Acton Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes, November 20, 2017 Approved

  1. Call to Order, Flag Salute& Roll Call – The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by President Russ Fawkes.  Present at the meeting: Jacki Ayer, Russ Fawkes, Ruth Brock, Pam Wolter and Kelly Teno.  Absent: Dylan Lunde and Tom Costan.
  2. Minutes of the Last Meeting – Ruth Brock made a motion to accept the November 6, 2017 meeting minutes with changes made by Russ Fawkes.  Pam 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  3. Community Comments – None
  4. Speaker Presentation and Discussion – Russ introduced himself and described AT&T plans and passed around pictures where the sites are proposed.  He then turned it over to AT&T, who said they were here to answer question not to do a presentation because that was done back in March.   The biggest concerns from residents were how tall the towers were and what they would o to our view shed. Residents near the Braeloch site asked why it couldn’t be up on the hillside and be shorter.  AT&T’s response was that jurisdiction pushes them away from hillsides and into more developed areas.  Another concern was about the speed going down as more people go on.  AT&T said they have meet the high speed criteria or they will lose the program.  Another concern was about the noise and radiation for the residents close to the tower and asked if the lease property owner knew about these issues.  The owner said yes and they had been told about film for the windows and an additive to the stucco for protection.  It was brought up that numerous studies have been done about radiation sickness and LA County Fire Dept. rejected the cell towers on their buildings.  Deputy Short said the Sheriff Department is contracted by AT&T and he talked about not enough coverage in the community and the towers would really help.  Another resident spoke out about the benefits to school children to have high speed internet.  All emails and letters received by the ATC except one were against the towers, most were from the Braeloch site and the Red Rover Mine site.  Ruth Brock made a motion that the ATC request that AT&T withdraw their project proposal.  Jacki Ayer 2nd the motion.  During discussion Jacki Ayer made an amendment to the motion, addressing the three towers in Acton, not the one in Agua Dulce and ask that AT&T come back with a re-worked plan.  Jacki made another amendment, For the ATC to communicate in writing to the Regional Planning Commission to site he number of residents opposing and approving the project by sites.  There were three yesses and one abstention to the motion .  The motion did not pass.    Ruth Brock made a motion made a motion to write four letters to Regional Planning addressing each CUP, showing no stand to the Agua Dulce location, no opposition to the Edison Sub Station location, and requesting revision to the Goldridge and Braeloch locations.  Jacki Ayer 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  5. Filming & Film Permits Discussion – Chris Croisdale discussed about going to the Agua Dulce Town Council meeting and Film LA was there.  They said they just process the paperwork and they cant deny permits only the County can do that.  DPW finally has a say on film permits.  The Sheriff authorizes gunfire and DPW authorizes road closures.  We need to get the County to make film standards for our communities.  Chris then spoke about some of the standards he would like to see.  Jacki Ayer made a motion that we hold off on meeting and work with Chris Croisdale on a list of standards and then ask for a new meeting and contact Agua Dulce Town Council and ask them to do the same.  Ruth Brock 2nd the motion.  During discussion Jacki Ayer made an amendment to develop standards jointly with Agua Dulce if they wish.  motion carried.
  6. Announcements & Correspondence –  ATC member Ruth Brock was named Acton Womens Club, Woman of the Year.  There was discussion about the difference between a Regular and a Planning Meeting.
  7. Opportunity for Acton Town Council candidates to come forward and address the council – We have three people interested in two sopts.
  8. Acclamation of Acton Town Council members who were uncontested – Russ Fawkes, Ruth Brock, Dylan Lunde, and Kelly Teno ran uncontested.
  9. Appoint 3 Person Nominating Committee for ATC Officers – Russ appointed Tom Costan, Pam Wolter, and Jacki Ayer .  Officer elections will be held at the December 4, 2017 meeting
  10. Councilmember Comments – Metrolink has offered to come to a ATC meeting to talk about their services.  Pam spoke about the tailgating on Sierra Hwy and it is good that the CHP is coming to speak at the December 4, 2017 meeting
  11. Acton Conservation Camp 11 Discussion – A concern was brought up about the inmate who had escaped a few weeks ago.  The main concern was about the type of crimes had been committed by the inmates that were at the camp.  It was also brought up that inmates have to earn their way into the camp and that it is a privledge.  There have only been 2 escapes in the last 25 years or so.  It would be nice if it were more secure, maybe someone should be invited to come speak from the camp.
  12. Illegal Dumping Discussion – Table until January 2018
  13. Community Standards District – Jacki will send out the list of what we would like worked on  and council members can make suggestions or add input.
  14. Significant Ecological Area Ordinance – It has been tabled by the County to work on it.
  15. Commendations and Plaques – They were passed around for us to see.  The ATC will invite Don Chatos, and McDonalds to a meeting to present them publicly.
  16. Unfinished Business – ATC meetings for January are the 8th and 29th; for February they are the 5th and 12th
  17. Agenda Items for Next Meeting – No comments made
  18. Adjournment – 11:06pm
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