Acton Town Council Meeting Minutes June 18, 2018, Approved

  1. Call to Order, Flag Salute, & Roll Call – The meeting was called to order by President Tom Costan at 7:05pm.  Present at the meeting – Pam Wolter, Jacki Ayer, jeremiah Owen, Tom Costan, Rob Peters, and Kelly Teno.  Absent – Dylan Lunde and Ruth Brock.
  2. Community Comments – The Tejon Centennial Project has been continued until July 11, 2018.
  3. Minutes of the last meeting – Jacki Ayer made a motion to accept the minutes of May 7, 2018 with correction to item #10 and the minutes of May 21, 2018.  Jeremiah Owen 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  4. Announcements and Correspondence – Polsa Rosa Film Ranch got a Clean Hands Waiver.  ALADS requesting a letter to the Board of Supervisors to ask for more sheriffs.  CSD announcement of the next County meeting July 9, 2018 at 9:00am for Acton Tour and meeting at 12:00pm.  Need to set a committee meeting to discuss tour options.  AV Environmental Collection Center is the 1st and 3rd Saturdays. Hazardous waste and electronics.  Pam received a call from a resident.  When they bought their property there was an unpermitted structure.  They paid a fee to the County to take off the lien so they could close escrow.  Then the county put the lien back on.  They need help getting a Clean Hands Waiver.
  5. Councilmembers Comments – Pam gave an update on the HSR.  Tom asked that any correspondence that anyone authors that it goes through Jacki our corresponding secretary before it is sent.
  6. Proposed AT&T Wireless Telecommunications Facility, Soledad Pass Road / Oracle Hill Rd – Vance Pomeroy gave a presentation. He passed out information on the tower which showed pictures and drawings.  We asked if he had heard from any residents.  He had not because notifications had not been sent out.  It was conveyed that we appreciate the height of the tower but struggle with the notification and that in Juniper Hills they did a 1000 feet or 25 properties notification.  He said the County is doing the notifications and will ask if they will go further.  He will also inquire if First Net will be on the tower.  Mr Pomeroy would like to see if they could get the approval or support of the ATC.  We usually go through a couple of meeting cycles to get feedback from the community.  He was asked to let us know when the letters go out and we will wait one cycle and to put it on the agenda again.
  7. Coffee Shop (Starbucks) /Grizzly Bear Remodel atSantiago Square – We still get a couple emails a day about opposition to Starbucks. We sent a 2nd follow up letter.  Jacki spoke of a previous motion about traffic studies and methodologies.  This is coming back up again with this remodel.  We spoke with Donna about how to go forward, as a meeting or a letter.  Jacki will forward her email about the different methodologies and our request to the County, DPW, and Donna Termeer.  She will put it in letter format.  Will put this on the next agenda.
  8. Illegal Dumping / Illegal Grading – There was discussion about all the dump trucks dumping illegal dirt and debris in the last few months along with all the troubles this has brought to residents.  There was talk of going and presenting at the BOS meeting June 26, 2018.  Donna reported that Kathryn Barger is making illegal dumping a top priority.  Maybe send a letter asking for this to be on the BOS agenda.  Tom Costan made a motin to have the ATC write a letter to  the  BOS asking to put illegal dumping on the agenda if possible and gather a community group to speak at the June 26, 2018 BOS meeting during the public comment period.  Rob Peters 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  9. County Cannabis Ordinance -Discussion about the letter Jacki wrote.  A few of the highlights were Buffer zones, CSD being able to ban commercial, 1000ft residential buffering, asking them to look at the voting returns for Prop 64 for our area.  Jacki made a motion to send the letter that everyone has previously read and made comments on.  Jeremiah 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  10. SRTS (Safe Routes to School) – Jacki read the announcement for the July 2, 2018 Community Meeting. She spoke about the meeting with Caltrans and another with DPW.  Caltrans seemed stunned by the speed limit on Crown Valley by the Jr High.  They were 2 very good meetings and the plan is rolling.  They want to have the plan ready for the July 2nd meeting.  They have to meet Active Transportation such as cyclists, equestrians, and pedestrians.  They spoke about a trail system from the park to Acton School, then up to the library.  Jacki will contact Mr Skye and ask how the meeting will run and who will make the agenda.
  11. Unfinished/New Business – None
  12. ATC Email System- If an email is sent to an individual councilmember, it will go in their inbox and will come to their personal email.  If it is sent to the ATC it will go in the general inbox and to everyones personal email.  Jacki is concerned with not getting everything especially since she is the Corresponding Secretary.  So the ATC will also go under Jacki’s contact.
  13. Items for the Next Agenda – July 2nd meeting, Quiet Zones.
  14. Adjournment – 9:04pm
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