Acton Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes, March 19, 2018 Approved

  1. Call to Order and Roll Call – The meeting was called to order at 7:01pm by President Russ Fawkes.  Present at the meeting: Pam Wolter, Rob Peters, Russ Fawkes, Jacki Ayer, Dylan Lunde, and Kelly Teno.  Absent – Ruth Brock, Jeremiah Owen, and Tom Costan.
  2. Community Comments – None
  3. Minutes of the Last Meeting – Jacki Ayer made a motion to approve the March 5, 2018 meeting minutes with the change and typos.  Pam Wolter 2nd the motion .  The motion carried.
  4. Speaker and Discussion – Chris Ziegler, Bloom Ranch – Mr Ziegler introduced his himself, his wife and his manager.  He explained how he came to Blum Ranch and how he renamed it.  He wants to preserve and restore it.  There should be lilacs in a few weeks and fruit in the Spring.  He wants it to be a community asset.
  5. Speaker and Discussion- Joseph Shin, General Manager, Acton KOA – Mr Shin introduced himself and the Supervisor, Pastor Bob – There is a new owner mr Hahn.  They are trying to bring the KOA back up after the fire and wanted the community to know what they want to do.  He explained all the upgrades they want to do to the park.  They were asked by an audience member if they would publish their events in the Country Journal and they said yes.  Jacki spoke about the Santa Clara River and the bacterial problems and the future fixes they may do to the septic systems of residences near the river.  It is always a concern when new septic is put in.  Mr Shin explained they are already septic companies out to look at the existing septic.  They will send a copy of their CUP modification application.
  6. Announcements and Correspondences – ARTC president, Susan Zahtner requested that we read and approve a letter.  This has been added as an agenda item.  Russ heard from a woman who wants to get a piece of property across from Golden West Trailor.  She wants a change to M-1 to put in a RV Storage.  Russ spoke with Don Henry about the Agua Dulce filming meeting with the County and Film LA.  Don felt meeting went good, they didn’t use the standards wish list that the Filming Committee had come up with.  Film LA had worked up their a list of standards for Acton and Aga Dulce.  Russ will email them to everyone.
  7. Accessory Dwelling Unit – An informational packet about the ADU ordinance was passed out.  Kelly explained a little background of the ordinance and one point of interest about the ordinance was the lack of protection for equestrian uses, which is very important to our community. In the Regional Planning presentation to the Commissioners on January 24, 2018 it was stated that it was already in Title 22 that a structure used to house horses for personal use on a residential property be established at least 35 feet from any residence.  Breeding and boarding and other commercial facilities are required to be 50 feet from habitable structures.  They also stated that in areas where ADU’s are allowed they will counsel residents on horsekeeping structures.  We were not for sure if this was enough protection.  Jacki Ayer made a motion that we write a letter that includes not allowing an ADU within 50 feet of a property line on Ag property.  Pam Wolter 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.  Kelly Teno will write the letter.
  8. Community Standards District –  Described the process of how the workshops for CSD’s got started by the County.  The ATC CSD Committee is having 2 community meetings before our County Workshop on May 22, 2018.  The community meetings are on March 29, 2018 at 7:00 pm and April 25, 2018 at 7:30pm both at the library.  They will be announced in the Country Journal.
  9. Flooding in Acton – Russ spoke about past floods in Acton and drainage issues in upper Crown Valley and downtown Crown Valley, how to mitigate and keep our rural nature.  We would like to hear from the County and what they feel would work for us and then come up with a plan.  Since we are working with our CSD  we would like them to reflect this.
  10. Significant Ecological Area Ordinance – No one has had a chance to review.  It will be on the agenda for April 16, 2018.
  11. At&T Update – Russ notified the County of our last motion.  AT&T has come up with a 5th site.
  12. Emergency Preparedness –  Rob reported that the CERT training went well and his committee gained about 6 new members.  He is trying to plan a meeting before the next ATC meeting.
  13. Quiet Zones – Rob reported on Quiet Zones for Acton.  There would be no train whistles at crossings unless they are needed.  He is looking in to applying for this and checking to see about funding.  Information will be on the ATC website and in the paper, and he is asking the community to let us know how they feel.
  14. EAGSA – Update based on meeting with county/state March 15, 2018 – They are moving forward with the boundary modification.  They put this meeting together to address our concerns with the boundary map.  Jacki reported that after the meeting it all looks good for us to prove why the boundary modification should be approved.  There will be another meeting after they prepare the application and also another EAGSA stakeholder meeting.
  15. Added Committee Reports –  a. ARTC letters waiting to be approved – Jacki Ayer made a motion that we support the draft ARTC letter to the AV Press after we have read it and achieved consensus.  Dylan Lunde 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.   /   Jacki Ayer made a motion that we support the draft ARTC letter on cannabis after we have read it and achieved consensus.  Rob Peters 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.   b.  SRTS – Jacki reported about the letter to Supervisor Barger asking for her approval on the restart to the SRTS Grant Program.  We have not heard back and would like to write a letter to Caltrans after getting County support.  Jacki Ayer made a motion that we write a letter to Caltrans articulating our path pending positive response from Supervisor Barger.  Pam Wolter 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  16. Agenda Items for Next Meeting – Littlerock Dam, Bylaws update, Filming Coalition, HSR
  17. Unfinished/ New Business – None
  18. Adjournment – 9:40pm
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  1. Carrie A Sheldon

    How do we let you know our input in regards to the Quiet Zone Issue? If there is something to sign to have a Quiet Zone Implemented, we will sign it 100x’s over.

    • The issue of Quiet Zone is still being researched and we have not yet formally sought community input, although we’re always anxious to hear from Acton residents. The Council will be discussing this topic again at its May 7th meeting. You may certainly speak up at the Council meeting. Alternatively, you can email the Council at [email protected] (which goes to all Council members,) or wait until a community survey is prepared.

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