Acton Town Council Planning Meeting Minutes, March 20, 2017 approved

  1.  Flag Salute & Roll Call – The meeting was called to order at 7:08 pm by President Tom Costan.  Present at the meeting: Larry Layton, Jacki Ayer, Tom Costan, Pam Wolter, and Kelly Teno  Absent: Dylan Lunde, Angela Toghia, and John Farrar.
  2. Minutes of the Last Meeting – Planning meeting, no minutes
  3. Community Comments – Ruth reported that Acton Takes Action finished up the survey with great results.  There is a petition that ATA is working on getting signatures on to help get things done at the County.
  4. Sustainable Groundwater Management Act –  There will be a community meeting on April 18, 2017 at the Community Center, time to be announced later.  DWR and water works will be there and Regional Planning should be.  There will be separate meetings for Leona Valley and Lakes Town Council.  Anyone who is on a well will be affected.  Paul Masselbau  got word from the State that getting our water flow determination would not work.
  5. Traffic Safety – Tom reported that at the meeting with Donna Termeer it was talked about how to get more Sheriff presence in Acton.  Talked about how well the Coffee with the Sheriff at McDonalds went.  Mark Distaso is working on getting the 5 way meeting going for the Safe Routes to School Grant.
  6. Access ordinance – Nothing new to report on the AO
  7. Significant Ecological Area Ordinance (SEA) – Tom reported that the PLF didn’t seem interested in helping out with this ordinance.  There was discussion on the time frame the lawyers said to be able to appeal an ordinance.
  8. Industrial Aesthetics – Ruth reported that the next meeting for Acton Takes Action is Monday April 10, 2017 at the Library.  There was discussion about plants for the industrial areas.  ATA is just about ready to go to the County to work on a plant list.  In industrial areas everything that is flammable as far as vegetation is gone, and chain link doesn’t burn so a pepper tree on fire wont burn the fence.
  9. Commercial Development – It was reported that The 49er sold.  Tom announced the interest of a developer looking at the same parcel on Antelope Woods where Panda Project proposed to go.  It would have shopping and 2 drive thrus.  The feeling is that it would be a large fight.  Tom reported the Donna Termeer is looking into the hold up on our CSD change.  A resident asked asked if they could read the CSD amendment?  Also how would we get it through when so many other CSD’s are back logged.  Tom explained the history of how we were supposed to get the change.  We are in the process of trying to find out what is going on.  As soon as we learn the language we will inform the community.  In the meeting with Donna Termeer we talked about trails and where the trail is.  She suggested that maybe we can capture some Park Funding money for trails, equestrian center or community pool. Put Trail and Park Funding on the agenda for the next ATC meeting.
  10. Hauled Water – It was asked if the PLF found plantiffs at the water meeting.  They found several people or plantiffs .  The committee will continue to help the PLF.
  11. Well Yield Standards –  If the PLF are successful in a lawsuit with hauled water, the well yields will go away but not the well standards.
  12. ATC Bylaws – Set meeting after we know what happens with IRS.
  13. Community Standards District (CSD) – Covered in #9
  14. Agenda Items for Next Meeting – Potential Solar Field near High School. Jacki talked about the solar fields wanting to go in Antelope Acres and the problem with Valley Fever.  Residents talked back and Forth about eyesore problems with storage units, and new ones coming in.
  15. Adjournment – 8:43 pm
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