Acton Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes March 07,2016 Approved

Submitted by Kelly Teno

  1. Flag Salute and Roll Call – The meeting was called to order at 7:43 pm by President Chris Croisdale.  Present at the meeting were the following ATC Board Members: Chris Chroisdale, Tom Costan, Jacki Ayer, Katherine Tucker, Pam Wolter, Ray Billet, and Kelly Teno.
  2. Minutes of Last Meeting – They are posted and members will review them.
  3.  Treasurer’s Report – ATC checkbook holds $1264.27, No expenses or income.  Pam Wolter will get the rest of the bank statements from Mike Hughes.
  4. Sheriff’s Report – Deputy Short reported 11 incidents; 4 burglaries to sheds and out buildings, 3 burglaries to businesses, 2 drug arrests, 2 fraud.  3 individuals have been arrested in relation to the liquor store robbery, the 2nd robbery to Grizzly Burger are also believed to be local. Jacki Ayer asked Deputy Short if we as a community can have a fundraiser to hire a CHP to watch Sierra Hwy at the early morning commute. Deputy Short said Gill Hernandez is Public Relations for CHP.  Jacki will follow up on this
  5. Library Report – John Elford reported that there is a scam in other areas with people getting called and asked to donate to the library.  The library does not solicit over the phone.  He announced the upcoming March events.
  6. Announcements and Correspondences – Jacki announced she had a verbal confirmation from Regional Planning that Primo Burger has been moved to April 6th.                                                                                                                                            Chris said that he told Primo Burger that they needed to put in a request on the ATC website 2 weeks before wanting to come to present.  Members on the council felt it was important to hear their presentation before Regional Planning Hearing so we should wave the 2 week requirement.                                                                    Chris got an anonymous phone call complaining about the new cemetery in town, she felt it was depreciating home values, violating codes and wants ATC to have it taken down.  Chris said he was not for sure if the cemetery is violating any codes since there are no bodies, headstones are just rocks, and they are not disrupting water flow or the natural vegetation.                                                                               Pam Wolter announced items on the BOS and RP Agendas that might affect Acton.  Regional Planning Agenda still has Primo Burger on their agenda, we think Primo Burger will be asking for it to be postponed till April 6, 2016.  A project by Larry Toulouc on 3800 W Soledad Cyn Road (wanting land split to 3 parcels), they have asked for a time extension to February 2017
  7. ATC 501C3/4 – Update – Chris announced that Randall Fink is still working and he needs the updated Bylaws.  Chris will get them to him.
  8. Council Officer Elections – ATC Member Jacki Ayer made a motion that all ATC Offices remain the same but with the following changes, the position of Recording Secretary will change from member Katherine Tucker to member Kelly Teno and the position of Treasurer will change from Former Member Thor Merich to Member Pam Wolter.  The motion was 2nd by Member Tom Costan, the motion carried.                                      ATC Member Jacki Ayer made a motion that all ATC Committee’s remain the same but with the following changes, Bylaws and Community Standards and Decorum will change from Former Member Mike Hughes to Member Chris Croisdale and Finance Ways and Means will change from Former Member Thor Merich to Member Pam Wolter.  The motion was 2nd by Member Tom Costan, the motion carried.
  9. Guest Speaker Billy Malone is running for Antonovich’s LA County Supervisor  seat. He is from unincorporated Altadena. Following are the highlights of what he spoke about.  One of his concerns is what will happen to the unincorporated areas after the election.  He is concerned about this because it is where he comes from.  If he won seat he would want his deputies to attend town council meetings.  Tom and Jacki both raised concerns about who is representing Acton, would they give our council legitimacy and would we be important to him.  Mr Malone said he knows what it is like to live in an unincorporated area, and feels that communities should have control or our say should mean something at Regional Planning.  He also feels we should have County resources for IT, the resources are already there why can’t we tap in.  It scares him who will win the seat.  They can promise all they want, but where do they really come from and do they understand rural.
  10. St. Mary’s Catholic Church Development Review Draft Letter – Jacki has written the letter but she wanted to reach the planner first to ask about the 2 acre lots to add something about that.  The planner is Tyler Montgomery and he said Regional Planning felt there should be larger open space.  Jacki reminded him that the AV Area Plan calls for lots to be a minimum of 2 acres unless there is a geological reason.  The Catholic Church wants 2 acre lots. Tyler will go back and look at why the lot size was changed.  Jacki is worried that the land will be turned over to a conservancy, which might prohibit access to emergency response vehicles on the property.  It was recommended that it should be added to the letter that the ATC opposes this.  Jacki will add this to the letter.  Tom Costan made a motion that we approve the letter with the changes about access to open space.  Pam Wolter 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.
  11. Community Survey re: Commercial Development Further Discussion – After discussion it was decided that we should no longer do the survey.
  12. Committee Reports – Pam Wolter reported on the HSR. We have close to 500 signatures on the petition.  She said a spanish engineering company has signed a contract with the HSR to design and build a 35km section in the Central Valley. This section has already received State and Environmental approval.  Jacki didn’t think they could because that part is still in the lawsuit.          Pam will continue asking the people running for the supervisor seat to come speak at our meetings.               Chris reported on Public Works and Utilities.  The next thing we need to work on is getting Public Works to do something about the bicycle lanes and turns on our canyon roads.  He also feels we need to work on a set of rules for filming to go by in our area.              Katherine reported on Beautification, Illegal Dumping and perspective.  She is working with an Acton resident on illegal dumping on Escondido Canyon Rd.  Deputy Short said the Illegal Dumping Task Force will provide signs to towns who come to their meeting and request them.
  13. Unfinished Business – Pam said the bank needs a letter from the President of the ATC taking Michael Hughes off the account and putting Pam Wolter on the account.  Chris will write the letter.   Pam asked if she should continue picking up the mail.  Chris said yes.  It was also decided to turn in the keys for PO Box 451, this box was used to accept applications during the election.
  14. New Business – None
  15. Open Forum – None
  16. Meeting Adjourned at 9:50pm  Next scheduled meeting 3-21-2016 @ 7:30pm at the Library


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