Acton Town Council Meeting Minutes, May 17, 2021, Approved

  1. Call to Order, Flag Salute & Roll Call – The meeting was called to order at 6:35 pm by President Jeremiah Owen.  The Flag Salute followed.  Members present at the meeting were Pam Wolter, Jacki Ayer, Jeremiah Owen, Tom Costan, Troy Pieper, and Kelly Teno
  2. Community Comments – Non agenda items –  A resident thanked the ATC for all their hard work and dedication to the community.  They spoke about in the past a red hat was passed around the room so residents could donate to the ATC.
  3. CSD Revision – Kelly, Jacki and Jeremiah reported on the meeting with Kathryn Barger on the CSD revision.  She listened to all of our concerns and was interested in solving them.   Kelly spoke about the information on our website and needing help from the community , to comment on the CSD revision.  Jacki spoke about the trails issues and the meeting with resident John Kestler.
  4. Cannabis Grow Houses Update –  Jacki and Pam attended a round table meeting held by Mike Garcia.  Mike Garcia has gone on two helicopter rides over the AV and has determined there are between 600 and 1000 grow operations going on.  A reporter from Sean Hannity was in attendance and it was reported on The Sean Hannity Show. Alot of outdoor growing in the AV because of the low overhead and most people don’t report them.  Acton has around 20 grow houses and Pam spoke about how they are buying homes over asking price to guarantee they get it.  Addresses have been reported to Deputy Martinez.  Residents concerns included the amount of wells that will dry up because of the grow house water usages.  How to get the message out.  chemicals being dumped and what it will do to our groundwater.  The crime it will bring.  Jacki spoke about the RICO Statue and the EPA having teeth to do something about chemical dumping.  So please report to the EPA.
  5. Measure W Update: Tree People – The ordinance passed, taxing everyone for impervious surface.  About 1/2 the monies are going to projects.  Acton is in the Santa Clara WASC and is at the headwaters of the Santa Clara River.  Alot of the money has gone to projects in the Santa Clarita area.  We have been asking when they are going to do a project for downtown Acton flooding issues.  We now have a coordinator to help design a project and they are the Tree People out of Beverly Hills.  They met at the Acton Park.  They had a hard time understanding that are issues are not urban runoff it comes off of the mountains.   Jacki reported there is a potential seat available on the WASC for a business person.
  6. Announcements and Correspondence –
  7. Councilmembers Comments – Jacki spoke about AB1139 contemplating taking on fees for having Solar.   AB1139 needs to placed on the next Agenda.  Jeremiah spoke about being happy to being back having meetings.
  8. Committee Reports – The following committees had reports – Emergency Response & Disaster /Resiliency Plan – Need to fill the empty chair person seat.  Tammy Necessary volunteered.   Beautification/Illegal Dumping – Tammy Necessary spoke about her group of Acton residents who clean up illegal dumping have taken out about 55 tons of trash.  She is working with the County to place large boulders in turn outs so trucks can’t get in to dump.  High Speed Rail – Draft EIR is supposed to be out in the next couple of months and we will probably have 45 days to comment.
  9. Unfinished/New Business – None
  10. Items for Next Agenda – CPUC potential complaints, AB1139, Filming, Dollar General
  11. Adjournment – 8:37 pm


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