The Acton Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes May 1, 2017 approved

  1. Flag Salute & Roll Call –  The meeting was called to order by President Tom Costan at 7:09 pm. Present at the meeting: Dylan Lunde, Jacki Ayer, Tom Costan, Pam Wolter and Kelly Teno.
  2. Community Comments – Resident Ruth Brock spoke about a friend who lives on Chantada near La Cabana, 2 times she has had to slam on her brakes for trucks pulling out of the new truck storage.  This traffic issue needs to be addressed.  We need to speak to DPW about line of sight issues.  It was brought up that maybe Santiago and Soledad should be a 4 way stop. Acton was told 10 years ago that a 4 way stop would slow commuter traffic down too much.  Donna Tremeer asked Jacki when she contacted DPW did she ask for a traffic study.  Donna asked Jacki to forward her the email to keep her in the loop.  Lillian asked about a resident trying to sell their land and they were told by the County that because of the Access Ordinance the land is not buildable.  Did we get info?  Jacki got a personal email and gave it to the newspapers and thought she sent it to ATC.  She will re-forward it.  The gentleman lost the deal to sell the land because of what the County told his buyer.  Donna Tremeer will call Mitch Glaser to see what she can find out.
  3. Minutes of last meeting – Pam Wolter made a motion to accept the minutes of the April 3, 2017 with the typo corrections.  Dylan Lunde 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  4. Treasurer’s Report – Checking account balance $1,374.24. No expenses or income.
  5. Sheriff’s Report – There were 37 incidents that resulted in reports last month.  The vandalism attempts around town are due to a lack of lighting which allow them to get away.
  6. Library Report – This is John Elfords last meeting, he introduced the new librarian Jim Wall.  Jim has been with the County 19 years, in Lancaster and Valencia Libraries.  Jim then introduced himself and gave the report of the upcoming library events.
  7. Announcements and Correspondences – Susie Tae, the County is making adjustments to the Santa Clarita Plan.  The CSD boundary is not changing.  No changes to the AV Plan.
  8. County Enforcement Actions of Unpermitted? Structures – The structures that have been brought to the attention of the ATC were already on properties when the property was purchased and they are paying property tax on them, but the County is saying they are not permitted.  Deputy Short said he knows about 9 people this is happening to. Jacki suggested a course of action:  Why does the County want them permitted?  Maybe because of liability.  If that is the case then it needs to be asked if the homeowner can waive the liability to the County and if the homeowner wont sign the  County will move forward.  Will the Clean Hands Waiver work in these cases.  We need to talk to DPW and Regional Planning to try and get a policy.

Jacki Ayer made a motion to work with Regional Planning, DPW, and Kathryn Barger’s office to make these structures legitimate through indemnification and Clean Hands Waiver.  Pam Wolter 2nd the motion. The motion carried.

Jacki dug into info on ocean storage containers.  In the code containers are not buildings    or structures.  They are equipment and equipment is not allowed on A-1 property.  So we need to understand the code.  Agua Dulce CSD states how many containers can be on a property.  We need to sit down a deconstruct policy and talk to the county.  Acton residents need to come togethere to write how to word this in our CSD.

Jacki Ayer made a motion we try to meet with DPW, Regional Planning, and Kathryn Barger’s office to nail down storage container policy.  Dylan Lunde 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.

9. Proposed Signage Changes – Shell Station has proposed new signage plans.  Jacki sent emails about old signage issues.  Regional Planning told Shell they can not change signage and they will have to take them down and comply with CSD.  McDonalds has submitted sign plans for their rebuild. The plans say it will not be lit at all and sign complies with CSD.  Acton has an issue with Realty Banners going up. Oscar Gomez said he would send someone out to check out real estate signs.

10.  Committee Reports :

A. Planning, Coordination, Trails & Open Space – Jacki has not heard back from Parks & Rec on meeting times to speak about trails.  She is worried because they do not have trail on Soledad Canyon Road mapped.  The Oleander letter got lots of response and Jacki feels they will move forward with No Oleanders in Acton.  May 23rd the BOS is going to hear Primo Burger Subdivision appeal.

B. High Speed Rail – We requested consulting status on Cultural Resources. Pam Wolter gave them her contact information.  Jacki thought maybe they should not give us the exact locations of cultural resources so we can share with residents.  Since President Trump is questioning some of the monuments including the San Gabriel Monument, does this help our cause to keep the HSR all underground.

C. Publicity & Association of Rural Town Councils – None

D. Finance ways & Means – None

E. By-Laws & Community Standards & Decorum – None

F. Public Works & Utilities – Good SGMA community meeting on April 18, 2017.  We have to form GSA by June but we should be able to get out of our high priority basin and become low priority and we would not need a GSA.  Chris Perry is the new Planning Deputy replacing Edel.  Donna will work with him on our regional issues.

G.  Emergency Response & Disaster Planning- Tom wants to find someone from the community to lead this and report back.

H. Beautification, Illegal Dumping and Perspective – We need to fill this position

11. Unfinished Business – None

12.  New Business – June 5th meeting the SCE is on the agenda

13. Adjournment – 9:20pm



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