Acton Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes April 04,2016 Approved

  1. Flag Salute and Roll Call-  The meeting was called to order 8:06 pm by President Chris Croisdale.  Present at the meeting were, Chris Croisdale, Tom Coston, Katherine Tucker, Jacki Ayer, Pam Wolter, Ray Billet, and Kelly Teno.
  2. Minutes of the last meeting were approved.
  3. Treasurers Report – Treasurer Pam Wolter reported the checking account balance is $1264.26.  No receipts or disbursements.
  4. Sheriffs Report – Deputy Short – No Report
  5. Library Report – John Elford reported on the upcoming events.  He talked about a phone scam that is involving libraries.  The caller is telling about a program to help the library where they are selling personalized backpacks and wanting them to buy one.  The library would never call and ask for money.
  6. Announcements and Correspondences – Tom Coston reported a question from the website about offroad vehicles and laws.  With Deputy Short absent we will ask the questions at the next meeting.
  7. ATC 501C3/4 – Update – Chris Croisdale announced that we should have a Rough Draft by the next meeting.
  8. Primo Burger Discussion – Chris Croisdale reported that he, Pam Wolter, Ray Billet, and Kelly Teno were present at the Primo Burger Open House.  He watched an interview by ATC member Mike Hughes and said he shared our same views.  He said we should get as many of us to go downtown for the Regional Planning Hearing.  Planning to go are Jacki Ayer, Tom Coston, Chris Croisdale, Pam Wolter, and Kelly Teno.  Jacki went over the bullet points in the ATC letter to Regional Planning.  In discussion Jacki pointed out that Regional Planning needs to specify what types of business can go in the Specialty Retail without getting another CUP.  Chris also felt we should bring the Darryl Readmond Multi-use Trail to light at RP Hearing.  Jacki said there is nothing published that puts the trail on the North side of Sierra Hwy in fact it should be on the South side because Acton Park is on the South side.  One Acton Resident that went to the Open House said the food looks to good to be Fast Food.  They don’t need the drive thru to be successful, it makes them fast food.  She suggested 4 Take Out parking spaces for the people who don’t want to dine in.  They can call ahead.  Another resident said Primo Burger will bring a lot of traffic, he stops at them all the time.  One resident asked about the part in the ATC letter to Regional Planning about the signatures gathered from Country Club Feed.  He thought the letter stated that the signatures should carry no weight because a lot of them were not Acton Residents.  Jacki corrected him and said the letter said that the ones from non Acton Residents should carry less weight not no weight at all.  The resident went on to say that not all the minutes were up on the website and asked if the ATC was hiding something.  He was concerned about the minutes when Red Rover Mine Residents were talking about the High Speed Rail and the residents feeling they were not being heard or represented.  Tom and Chris looked up on the website and verified that all the minutes were on the website.  Ray Billet made a motion to approve the letter voicing the ATC concerns on the Primo Burger project to Regional Planning, Tom Coston 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.  Tom said he would put the letter on the website.   The owner of Primo Burger asked to read a statement.  Included in his statement were the following comments:  They would operate from 6am till 10pm,  they would need to serve almost everyone in Acton in order not to have a drive thru,  he is a community serving business, young people don’t like to get out of their cars.  He asked for the help of the ATC to get a drive thru.  Chris that we could not come out in support because of the language for Acton in the AV Area Wide Plan.  Chris also said that even if the majority of Acton wanted a new direction, we would have to change the AV Area Wide Plan which could take upwards of 10 years to accomplish.  Tom suggested that we do a little PR for Acton Residents about how Acton gets no revenue from businesses here.
  9. Committee Reports: Planning, Coordination, Trails & Open Space – Jacki spoke about the Darryl Readmond Multi-use Trail and wanting to nail down its location with Parks and Recreation.  Chris suggested we ask Agua Dulce to join with us and ask for a meeting with Parks and Recreation.  Agua Dulce Town Council member Mary       felt sure they would join us.  High Speed Rail –  Pam announced that the collecting of signatures on the petitions was going good.  Hanford said they are at about 40% of their goal from strictly the paid people.  Volunteers like us have not been counted.  They are out of money to pay but still going forward to have this on the 2016 ballot.  Pam said she contacted Runner and Lackey offices trying to get money up there to pay people.  There is a new deadline of April 25th.  Publicity & Associations of Rural Town Councils – no report.  Finance Ways & Means – Resident Ruth Brock who is helping Pam with fundraising said Don Chato owners are on board to have a fundraiser .  They will pick the day and they may want to put a ceiling on the amount.  It was suggested that maybe a day in early May.  By-Laws – The finalized By-laws will be up on the website after they are approved by attorney Randall Fink.  Public Works & Utilities – Chris announced that Public Works shut down Soledad at the tunnel for a film shoot.  There were no Sheriff or CHP and no one had the permit at the closure.  The onsite manager had it and said it did not have to be at the road closure.  Emergency Response & Disaster Planning – Chris said he will speak to Michael Hughes about sitting down and talking.  Beautification, Illegal Dumping and Perspective – At Soledad and Bootlegger a sectional couch and chairs were dumped, and before the KOA someone had dropped a refrigerator.
  10. Unfinished Business – None
  11. New Business – Pam said she was working to get Katherine Barger who is running for the Supervisor Seat here to speak before our next meeting.  She will let Lillian know when she hears.  Tom and Chris said they would like the ATC to write an educational article about the AV Area Wide Plan, Acton CSD’s, no tax dollars etc… for the residents and businesses in Acton.  Jacki will attempt to start them.  Elizabeth Billet suggested we give it to the Chamber of Commerce.  One Acton Resident thanked Katherine for giving him the number to call about illegal off roaders.  It was said that maybe off road laws should be on our website.  We will talk to Deputy Short to get the laws.
  12. Open Forum – No Speakers
  13. Meeting adjourned at 9:47 pm Next scheduled meeting 4-18-2016 @ 7:30pm at the Library.
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  1. Hello,
    Regarding the minutes from 4 April 2016. I do not know how the conclusion that I was speaking about the Animal Facility Ordinance when I brought up the Red Rover Mine Road residents from the 4 May 2015 meeting. In fact, the Animal Facility Ordinance was not brought up while I was present the night of 4 April 2016. It was concerning their concerns that they were not being represented in regard to HSR. I don’t recall saying a word about the Animal Facility Ordinance. Congrats on finally posting those minutes from 4 May 2015 after so may months.
    Where is the copy of the letter to RPC referred to here, “voicing the ATC concerns on the Primo Burger project to Regional Planning, Tom Coston 2nd the motion. The motion carried. Tom said he would put the letter on the website. “?

    • actontowncouncil

      Scott, we are all volunteers, for many of us time is limited and time is precious. We will get the letters up on the website when time permits. Thank you for your concern.

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