Acton Town Council Meeting Minutes, August 6, 2018, Approved

  1. Call to Order, Flag Salute, & Roll Call -The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm by President Tom Costan.  Present at the meeting: Dylan Lunde, Pam Wolter, Tom Costan, Jeremiah Owen, Ruth Brock, Rob Peters, and Kelly Teno.  Absent: Jacki Ayer.
  2. Community Comments – Resident Troy Padget, owner of All Valley R.V. Center.  He is wanting to expand and is looking at the property next to the RV Center.  He asked questions about zoning.  Tom spoke to him about zone changes and it needing to have the use stated and the importance of staying with that use and not changing.  He was asked to get everything rolling and to come back and present his plans.  Moe Elasaad from Building and Safety in Lancaster came and gave an update on illegal dumping. 31 properties have been have been given stop work notices and notices of violation.  The D.A. has been notified about the dumping in Peaceful Valley because of the volume and contamination.  The D.A. has also been notified about Escondido and Ward Rd.  Anything more than 50 cubic yards needs a grading plan.  It was suggested to get a plan with the sheriff’s dept to write tickets to the truck drivers.  Deputy Soffa reported about Peaceful Valley and trying to figure out how to use the penal code.
  3. Minutes of the Last Meeting – Rob Peters made a motion to approve the meeting minutes from July 16, 2018.   Jeremiah Owen 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  4. Treasurer Report – Bank balance – $1,219.05 No receipts or disbursements
  5. Sheriff’s Report – There were 35 incidents in July that resulted in reports.
  6. Library Report – The library will be closed August 16, 2018. There will be a new childrens librarian, Deanna Kazdoy transferring from Lancaster.  The August events were announced.
  7. Announcements and Correspondences – Emails will be announced in committee reports.  The notices about the AT&T tower have gone out.  Comments will come to the Acton Town Council so we will know what the area residents feel.  Pam spoke about receiving a call that LA County Fire would like to come to the next meeting in August.  They would like a good turnout of residents.  Their presentation should be about an hour on fire prevention.  It was brought up that maybe we should make it a separate announced meeting to get more people there. There were three emails that do not have a committee report slot.  William Wiseman from the Pizza Factory wrote asking questions about signage and if signs in the area had been grandfathered in.  His corporate office wants their logo on the sign.  A resident asked about our policy on shipping containers.  Ruth reported to him that Acton does not have a policy at this time and suggested he contact Oscar Gomez.  Another resident inquired as to how to get the trail fixed at Acton Park.   Ruth will suggest for her to contact Friends of the Acton Park.
  8. Councilmember Comments – Most comments were thanking other council members.  Ruth asked about some instances of people asking questions on our website and then they are blocked when she tries o reply.  Jeremiah will help us to now how to get to them.
  9. Election Committee Formation – The election committee will be Dylan Lunde, Ruth Brock, and Kelly Teno.  Ruth Brock will chair the committee.
  10. Committee Reports – The following committees had reports.  d.  Social Media – It was reported that the ATC Facebook page and Website still get likes.  f. Community Standards /Decorum – It was suggested that we put SEA in our land uses in the CSD to help implementation.  h. Utilities – We received an email regarding the GSA, the time period for boundary modification has now been extended through October.  Their recommendation is to hold tight because it looks like the AV low priority will go through.  k. Beautification/ Illegal Dumping –   Tom and Jeremiah will work on a program for our website to make it easier for people to contact us and possibly the county specifically about illegal dumping.  Goal is to make this easier for residents.  l. Film Coalition – Chris Croisdale and Ruth reported that after the County and Film LA meeting they need to finalize the standards and the committee needs to come up with the thresholds for some of the different items. They spoke of some of the filming issues still going on.  m. Industrial Aesthetics – It was reported that trees are starting to grow around some of the property fences. The Kips were thanked for planting and weeding.  n. Traffic Safety – An email came in about a resident asking the ATC to support and ask for a 4 way stop at Sierra Highway and Red Rover.  They were told by the County after a traffic study was completed there that it did not warrant a stop.  The study was done during none peak hours and when school was not in session.  Rob Peters made a motion to write a letter asking for a 4 way stop sign study at Sierra Highway and Red Rover Mine Road during peak hours and when school is in session.  Jeremiah Owen 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.    o.  Safe Routes to School – The application is in.  A few things changed from what was talked about to the application.  If we do not get the grant the cycle comes around again in 2 years.
  11. Unfinished/ New Business – Tom spoke with Iris Chi about workshop The dates she gave were Sept 4 or 6, Sept 10 – 13.  The public comment period will end at the end of September.
  12. Items for the next Agenda –  SEA  needs comments/ maybe seize the opportunity to request to go back to our original boundary. , Illegal Dumping
  13. Adjournment – 9:25 pm
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