Acton Town Council Meeting Minutes February 7, 2022 Approved

  1. Call to Order, Flag Salute. & Roll Call – The meeting was called to order at 6:35 pm by Vice President Tom Costan.  Followed by the Flag Salute.  Members present – Pam Wolter, Jacki Ayer, Tom Costan and Kelly Teno.  Absent – Jeremiah Owen, and Troy Pieper
  2. Community Comments – A resident spoke about the noise coming from the transformers at the Edison plant.  He has spoken before at one of our meetings and we have tried to help him.  Tonight we suggested he talk to the Health Department to discuss noise health.  This department should evaluate this.  Put health Department Issues on the next agenda.
  3. Announcements and Correspondence – Announcements and Correspondence included upcoming County events, upcoming County hearings and all email correspondence.
  4. Cedral Development – Jacki explained the CUP process for the development and Arial Hale described their journey and where they are now.  We were waiting to hear back from the County on the things we asked for in re-vegetation.  Jacki spoke about the issues with what the County report states.  This could cause issues with the Safety Element Update.  The County included 5 species of native plants that we asked for for re-vegetation that are high priority.  Jacki made a motion to write a letter of support with the addition of no fiddlenecks and Joshua Trees and for the County Biologists to work with a nursery to find a pathway for CA Junipers.  Pam 2nd the motion.  The Motion carried.
  5. Fire Fee –  New ordinance, when selling a home it must be inspected for fire danger and brush clearance.  A resident spoke about getting a letter from the Fire department and with the new expenses to inspect homes they will implement a fire fee starting at $50.00 and may go as high as $150.00.  It will be included in our tax bill.
  6. Community Trails & Cal Poly SLO – Jacki spoke about trails and our efforts with our CSD and Parks and Rec.  We spoke about the Cal Poly Project.  We are meeting the students and professor on Friday February 11,2022 around 1:00 pm. and touring Acton.  The students will host a workshop at the Community Center on Saturday from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm.
  7. Elected Officials Forum –  The ATC has been asked to endorse local candidates, which is prohibited by our Bylaws.  Individual members can personally endorse.  The question came up of should we host a forum where we invite all candidates.  Jacki will reach out.
  8. Parking Ordinance – LA County is re-doing this ordinance to possibly get rid of or to reduce parking requirements for businesses.  Comments are due February 11, 2022.
  9. Wireless Ordinance – Table
  10. Councilmember Comments – Jacki is worried about the amount of solar farms needed to achieve de-carbonization.  We need to get planners to see the reality, Jacki’s quick calculations are about 672 square miles of solar farms. The environmental impacts and the transmission lines needed.  Elected officials need to be made aware of this.
  11. Committee Reports –  The following committees gave a report.  Education Committee – There has not been a meeting since December.  There will be one later this month or early March.  Utilities –  Jacki spoke about renewing the contract with the CPUC.  Put it on the March 7, 2022 agenda.  Film Coalition – Tom spoke to a movie electrician about large daylight lights and all the new lights can be turned off and back on with no wait times.  High Speed Rail – We have been notified the DEIR will be out in March
  12. Unfinished/New Business – None
  13. Items for Next Agenda –
  14. Adjournment – 9:30pm
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