, was introduced. Her email – She said she was happy to be here at the meeting and that the Supervisor was excited and committed to us. Donna will try to be at one Acton Town council meeting a month and to let her know the agenda ahead of time, so she can prepare if she will need to answer questions.
- Community Comments – A resident called Country Journal about dumping of construction material on her property. Her property is on Angeles Forest Highway in the forest and the dumping is on the corner which is also an easement on Edison property. The problem is everyone she called could not help her including the Illegal Dumping Task Force. She finally got Building and Safety to say they would come out and get Edison to do the clean up. Deputy Donna Termeer said maybe it is a jurisdictional property problem. Jacki said that it is still County property. Angela will call the Illegal Dumping Task Force and get their criteria for helping with dumping. Donna asked to be told what they say and the Country Journal wants to put something in the paper to help property owners.
- Minutes of Last meeting – John Farrar made a motion to approve the minutes for the Regular Meeting, December 5, 2016, and the Special Meeting, December 12, 2016. Angela Toghia 2nd the motion. The motion carried.
- Treasurer’s Report – Account balance is $1.374.27. No Income or expenses.
- Sheriff’s Report – December 2016 had 37 incidents that resulted in reports. This number is down from November 2016. After year end stats were looked at we are up 7.1%. There is not enough man power to have another car for our area. One resident said they are frustrated at not getting an officer out there in a timely manner. Deputy Short says the community needs to be vigilant and proactive, if you see something suspicious call the Palmdale office, don’t give up and think they are not listening, the more calls they get they may pay attention and we may need more patrolling. If we don’t call they will never know. It was asked if you should call 911 about mail theft. Deputy Short explained that 911 is an emergency call when there is a crime against a person, mail theft is a crime against property and you should call the station. It was asked about neighborhood watch groups. Deputy Short explained that you get your group together and have a captain,then the Sheriff will come out and help educate the watch, give out a packet and help set it up. The neighborhood needs to pay for the Neighborhood Watch sign and the Traffic Department will put it up. This will help deter criminals when they see the sign.
- Library Report – John Elford talked about the up coming programs at the Library which include their first chess tournament February 3rd. All programs are on their online calendar. Annie Brink will be the next artwork to be displayed.
- Announcements and Correspondences – Acton Town Council upcoming meeting dates: January 30th, February 6th, and February 27th. Governor Brown signed the Ground Water Sustainability Act. On January 24, 2017 at 6:30 pm there will be a meeting in Santa Clarita for how they will be setting up the program for how the State will control CA ground water. We need someone from our community to attend. Jacki Ayer made a motion to send one or more representatives to the Stake Holder Forum to speak on behalf of the Acton Town Council and to try to get us on the agency, Jacki Ayer will be our representative. Pam Wolter 2nd the motion. The motion carried. The IRWMP Program which is a Regional Water Program. The ATC has supported the program. Examples of their projects are ground water re-charge program and water clean up. Water Management Outreach Program will be put on the next agenda. Christopher Calfe writes CEQA guidelines, they are rewriting the guidelines for the way they look at traffic and level of service. Acton needs sensitivity written for rural communities. LA County wants uniformity so urban and rural will be looked at the same way. Acton will be under what LA County adopts, is there anyway we could be proactive and get in on the writing level. The Access Ordinance is on the Board of Supervisor Agenda for 1-10-2017. They are asking for a continuance.
- Increased Crime in Acton – Deputy Short covered the increased crime in his report but he spoke about the Post Office break in and the stealing of the master keys and the mail theft. The Post Office and residential mail theft is a Federal Crime. Acton is a tiny blip on the P.O. radar and we as a town need to make a louder noise especially regarding replacing the master keys. Letters regarding this can be sent to Deputy District Manager Larry Munoz (DM of Sierra Coastal District) 28201 Franklin Pkwy, Castaic, CA 91383. It is not good to have the master keys floating around and we need this fixed immediately and the locks replaced. Angela Toghia will write the Post Office letter and Pam Wolter will put together and get signatures. John Farrar will write a article for the papers.
- Committee Reports – Planning, Coordination, Trails & Open Space – No Report, High Speed Rail – Their preferred alignment should be out in a month or two. Talked to Donna Termeer about the BOS five signature letter. She asked that we email her copies of all of our support letters from representatives, Jacki Ayer will do this. WE made her aware that we are the only community in our segment that has no fully underground route. There is a HSR meeting in Hanford on February 18, 2017 at 10am. Pam Wolter would like for a group to go. Publicity & Assoc. of Rural Town Councils – there is a brainstorming session on Saturday January 21, 2017 at the Library. How do we see the ATC going forward in the future. All ideas will be written down on the white board, there are no bad ideas, they will all be broken down and put into catagories and all will end up somewhere. Rural Town Council next meeting January 25, 2017, 7:00pm at the new Quartz Hill Library. By – Laws, Community Standards & Decorum – Committee will be Kelly Teno, Tom Costan, Ruth Brock and Sandy Madsen, meeting set for Tuesday January , 2017 11:00am at the library small study room. Public Works & Utilities – Edel Viscarro said it would be easy to place a sign on the southside of Antelope Woods for No Parking. Emergency Response & Disaster Planning – No Report Beautification, Illegal Dumping and Perspective – Katherine reported that the trash dumping on Sierra Hwy and Soledad is a big deal.
- Unfinished Business – None
- New Business – None
- Meeting Adjourned at 10:05pm next meeting January 30, 2017 @ 7:00pm at the Library.