Acton Town Council Meeting Minutes, November 15, 2021 Approved

  1. Call to Order, Flag salute, Roll Call – The meeting was called to order by Vice President Tom Costan, Followed by the Flag salute.  Members present – Pam Wolter, Jacki Ayer, Tom Costan, and Kelly Teno  Absent – Jeremiah Owen, and Troy Pieper.
  2. Community Comments Non Agenda Items – A resident thanked the ATC for starting the Education Committee and encouraged everyone to get involved and come to meetings.
  3. Announcements and Correspondence –   Jacki announced a Christmas Carol Sing Along at Hedgecock Hall December 5, 2021.  Deputy Martinez gave the October crime report.  He announced that the Sheriff Narc team is busting 6 to 9 grow houses a week, and has confiscated 1 million worth of unopened equipment from one house,
  4. Parks and Measure A Grants – the Parks Survey has been out and is due this Thursday.  The survey is geared to see what the community wants.  MRCA will attend the December 6,2021 meeting to explain and discuss the project.  Jacki explained that MRCA never did any community outreach and Measure A is about local money and how local residents want it spent.  Jacki made a motion ( will send motion)  Pam 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  5. Dorothy Chandler Winter Program AAUSD – Tom announced that Harmonic Bronze has been invited again this year to play at the Dorothy Chandler on Christmas Eve.  Mr Rowland the director was told that everyone would need to be vaccinated since the Dorothy Chandler is in LA City.  Community may need to get involved to clarify whether they are going with LA City or LA County.  Chuck Bostwick will ask downtown tomorrow since he is not for sure what venues are following.  Tom made a motion that the Acton Town Council to help clarify the covid policy for the Dorothy Chandler.  Pam 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  6. Creation of a New Conservation/Open Space Area in Downtown Acton – This was suggested by Mr Eddleman from Parks and Rec at a meeting for trails.  He is working on opening trails. He wants to know what the community thinks about open space in the Acton downtown area.  Jacki brought up that we already have so much open space with the Angeles Forest and the SEA, do we need more?
  7. SCE Meeting Report – Jacki reported that the ATC confirmed that the Beartrap Helicopter Site was chosen by the pilot.  They looked at the shorter trip but noting else like safety.  The PUC rejected our filing.  Tom spoke about our last meeting and our questions about criteria used last year for PSPS because SCE claimed that because of all their work hardening the lines there will not be any PSPS if the winds are no stronger that last year.  We still have the questions about what their actual thresholds are.  SCE was also going to get together with us about how they will segment the lines.
  8. Safety Element – The new draft came out last week and the implemented some of the changes in our letter.  It still has problems and is to vague in places.  The hearing is December 15, 2021.  We have asked that they work with communities to establish evacuation plans and they have done nothing.  We ask that they get rid of the words support change and replace with encourage change.  Put this on the next agenda.  Jacki made a motion (Jacki will send motion)  Pam 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  9. Councilmembers Comment – Pam spoke about Tammy Necessary’s accident and that the family is asking instead of meals to give gift cards for local food.  She spoke about reading a Facebook post about bullying at the Junior High School.
  10. Committee Reports – The following committee’s had reports. Education Committee – Tom reported that the committee had a meeting with the Superintendent and wanting to put the Superintendent on our agenda.. The Superintendent spoke about his plans which include having a Policy Committee to implement State policy so it will work for our district.  Community Standards/Decorum – Spoke about drainage in Acton and policies.  There is a meeting on November 29, 2021.  Trails, Open Space, and Recreation – Mark Herwick reached out about the CalPoly SLO program with the students.  It will be good to work with the kids learning about Urban Planning and have them coming to work in our rural community.  We hope to do a workshop with the students and County.  Film Coalition – Agua Dulce is having filming issues, we should reach out to speak with them in January.  High Speed Rail – We have been told the DEIR should be out soon.
  11. Unfinished/New Business –  Pam has received phone calls about people living in RV’s and dumping.  They are not cleaned up but have been issued NOV’s.  Jacki spoke about the County coming up with new measures to speed things up.  Maybe we need to come up with the tools.
  12. Items for the Next Agenda – Safety Element, CSD, Education Committee. MRCA.
  13. Adjournment – 9:30 PM
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