Acton Town Council regular Meeting Minutes, May 7, 2018 Approved

  1. Call to Order, Flag Salute, & Roll Call –  The meeting was called to order at 7:04pm by Vice President Tom Costan.  Present at the meeting: Dylan Lunde, Rob Peters, Jacki Ayer, Tom Costan, Jeremiah Owen, Pam Wolter, Ruth Brock, and Kelly teno
  2.   Community Comments – Resident Larry Layton , stated his own opinion about the School Board pursuing a Bond.  He spoke of reasons he would approve the bond and reasons he would not.  Resident Kathleen trinity spoke about the HSR Board meeting.  She gave a report about the items the Board spoke about and passed out a copy of her notes.
  3. Minutes of the Last Meeting – Jacki Ayer made a motion to approve the minutes of the last meeting as written.  Rob Peters 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  4. Treasurer Report – Bank Balance  $1,119.05 no receipts or disbursements
  5. Sheriff’s Report – None
  6. Library report – Librarian Jim Wall spoke about the May events.  He also reported that if you vote by mail, there is a drop off box at the Library.
  7. Announcements and Correspondence – Tom introduced Chuck Bostwick who is the assistant to Donna Termeer.  He will try to come to every other meeting.  An unsigned letter was received by the Illegal Dumping Committee.  He accepted loads of dirt because he was told by the dumper that it was legal.  The letter gave the names of the dumpers.  Jeremiah Owen Committee Chair of the Illegal Dumping Committee took the letter.
  8. Councilmembers Comments – None
  9. Speakers: Presentation/Discussion re SEA by DRP, Iris Chi AICP and biologist Jennifer Mongolo – Iris Chi from the County described what the SEA is and why they are updating the ordinance.  They gave  a handout describing the SEA program: Exemptions in the Antelope Valley, SEA Assessment Process, and Development Standards. After their presentation they took questions.  Questions included – Needing better clarification in the ordinance about exemptions.  Iris said they were going back to look at the exemptions and the possibility of changing who is exempt.  Jacki spoke about the past and expansion of the boundaries and asked the county to be sensitive if they go back and look at exemptions.  What is an SEA native tree?  You can find a list in Appendix A of the Implementation Guide.  What about businesses in the SEA if they go in for a CUP renewal?  If impacts to SEA Resources were reviewed under their prior CUP they will be ok.  If they can’t get their CUP they will have to get an SEA CUP. Does the exemption apply to Home Based Businesses?  The SEA Ordinance is not based on uses, if not removing vegetation they would be exempt.  Iris will ask for an extension on the comment time period.  Since 2014 we have asked the County to come out and walk the SEA with us.  Iris said she would.  Jacki Ayer made a motion for the ATC to write a comment letter on the Draft SEA Ordinance.  Jeremiah Owen 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.      Jacki Ayer made a motion that Tom Costan spearhead the SEA site visit by the County.  Pam Wolter 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  10. Septic Ordinance Clarification – Jacki looked into this and Acton is not in a TMDL and the impairment line is not in Acton.  As of now Acton is not affected by the higher standard for septics.
  11. Cannabis Ordinance – The ATC wrote a detailed letter and we have not heard back yet.  The School District is going to write a letter.  It is not going to the Board of Supervisors in May.
  12. Quiet Zone Discussion – We need to get more community feedback.  It would be good to get more information out to educate people and let them know what we will look like if the 2nd Metro track comes in.  It was Metrolink who suggested the Quiet Zones.  Robs petition is on, Acton Train Quiet Zones.
  13. Resident Grievance/Research Tool – It would be great to have a site to look up County numbers, so we don’t always have to find the answers they are already there.  Jeremiah will help write a site.  We should send Jeremiah our ideas.
  14. District 37 – Letter of Support Discussion – Since this came up after the last meeting, Jacki asked them a set of questions which they answered within 24 hours.  Ruth printed them and handed them out.  District 37 is asking for our support for them to get a grant to change out meters.  They did not give us enough time to get community input so there will be no letter.
  15. Committee Reports – a. Planning and Coordinating – None  b. ARTC – Jacki announced the items that were on their April Agenda.  c. Publicity – The information about Illegal Dumping is on the website.  Made changes to Developer forms and it went through.  d. Social Media – None  e.  Finance Ways and Means – None  f. Community Standards/ Decorum – The County wants to change our CSD Workshop to June 7, 2018 so that Donna Termeer could be present.  The Committee agreed so Kelly will make contact with the County to let them know.  We had an email back from the County and they would like to come talk about drainage issues in Acton the week of May 14, – 17.  Jacki will contact them to set the date.  g. Trails, Open Space, and Recreation – None  h. Utilities – None  i. Bylaws – None  j. Emergency Response and Disaster/Resiliency Plan – None  k. Beautification/Illegal Dumping – Committee had their 1st meeting and there will be more to come  l. Film Coalition – The meeting with the County and Film LA went really well, they went through the committee list of items.  There needs to be a 2nd meeting.  m. Industrial Aesthetics – None  n. Traffic Safety – None  n.1. – Safe Routes to School – Meeting with Planning, Cal Trans  and the committee went well.  We need to put together a better list.  Jacki will work on the strawman draft and send it out.  Public Works and Cal Trans wants to work with the committee.  Special Committee – HSR – talked about HSR in the Community Comments
  16. Unfinished/ New Business – None
  17. Items for Next Agenda – Knox Subdivision Presentation, HSR 5 Supervisor Letter.
  18. Adjournment – 11:09pm
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