Acton Town Council Planning Meeting Minutes April 17, 2017 approved

  1. Flag Salute & Roll Call –  Pam Wolter called the meeting to order in President Tom Costans absence at 7:05pm. Present at the meeting – Jacki Ayer, Pam Wolter, Kelly Teno, Dylan Lunde   Absent – Larry Layton, Angela Toghia, Tom Costan, John Farrar.
  2. Community Comments – A resident reported that the County along with the NAT Team have been up to her property numerous times about 2 ocean containers she has on the property.  They are very harassing and have almost bullied her.  Code Enforcement wants her to put in an application for a site plan and want $1000.00 to do this.  They have lived there and had these containers for 25 years.  There is nothing in our CSD’s about containers and about 10 years ago the county started wanting permits because they are like buildings.  Anything older should be grandfathered because no site plans were required.  We should add this to our next agenda under Code Enforcement Issues.
  3. Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) – Reminded everyone of the meeting tomorrow night at 6:30pm at the Community Center.  Meeting is with Public Works, Water Works, Regional Planning and State Water Resources.  There should be lots of interesting discussion.  We will bring up that a number of the sources in this basin are not groundwater users but surface users.  The Acton Town Council and SORT have asked that Acton be taken out of the AV Boundary which will take us from High Priority Users to Low Priority Users.
  4. Significant Ecological Area Ordinance (SEA) – Jacki has looked at Draft 7. It appears that residential construction and accessory uses are exempt but you can’t add to an existing home.  Lillian will try to get the Draft 7 in the Country Journal.  The ordinance will be heard on May 17th at 9am at Regional Planning.
  5. Oleander Letter – We have heard back from enough members for a quorum on approving the letter.  Tom has to sign it and send it back to Jacki and she will send the letter.
  6. Commercial Development / Trails – There may be a new drive thru development in front of Don Chatos at Regional Planning.  We discussed parking and septic issues.  McDonalds has submitted for 2 permits.  Jacki has reached out to Parks and Rec and they are supposed to work with us on trails implementation.  She has not heard back and will contact Andy at Regional Planning to work with trails.
  7. BOS – Title 10 vote – No one has had a chance to check out how the vote went.
  8. SCE Vincent Sub Station – Jacki sent an invite for them to come speak at a meeting.  Invite was sent on 3-31-2017 to come to the May 1st meeting.  We have not heard back.  A resident who is about 1 mile away from the station can hear the vibration from the transformers.  We can petition the PUC to have transformers put on stands to take away noise and vibration or to dampen the noise.  We want them to come tell us the plans for the sub station. We understand that it is terrorist control.
  9. Jason Zink (approval – land next to Vasquez Rocks) – We need to hear from Agua Dulce Town Council on their position.  Jacki will contact Zink to let him know this.
  10. Agenda Items for next meeting – SGMA, Code Enforcement Issues, CSD’s, SCE, SEA 7.
  11. Adjournment – 8:25pm
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