Acton Town Council Meeting Minutes, January 6, 2020, Approved

  1. Call to Order, Flag Salute & Roll Call – The meeting was called to order at 7pm by president Jeremiah Owen. Present at the meeting: Pam Wolter, Jacki Ayer, Tom Costan, Jeremiah Owen, Troy Pieper, and Kelly Teno.
  2. Community comments – Don Laird asked if we knew who to contact to file a complaint with Waste Management. He needed to complain about his Christmas pick up not being done for an entire week.  He had called them several times and did not get any answers.  Jeremiah asked if we might have Waste Management back to have a discussion about a franchise agreement.  A resident Kathy (whom we received some correspondence) She spoke about a complaint she made to the County regarding her neighbor and unsightly junk around his property.  She has put up a fence to shield her property from it.  Daniel Gerringer has told her the fence does not meet the CSD and has told her he will also put a violation on her property.  Jacki asked her to draw out her property and where she put the fence because if it is not on the perimeter of the property she can have a solid fence.  A 24 year resident, who lives on Meyers Creek Road,  spoke about finding out recently that his area has CC&R’s.  He noticed many neighbors don’t adhere to them, and one neighbor has someone living in a motorhome.  He asked if there was anything we could do to make them adhere.  CC&R’s are usually enforced by the homeowners association.  WE would not be able to do that.  He should complain to the County about someone living in the RV.
  3. Minutes of Last meeting –  Tom Costan made a motion to accept the minutes from November 18, 2019.  Pam Wolter 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  4.  Treasurer report – Bank balance is $698.05  Pam announced that the Agua Dulce Womens Club has received funds from Kathryn Barger, Edison, and Waste Management for various projects.  Maybe we need to solicit Kathryn Barger for our $15.00 a month bank fee.
  5. Sheriff Report – None
  6. AAUSD Superintendent Report – None
  7. Library Report – The January events were announced
  8. Hemp Grow Standards –  The ATC has exchanged emails with a gentleman interested in a 300 acre property in Acton to do a 12 acre hemp grow. He let us know he will use about 17,000 gallons of water a day.  This raises concerns about where he is going to get his water.  Will it come from a well, water haulers or District 37.  Jacki brought up the California Right To Farm Act and stated that if impacts are brought up in the first three years, a farm could be shut down.  This grow could possibly have impacts to water and odor impacts to adjoining neighbors.  Pam volunteered to write emails and letters on this issue along with reaching out to MS Beldon and ask who their contact is at Regional Planning.
  9. Issues with Equestrian Use In Angeles National Forest – Tabled until next meeting.
  10. Officer Election – The following slate of officers was presented; President – Jeremiah Owen, Vice President – Tom Costan, Recording Secretary – Kelly Teno, Correspondence Secretary – Jacki Ayer, Treasurer – Pam Wolter.   Tom Costan made a motion to accept the slate of officers as presented.  Pam Wolter 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  11. Zone Change on the La Cabana property – In 2015 the County changed the zoning on this property from Commercial to Industrial.  The property owner would like it to be zoned Commercial and has requested to talk to us about it.  We need to ask him to come to the next meeting to talk to us and ask the ATC to request this.  We will put him on a future agenda when he can attend the meeting.
  12. Announcements and Correspondence –  We received a communication that the Agua Dulce Airpark has, at its own expense, brought in a large generator in order to power their water well so that there would be no interruption in suppling water for any firefighting efforts during ant Edison PSPS events.  We heard from the Agricultural Commission regarding Hemp cultivation: they will defer to regional planning on this issue, and that regional planning has approved the proposed hemp project without looking at any potential impacts to the community.  We heard from Waterworks District 37 and they are happy to meet with us to discuss water usage issues and have asked when we would like to meet.  Antelope Valley residents can go to a learning meeting about how election voting will be conducted starting with the March 3rd primary.  January 15th, 6 to 7:30 pm at the Lancaster Library.  WE have drafted comments on both the Antelope Valley Homeless Plan by Shelter Partnerships, and the proposal by Regional Planning to allow homeless shelters as a primary use on A1 and A2 lands.  We need to get the letters approved and sent out soon.  We have been cc’d on several emails regarding code violations on APN 3216-013-047.  Jacki has not yet responded to these.  On December 20, 2019 Jacki met with Mr Antos on behalf of the ATC to discuss the qualifications that a Santa Clara River Watershed Steering Committee coordinator should have.  It is a paid position that could probably be full time if done properly.  Mr Antos seems to be dedicated to making the program succeed.  Anyone who wishes to be the coordinator must not be a county employee.  We received an email regarding the request to install a 4-way stop sign at Red Rover Mine Road and Sierra Highway.  Jacki has not responded yet , but recalled that the request was rejected.  Perhaps we should resubmit the request.  When in discussion the ATC decided we would ask again and request the study to be done during peak school hours.  Also request for one near Meadowlark Elementary on Soledad Canyon Road.  There will be a 25th District Congressional Candidate Forum being hosted by the Lancaster Chamber of Commerce on January 8th.  It is open to the public but reservations are required.  Jacki has already signed up.  We received a request for information on how to get Berncastle Road repaired.  Jacki has not yet responded, but has determined that a portion of the access to the requestor’s   home is a County maintained road.  We received a renewed request that the CSD be amended to allow for view obscuring/privacy fencing. Jacki has not yet responded but will point out that the CSD does not prohibit solid walls everywhere on the property, it is only prohibited for perimeter fencing.  The Santa Clara River Watershed Steering Committee meeting scheduled for January 9th has been cancelled and not yet rescheduled.
  13. Councilmember Comments – None
  14. Committee Reports – The following committees had reports – a. Planning and Coordinating and f. Community Standards/ Decorum – Meeting with Edel and Susi seemed positive and they listened to our issues with trails, community standards all having the same language, concerns with filming needing to be in CSD’s, also spoke about traffic warrant analysis.  They seemed hopeful on all these subjects. h.  Utilities – Jacki spoke about the OII response and read the motion & letter that needs our approval.  Tom Costan made a motion to accept the motion for party status in OII.  Pam 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.  Tom Costan made a motion to accept contract for Air Quality Special (AQS) for compensation for the OII.  Pam Wolter 2nd the motion.  In discussion Tom spoke about adding hours and expenses incurred and progress.  The Motion carried with Jacki abstaining.  k. Beautification/Illegal Dumping –There were refrigerators dumped at Boiling Point.  The County stated it was not their property and to call Waste Management.  o. High Speed Rail –   There are several people ready to start on the DEIR.
  15. Unfinished/New Business – Jeremiah will contact Waste Management for a future meeting.  Pam will do follow up on the hemp grow issue.
  16.  Items for Next Agenda – Equestrian Use, Zone Change, Stop Signs.
  17.  Adjournment – 9:57 pm
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