January 19, 2015 Minutes – Approved

  1. CALL TO ORDER AND FLAG SALUTE; 7:43 p.m. meeting called to order.
  2. ROLL CALL: Present – Chris Croisdale, Tom Costan, Michael Hughes, Ray Billet, Pam Wolter, Jacqueline Ayer, and Katherine Tucker. Absent: Thor Merich
  3. MINUTES of last meeting: Minutes of 1/5/2015 meeting read, corrected and approved.
  4. TREASURER’S REPORT: Balance unchanged – $1842.47
  5. CERT – Cal/Oglesby – CERT classes to be held 2/21/2015, 2/28/2015, and 3/7/2015– three Saturdays at the Acton Community Center. It was noted that Palmdale has a Teen CERT program.
    • Proposed Yard Sale ordinance for unincorporated area would limit yard sales to 1x a month.
  7. SHERIFF REPORT: Deputy: Scott Short (661-272-2571); [email protected]
    • no report
    • hydro mulching work in forest area.
    • Ayer submitted a letter regarding the red FAA lights to SCE. She could find no manufacturer of the 810/864 lights which are omnidirectional.  She is questioning the type and manufacturer of the red FAA on the new TRTP towers. Mr. Ian Forest responded to Jacki and said that he would send a letter to the TRTP team.
  9. LIBRARY REPORT: Valerie Bailey – No report
  10. UPDATE ON 501c3/ c4 – Progress and comments:
    • Chris Croisdale contacted Mr. Travilian 3x and has not been able to speak with him at length about the formation of the 501c3
    • Chris will try to contact Mr. Travilian one more time. .
    • Two quotes needed. Scott Litchfield is the local Farmers Insurance agent. Chris is trying to find a broker willing to quote on the liability insurance for the ATC.
    • Croisdale submitted a questionnaire for Farmers Insurance,
    •  Planning and Coordinating, Trails & Open Space, Recreation Committee: (J. Ayer)
      • Checklist for Commercial developments – completed by Jacki Ayer.
      • The need for a residential planning checklist was brought up.
      • Gunther request for approval of change to commercial zoning on parcel 3208-019-005. Jacki Ayer wrote the letter from the ATC to the Gunthers; it was read and approved at the 1/19/2015 meeting. It will be sent with ATC checklist for Commercial development.
      • Parcel of land on the east side of strip mall containing MISO Sushi was noted to be zoned C2-CP. (Community Serving Commercial with Design Program).  It looks to be used for truck storage now. Ms. Ayer will contact Regional Planning to see if the C2-DP has been updated /renewed. Mr. Watt owns the property.
    • High Speed Rail – Pam Wolter
      • 4-500 residents received “Permission To Enter” notices from High Speed Rail. The Coalition circulated flyers to the community on recommendations for residents to follow – i.e. residents do not have to allow HSR to enter their property.
      • Coalition Meetings at the Library planned for 2/9, and 3/9/2015.
      • Pam Wolter attended the Agua Dulce Town Council meeting – they promised to provide assistance on High Speed Rail issues.
      • Pam Wolter announced that she is looking for a Co-chair.
      • Councilmember Jacki Ayer describer her Petition for Reconsideration of the Federal Surface Transportation Board’s decision to exempt the High Speed Rail from CEQA requirements based on Federal preemption. Her petition argues that if CEQA requirements are removed, then the High Speed Rail authority cannot obtain Prop 1A funds. The Board has until January 19th to respond.  Ayer is the sole responsible party filing her petition.
    • Publicity and Association of Rural Town Councils Committee – co-chaired by Tom Costan and Ray Billet
      • The need for consistent use of the [email protected] e-mail was discussed. Also, Bios from everyone on the ATC is requested.
      • ATC Website- projected “Go” date is 2/2/2015. There will be a Google Calendar. Agenda will be posted.
      • 1/28/2015 – Association of Rural Town Council meeting planned.
    • Finance Ways and Means Committee – Thor Merich
      • The Acton Calendar was brought up.  Businesses could advertise in the calendar.
    • By-Laws Committee – Michael Hughes
      • No report
    • Utilities Committee – Christopher Croisdale
      • No report.
    • Community Standards and Decorum – Michael Hughes
      • M. Hughes will solicit volunteers via a letter in the Country Journal for residents to help on Community Standards Revision.  Sandy Madsen and Kelly Teno have volunteered to help with the revision of the Standards of Decorum.
    • Beautification, Illegal Dumping, and Perspective Committee– Katherine Tucker.
      • No Report
    • Emergency Response and Disaster Planning – Michael Hughes
      • Attended a 1/22/2015 meeting at the Library regarding setting up an Medical emergency response team.
    • Public Works Committee: C. Croisdale
      • no report
    • Community Center Liaison
      • No report.
    • Chamber of Commerce Liaison – Pam Wolter
      • no meeting in January
    •         School Board Liaison – Lilian Smith
      • Acton Agua Dulce School District approved a petition for the Newhall Einstein Charter school.  Newhall will challenge.  There will be an event/ fundraiser at the Agua Dulce campus of the Einstein school on 2/7/2015 9-12 p.m.
    • Friends of Acton Park Liaison – TBD
    • The Women’s Club –Pam Wolter – P. Wolter attended a social event.
      1. No meeting.
    • The Boy Scouts of America – J. Ayer – No report.
    • The Girl Scouts of America – TBD
    • Open Acton Town Council position – M. Hainline submitted a letter of interest to the ATC for the open position.
    • Brown Act – Mr. Croisdale stated that he does not believe the Acton Town Council is required to abide by the Brown Act, though he thought  it wise to follow its guidelines for transparency purposes. Lillian Smith is looking for the Case # of the judgment made against the Agua Dulce Town Council . County Counsel said that the decision was specific to the Agua Dulce Town Council. Lillian found a letter which states that the “Acton Town Council is exempt from the Brown Act”.
    • Medical Marijuana Dispensary – Kayln Spooner and husband, Richard Spooner presented their vision of Medical marijuana dispensary for Acton.  Their thought is to locate it near the freeway to pull people for business and to also offer a safe place for community members to purchase medical marijuana.
    • Neil Weisenberger – Announced that on September 17, 2014 Gov. Brown signed three bills regarding groundwater management  The three bills, AB 1739, SB1168, and SB1319 were approved in the California Assembly and Senate on Friday, 8/29/2014.  The package of bills enacts the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act and provides a framework for management of groundwater supplies by local authorities.  The bills also provide a mechanism for limited state intervention when necessary to protect groundwater resources.
      • SB 1168 (sponsored by Senator Fran Pavley D-Agoura Hills) directs local agencies to develop sustainable groundwater management plans.  These plans must contain measurable objectives to achieve groundwater sustainability within 20 years. The bill also classified state water basins as either low-, medium, or high-risk based on risk of overdraft.  Low-risk basins are monitored, but otherwise generally left alone.  Medium- and high-risk basins trigger action at the state level to improve basin sustainability.
      • AB1739 (sponsored by Assembly member Dickinson, D-Sacramento) provides for state intervention and interim management when local agencies aren’t satisfying management requirements.
      • SB 1319 (sponsored by Senator Fran Pavley D-Agoura Hills) attempts to mitigate the concerns raised by agricultural interests be extending the time for compliance and delaying state intervention when groundwater extraction depletes connected surface waters.
    • Benz sanitation – representatives from Benz sanitation discussed their services which include residential and commercial trash, portable toilets, septic pumping, and recycling. 

ADJOURNMENT: 10:03 p.m.

Next Regular Meeting, February 2, 2015 @ Acton Agua Dulce Library at 7:30 p.m.

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