Acton Town Council Meeting Minutes, December 6, 2021 Approved

  1. Call to Order, Flag Salute, & Roll Call – The meeting was called to order at 6:34pm by President Jeremiah Owen.  Followed by the Flag Salute.  Members present – Jacki Ayer, Jeremiah Owen, Tom Costan and Kelly Teno.  Absent – Pam Wolter, and Troy Pieper.
  2. Community Comments – Non Agenda Items – None
  3. Correspondence – Jacki reported about the AVL last meeting and Acton not getting quiet zones.  Tom suggested reaching out to Kathryn Barger since she is on the AVL Board and request help getting quiet zones.  Jacki said Kathryn Barger has said she will circle back but maybe we should follow up.  The CPUC has acknowledged our formal complaint on the Beartrap Helipad and helicopter activity.  Questions were asked about the new thresholds for PSPS.  Edison said winds at 56 mph gusts and 43 mph sustained could cause a PSPS.  A resident suggested they put this information on their website.
  4. SMMC/MRCA – Paul Edelman – MRCA is not in attendance at the meeting.  Jeremiah read the email chain from them.  Discussion about the email included, don’t we have a say about our Measure A funds.  MRCA is asking for a million in Measure A funds.  It would take Acton 20 years to save a million in funds.  The property they want to acquire sold last year for $799.000 and now up for sale for 3.4 million.  The land is already has protected open space since it is an SEA.  There was discussion about what to include in a letter.  RPOSP, the SEA and how it is already protecting the property, if you don’t garner community support first the ATC will oppose the project.  We also need to speak to State Representatives and Kathryn Barger about our opposition that 3.4 million in taxpayer dollars be spent.  A resident stated that we should contact the LA Times.  Jacki made a motion to write a letter to MRCA clarifying that this is not what we want from our Measure A funds and why is it 3.4 million.  We can get trails without the project, so why should we support it.  Property is already protected by the SEA.  Secure community support in any future projects, we want a covenant that guarantees the use.  We will oppose any project in which community support is not garnered in advance.  Also to reach out to State elected officials to oppose the use of taxpayer funds.  Tom 2nd the motion.  The motion carried
  5. Safety Element – On December 15,2021 the Regional Planning Commission will hear the Safety Element. Jacki spoke about her issues with the Safety Element , they include being too vague and can be interpreted anyway.
  6. CSD – Spoke about our tour of Acton with Public Works.  Discussion included our issues with trails, concrete infrastructure and County wells and contamination sources.
  7. Officer Assignments –  Jacki made a motion to keep our same slate of officers.  Tom 2nd the motion. The motion carried.
  8. Education –  It was discussed which meeting the Superintendent should be invited to come give a report and how often should he be on the agenda.  We will invite him to the February 7, 2022 meeting.  Spoke about the Meadowlark Principal resigning.
  9. Councilmember Comments –  Jeremiah is thankful for all of us.  Tom spoke about Jacki having a great love for our community and being thankful for her on the tour.
  10. Unfinished/New Business – No meeting December 20, 2021 but will keep it open for a Special Meeting if needed.
  11. Items for Next Agenda – Water Plan, ATP
  12. Adjournment – 8:40pm
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