Acton Town Council Meeting Minutes April 18, 2022 Approved

  1. Call to Order, Flag salute, & Roll Call -The meeting was called to order by Vice President Tom Costan followed by the Flag salute.  Members present – Pam Wolter, Jacki Ayer, Tom Costan, and Kelly Teno.  Absent – Jeremiah Owen, and Troy Pieper.  Jacki made a motion to add the committee reports back on the agenda.  Pam 2nd the motion .   The motion carried.
  2. Community Comments – Non agenda items – A resident spoke about mail thieves stealing the whole bank of mailboxes out of the ground at Hubbard and Escondido Canyon Road.  Illegal dumping on Hubbard at Hughes Canyon.  It is a large dump of trash, and multi colors of dirt.  Deputy Martinez re[orted that he has not seen any calls come in for this site.
  3. Correspondence – Jacki reported emails we had received and that she answered, they included the following. There was a notice of Public Hearing on May 17, 2022 for a new wireless tower.  It needs to go on the next agenda.  The High Speed Rail DEIR should be coming out by the end of May to the beginning of June..  There is a Water Plan Workshop on April 21, 2022 at 9am.  Do we want to write a letter of support for Rim of the Valley.  We do not need a motion since we have written before.  We heard from Mark Herwick in Regional Planning about a grant funding opportunity for local traffic safety projects.  The deadline for submittal is April 29, 2022.  Look for the Climate action Plan letter from the ATC.  Parks and Rec Department is still accepting surveys.  Should we send a letter?  Jacki announced all the recycling dates for the County.
  4. Cal Poly Presentation – Tabled until May 2, 2022 because they need Zoom.  Deputy Martinez gave the Sheriff Report in place of this agenda item.  For the month of March there was 1 Crime, 5 Burglaries, 4 Petty Theft, 4 Stolen Cars.  There have been good tips on illegal dumping.  Jacki spoke about illegal dumpers threatening residents who report.  Added the Library Report  Jim Wall reported expanded Library hours after re-opening after Covid.  Mon thru Thurs 10am to 8 pm,  Fri thru Sat 10 am to 6pm.  Free Covid tests are being given out to bring back and get results.  They have Laptop kits anyone can check out.
  5. Testimony Content –  Jacki went over background information and brought everyone up to date.  The ATC filed a complaint with the commission, it was accepted and opening testimony is due May 4, 2022.  Questions raised in the testimony or points include, 1. Did SCE act reasonably under #3, 2. Did SCE act reasonably with the County?  3. Did SCE violate FAA regulations?, 4.  Did SCE act reasonably with its communication with residents?
  6. Parks Dept. Strategic Plan –  The Department is still accepting input on the survey.  Jacki made a motion to write a letter addressing the survey concerns and what our community would like.  Pam 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.  Tom will write the letter.
  7. Hale Project – New Hearing –  The ATC has written three letters on this project to Director Bodek, County Biologists, and Planners.  The hearing is remote zoom with the Hearing Officer on April 19, 2022.
  8. Water Plan – County is developing a Water Plan so that 80% of the water is locally sourced.  They hope to achieve  this by developing water projects.  We are concerned that this will lead to well metering which would be bad for our community.  another concern is that they will send water from one area to another in need area.  Our goal is to keep our water in our basin.  The next workshop is on April 21, 2022 at 9:00 am via zoom.  After we hear what they have to say at the meeting we can comment.
  9. Councilmember Comments –  Tom made comments on the HSR meeting.  Meeting went well but it was lots of review.
  10. Committee Reports –  The following committees had reports  Education Committee – The meeting has been postponed until May.  The County working on the Safety Element needs to notify school boards when they stop residential building in High Fire Hazard Areas,  Schools need this building to survive.  Our School Board should comment on the HSR.  Planning – ATC needs to look for our letter on the Climate Action Plan and comment.  The ATC should write a letter of support for Congressman Garcia on Rim of the Valley.  Jacki made a motion to write a letter commenting on the County Parks Vision Plan.  Tom 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.  Publicity – Working on getting Zoom for our meetings to give the community another option for attendance   Maybe we can find a student to run it for the meeting.  Bylaws – Meeting to go over the Bylaws Monday May 2, 2022 at 6pm.  Traffic Safety – The State Grant opportunity might help to look at speed reductions, maybe we get the money and pay the County to help us out.  The grant window closes before the next meeting.  Tom made a motion to explore the possibility of getting a SKAG Grant for local traffic safety projects.  Pam 2nd the motion.  The motion carried
  11. Unfinished/New Business – None
  12. Items for the Next Agenda – Wireless Tower CUP, Cal Poly, Outcome of Skag Grant, Edison Testimony, Water Plan
  13. Adjournment – 9:21 pm
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