Acton Town Council Planning Meeting Minutes January 30 2017 approved

  1. Flag Salute & Roll Call – The meeting was called to order at 7:06 by Pam Wolter in the absence of Tom Costan. Members present at the meeting: Jacki Ayer, Pam Wolter, Dylan Lunde and Kelly Teno.
  2. Minutes of Last Meeting – Since this is a Planning Meeting no decisions will be made, this item tabled until next meeting.
  3. Community Comments – Resident Chris Kip spoke about the storage yard issue as it pertains to his property on Gillespie & Soledad.  As of now oleanders are the only thing the Planning Department would approve on his property.  If he puts in anything else he could risk having have them taken out.  It was brought up that the Acton Takes Action Task Force may want to try and get these taken off the list of desirable plants completely since we are an equestrian community and oleanders are highly poisonous to animals and humans if ingested.  The task force has a committee that is working on the plant list with the city and local nurseries.  Ruthie Brock the chairman of Acton Takes Action spoke about the survey that is in the Country Journal for the next few weeks.  She urged everyone in attendance to fill one out.  The task force needs to know the communities wishes and if they are behind them.  Jacki Ayer speaking as a resident from the audience spoke about S.O.R.T. (Save Our Rural Town).  She explained about S.O.R.T. including that they are an unincorporated private organization that anyone can join for a one time $10 fee and signed agreement that they agree to comply with the SORT Bylaws and Articles of Association along with a brief description of what they want for their rural community. Right now SORT has brought a lawsuit against the County for the Primo Burger findings and traffic study flaws.  They hope to have the website up soon.
  4. Groundwater Sustainability Management – Jacki spoke about the groundwater meeting that took place in Santa Clarita.  See attached Country Journal Article for all the details of the meeting.  All overused water basins in Southern CA  must provide an SGA by June 30, 2017.  Acton’s issue is that we are connected to the AV Basin even though we are at the head of the Santa Clara River which goes to the ocean.  The AV Basin is a high priority basin so we must have an SGA by June 30, 2017, even though Acton is not a overused or high priority area.  Jacki spoke with Paul Maselbas in Public Works, they should be coming to an ATC meeting soon since this needs to be done.  Edel Vizscarro said he would come to a meeting also to speak to us .  Maybe we could get the Public Works, AVEK and Edel at the same meeting.  Jacki was asked if Mr Maslbas knows we are at the head of the Santa Clara River?  She felt yes that he did.
  5. Traffic Safety Issues -Our school district along with a number of parents and representatives Steve Knight, Scott Wilk, and Tom Lackey are working on a plan for the safety of our school children walking from Antelope Woods to Crown Valley.  It is not conducive to pedestrians and equestrians, not a good line of site.  They are working on a Safe Routes To School Grant.  It is a Federal Grant issued through the State.  Pam felt it was very positive and that something good will come out of this and wants ATC to vote to work on this at the next meeting.
  6. Access Ordinance – It was reported that at the last Agua Dulce Town Council meeting that their deputy to the Supervisor said it was her understanding that the A.O. was going away and it will not come back.
  7. SEA Ordinance –
  8. Bylaws –
  9. Agenda Items for Next Meeting – a. Chris Kip – plants for Industrial Facilities, b. Primo Burger – Subdivision hearing, c. McDonalds application for remodel. d. Traffic Safety
  10. Dirt Dumping Issues – Added Agenda Item – There were reports of dump trucks going up Shannondale Rd and Hubbard Rd.  Some of the trucks have been cited by the Sheriff and the dirt is not from the Rams Stadium site.  Deputy Short reported that a resident in Shannon Valley said the dirt was being dumped on a vacant lot and did not want the property owner cited but the source of where the dirt came from.
  11. Hauled Water – Added Agenda Item – There will be a community meeting to protect private property and water rights. Legal action is being considered to challenge Senate Bill 1263.  This Bill is unlawful and takes away property rights.  Anyone on a well should be there.  Public Meeting – Thursday, March 2, 2017 – 7:00pm – High Desert School MPR
  12. San Gabriel Mountain update – Added Agenda Item – Jacki attends these meetings for the ARTC and for Acton Town Council.  Both groups submitted comment letters.  The Collaborative appreciates all the comments but they feel the current plan protects the Aliso Arastre Special Interest Area.
  13. Adjournment – meeting adjourned at 8:30pm  Next scheduled meeting February 6, 2017, 7:00pm at the Library.
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