Acton Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes October 3, 2016 Approved

  1. Flag Salute & Roll Call –  The regular meeting of the Acton Town council was called to order at 7:40 pm by member Pam Wolter.  Members present at the meeting: Jacki Ayer, Katherine Tucker, Pam Wolter, and Kelly Teno. Absent: Angela Toghia, Tom Costan, and John Farrar.  A quorum was met, so an agenda was set and followed.
  2.  Minutes of Last meeting – Tabled until next meeting
  3. Community Comments –  President of the Acton Womens Club Joyce Betts came and talked about the joint effort between the Acton town council and the Womens Club to put on a School Board Candidate Forum for the community.  A group of residents from the Shannon Valley spoke about a house off Via Famero that is being rented out for large parties and events almost every weekend.  This home is owned by a corporation and can be looked up at  Deputy Short said there is no owner on the premises to give the noise complaint to.  He suggested that the local residents video for proof, take pictures of the directional sins put up.  Deputy Short said t would help if the Acton Town Council wrote a letter to request noise enforcement and a car to expedite quickly and not leave the area, because they will just turn the sound back up.  Send to Dennis Kneer Palmdale Station captain.  Jacki Ayer made a motion to write a request to the Palmdale Sheriff Department to expedite response time and ask them to stay in the area for a while after, Katherine Tucker 2nd, the motio carried.  An audience member spoke about the Acton Trails Music Festival, they are a non-profit and they are giving back to local music programs, they have a TUP and are all permitted.  The festival will run from 10am till 10pm and the stage will face away from Bootlegger.  They said they have spoken to several neighbors on Bootlegger.  The ATC received a letter of concern from a resident on Bootlegger listing problems with the festival.  ATC Secretary has a copy of the letter.  Jacki will speak with Oscar Gomez at Regional Planning about future events at Thousand Trails.
  4. Treasurer’s Report – $2143.27 balance in the bank, Receipts – $400.00,  no expenses.
  5. Sherriff’s Report – Deputy Short had no stats, the best he could tell there were 29 incidents in September, he will have the stats at the next ATC meeting.  A resident questioned him about the mail theft that was advertised.  Most of the theft is from rural mailboxes with no locks.  Areas that the thefts are taking place include ShannonValley, Escondido, Hubbard Road.   They believe it is two people in a beige colored Jeep and they are looking for checks or credit card offers and they may have mail box keys.
  6. Library Report – The Librarian spoke about the Chair-ity Event and Authors lunch on October 22nd.  He told the ATC that their meeting dates of the 1st and 3rd Monday in January the Library will be closed,but open on January 11th.
  7. Announcements and Correspondences – 3 disposal dates were announced, one for Waste Management, another for dropping off old tires, and another for free mattress collection.  Jacki described the Access Ordinance to the audience and announced the meeting with the county on Saturday November 5th.  It was announced that the comment period for the San Gabriel Monument has been extended to the beginning of November.  There is one more public comment meeting on October 4th in Wrightwood.  Our question for them is How are they working with the HSR as it goes through the monument and how are they protecting the monument.  Very concerned that the plan wont be completed until October 2017 and the DEIR will already be completed for the HSR.  Jacki described AB1263 and that we all need to ask Jerry Brown for his line item veto.  An audience member said that Jerry Brown signed it already with the line still there.  The question now is how will the Board implement it.  A letter from John Farrar was read about his outreach to the county about the Williamson Act.  If land in Acton can qualify for the Williamson Act it may help with the HSR.
  8. Committee Reports – Planning, Coordination, Trails & Open Space – None, High Speed Rail – Jacki went to the last public meeting in San Fernando to talk further with the sound engineers.  She has gone through all their noise analysis and she wrote a letter about all the insufficiencies and how the impacts are all for urban areas.  She sent the letter to the ATC members.  This is the last time period for comments before the DEIR.  Comments now are important because they an lay the ground work if we need to bring a lawsuit against the HSR.  A Acton resident made the comment that she had asked the engineers what will I feel when the train goes under my house.  The engineer said that you might hear a boom when it goes into the tunnel and when it comes out.  Jacki Ayer made a motion for the ATC last ditch effort letter to get impacts properly accessed and to get it all underground and away from wells, Katherine Tucker 2nd the motion, the motion passed.  Publicity & Association of Rural Town Councils-  Report’s about the presentations made at the ARTC.  One was about the success of the AV Homeless Association.  Finance Ways & Means – None By-Laws, Community Standards & Decorum – None  Public Works & Utilities – None  Emergency Response & Disaster Planning – None  Beautification, Illegal dumping, and Perspective – None
  9. Unfinished Business – None
  10. New Business – None
  11. Meeting Adjourned at 9:36pm, Next scheduled meeting TBD at 7:30pm at the Library
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