Acton Town Council Meeting Minutes, April 4, 2022 Approved

  1. Call to Order, Flag Salute, & Roll Call –  The meeting was called to order at 6:35 pm by president Jeremiah Owen.  Followed by the Flag Salute.  Members present – Pam Wolter, Jacki Ayer, Jeremiah Owen, Tom Costan, and Kelly Teno  Absent – Troy Pieper.
  2. Community Comments Non Agenda Items – None  later in the meeting Ron Hawkman spoke about the monument sign in front of the Community Center.  He brought in boulders for the Park sign and he wants to ask the County to remove al the brush in front of the sign.
  3. Announcements and Correspondence –  Announcements and Correspondence included upcoming county events, upcoming County hearings and all email correspondence
  4. Sheriff’s Report – None
  5. Cactus Creek – The ATC received several letters from residents stating their concerns over the living conditions and the residents.  They are asking for the help of the ATC to get it closed down.  The ATC has been working with the County over this issue for several years.  Public Health had done an inspection and reported that the septic looked okay but there was no trash service.  Jacki reported that she has found no State permits to operate.  Some of the concerns were that the Health Department is looking past all the issues.  There are pictures of sewer being dumped and in the street, trash everywhere, urine left in jugs, lots of cats everywhere and not being taken care of, and some residents of the trailer park speeding in the area and endangering children.  One resident near the t  railer park handed over documentation and all the information they had on the park.  One resident suggested having a meeting with representatives from Public Works, Health Department, and Regional Planning.  Jacki made a motion that the ATC request Public Works, Health Department, and Regional Planning to send representatives to an upcoming meeting to address the homeless encampment on Smith Street.  Pam 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  6. SCE – Scoping Memo Discovery & Contract – Scoping has come out and the judge agreed with all of our asks in the scope.  Tom made a motion that the ATC sign the contract allowing Air Quality Specialists to receive intervener compensation.  Pam 2nd the motion.  Motion carried with one abstention.
  7. Safety Element –  The hearing is tomorrow.  The ATC letter went out on March 29, 2022 and pointed out all the problems we have with the Safety Element.
  8. Hale Development – The hearing for this project is on April 19, 2022.  Jacki gave some background info and spoke about the NOV for stripping the land.  The ATC wrote a letter supporting the project with re-vegetation with native plants.  At the last hearing the owner had said they did not want to re-vegetate and use it for horses.  The only issue is that is not on the site plan.  If the owner can’t find junipers we need to work with the County to have them find them.  High points that we need to make in a letter are The owner can’t keep flip flopping , and address re-vegetation and finding plants.  Jacki made a motion to draft a letter to the County Biologist.  Tom 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.  Jacki made a motion (she will send it)  Tom 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.  Jacki made a motion (she will send it)  Pam 2nd the motion.  The motion carried
  9. Garbage Disposal District/Franchise Contracts – We will post our letter regarding the issues on the ATC website.  The County Waste Ordinance was created to follow SB1383 (it requires the residents to get the waste to the proper location) Jacki pointed out that the County will have to build numerous facilities and that the County is only looking at the hauling aspect and not the disposal part in regards to CEQA.  Voting for the public has been pushed from November 2022 until January 2023.
  10. Wireless Facility Ordinance – tabled
  11. AV Plan Implementation –  The ATC wrote a letter to all Supervisors asking for AV Plan Implementation.  The ARTC is also wanting to ask for this and for there to be a committee formed.  We should write a letter of support for the ARTC.
  12. Filming –  The ATC has received several emails regarding filming.  We need to look into implementation of film standards that the Film committee worked on a few years ago.
  13. Councilmember Comments –  Pam wanted to thank Tammy Necessary for the trash pickup under the freeway at Santiago.  Jacki made a motion to write a letter to the County to ask about how volunteer trash pickup will be taken care of.  Tom 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.  Tom spoke about decarbonization and where is all the Lithium going to come from for electric car batteries.  We should put CAP on a future agenda.
  14. Committee Reports – The following committees had reports – Education Committee – The committee hopes to have a meeting in April.  Planning and Coordinating – The Cannabis Ordinance is rolling forward with no buffering for residences in current package.  Plastics Ordinance going to the Board of Supervisors, we received no notice. Publicity – We want to go ahead with having zoom available for our meetings.  Trails, Open Space, and Recreation – At the March 24,2022 meeting we asked how are trails going to be implemented as part of our CSD.  Parks and Rec commited to working with all agencies to implement trails.  Bylaws – Meeting May 2, 2022 at 6pm at the Library.
  15. Unfinished/New Business – None
  16. Items For the Next Agenda -CAP Cal Poly
  17. Adjournment – 10:02 pm
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