Acton Town Council Meeting Minutes July 16, 2018 Approved

  1. Call to Order, Flag Salute, Roll Call -The meeting was called to order at 7:05pm by President Tom Costan.  Present at the meeting – Pam Wolter, Jeremiah Owen, Tom Costan, Rob Peters, and Kelly Teno.  Absent – Jacki Ayer, Ruth Brock, and Dylan Lunde.
  2. Community Comments – A Hubbard Road resident spoke about the illegal dumping that has been going on.  They thanked the ATC and Deputy Soffa for the attention we have paid to this issue in our community.  Tom reported that we have to give a lot of credit to Supervisor Barger and her staff.
  3. County representatives on Illegal Dumping -People that spoke from the County were Eric……. from Public Health, Francis Dominguez and Juan…… from DPW.   They spoke about what steps have been taken.  Meetings have been happening on how to deal with this.  They spoke about some of the complaints they have gone to.  They are going with the Abatement Team and issuing Cease and Desist Orders.  They reported that property owners have the choice to take the land back to its original state, or to take away debris only and leave the clean dirt and make a grading and compaction plan.  Residents asked questions and spoke about the issues around Acton.  Deputy Soffa passed out the Penal Code for dumping and reported that the sheriff is able to cite on the Health and Safety Code.
  4. Minutes of the Last Meeting – Rob Peters made a motion to approve the June 4, 2018 minutes with one correction and the June 18, 2018 minutes.  Jeremiah Owen 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  5. Treasurer Report – Bank Balance – $1,119.05 – We received a $100.00 gift.
  6. Sheriff Report – No stats.  Deputy Soffa’s assistant Edgar Chavarria introduced himself and he wants to become more involved in our area.
  7. Library Report – Jim Wall announced the Summer Programs
  8. Announcements and Correspondence – Tom will answer the email about the inquiry about Self Storage.  We received an email reporting about gas powered remote control helicopters being flown near upper Crown Valley.  The Fire Department has been notified and asked them to leave in mid June but they are back.  It has been reported to the Fire Department again.  Chuck Bostwick announced the Clean Water Act & Parcel Tax was on the BOS Agenda.  It will need a 2/3 vote by voters in November.
  9. Councilmember Comments – None
  10. Quiet Zone Discussion – Rob reported that a petition has been started for Quiet Zones.. He reported that some residents like to listen to the horns but those living close to the crossings do not. It was brought up that maybe people don’t understand that they want to build a second track next to the existing one.  This will bring more trains and a larger safety issue.  Questions that were asked included, what are the next steps, how many signatures are needed or what percentage of the community needs to be for the quiet zones and who pays for it.
  11. Committee Reports – The following Committee’s had reports  Social Media – Our facebook page has had 172 likes.  Community Standards/ Decorum – Kelly reported about the CSD Tour of Acton and the CSD Working Meeting with the County.  It all went well and the County AVCSD Committee will send a update on our CSD Workshop topics for our approval before they present to our community for their comments.  Kelly requested that the comment time period be at least 60 days or more to give ample time for community response.  Emergency Response & Disaster Planning – CERT meeting the last Tuesday in July,  free Stop the Bleed class put on by AV Hospital.  Film Coalition – Productive meeting.  The CEO broke down our requests in an agree/disagree format.  The Film Coalition has to do some more work in some areas and come up with criteria.  It looks like new regulations for Film LA and possibly a new County Ordinance.  Safe Routes to Schools – Community meeting went well.  The committee has seen the grant application and will have a conference call on July 17, 2018.  High Speed Rail – Pam reported that the focus seems to be on Northern California instead of Southern California.  There has been lots of press saying it is not going to happen.
  12. Unfinished / New Business – Tom announced that the Election Committee has to be Kelly Teno, Dylan Lunde, and Kelly Teno since they are the only members who seats are not up for election.  Tom will name the Chair at the next meeting.
  13. Items for the Next Agenda – Election Committee
  14. Adjournment – 9:17pm
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