July 06, 2015 Minutes – Approved

Acton Town Council Meeting Minutes – July 6, 2015 – Draft

Meeting called to order at 7:35 p.m. at the Acton Agua Dulce Library

1.  Present at the meeting:  Tom Costan, Michael Hughes, Pam Wolter, Ray Billet, Jacqueline Ayer, Kelly Teno, and Katherine Tucker.  Absent:  Chris Croisdale and Thor Merich.  Tom Costan stood in for President, Chris Croisdale.

2.  Minutes of June 15, 2015 posted on Acton Town Council website.  ATC to review draft minutes

3.  Treasurer’s Report:  $1806.28

4.  Sheriff’s Report:  Deputy Short 661-272-2571- Deputy Short will provide the statistics for June at the next Acton Town Council meeting. A question was asked about medical marijuana.  Deputy  Short explained that it is legal, but that it cannot be transported in a car on the highway unless it is in the trunk.   It is also illegal to smoke it going down the highway. A question was also brought up regarding regulations pertaining to equestrian right of way on the roadways. Deputy Short referred to several vehicle codes:

Section 21759: Drivers must yield to horse riders direction on slowing down or stopping when passing the horse and rider. The vehicle driver is responsible for injury or damage from a startled horse or flight response.

Section 21805 b and c:  vehicles must yield to horse riders crossing the road. But, if a horse rider suddenly enters traffic and causes an accident, the horseback rider is responsible.

5.  SCE Report:  Patricia Bartoli-Wible – No report

6.  Library Report:  Schedule of events distributed for the month.

7.  Announcements and Correspondence:  a) Letter received from AssemblymanTom Lackey  in support of the community and against the High Speed Rail going through the community.  Michael Hughes has asked the following politicians to send letters of support for the community of Acton regarding High Speed Rail:  Sharon Runner, George Runner, Steve Knight, B. Feinstein, and Kevin McCarthy. Mike will send Assemblyman Lackey’s letter to the politicians listed above. The Acton Town Council approved of this action.

b)  Letter received from the Board of Equalization. They would like a list of the marijuana dispensaries in the area.  There are no legal dispensaries in unincorporated areas of LA County.

8.  ATC 501 c(4) Mike Hughes will send the by-laws to the ATC members. He needs feedback by 7/13/2015.  Mike  spoke to the attorney, Randall Fink.  Mr. Fink anticipates that the incorporation paperwork will be complete by late August or early September.

9.  Norm L. Hickling, Senior Deputy to Supervisor Antonovich:  Mr. Hickling was out of town.

10.  Proposed Taco Bell Application – Information and Draft letter to LA County Dept. of Regional Planning: The Acton Town Council received notice that the proposed Taco Bell project was scheduled for 8/12/2015.  This was a surprise as the Acton Town Council had not heard from the applicant since their only visit to the Acton Town Council in August of 2014. The ATC discovered that the project was basically cleared by Regional Planning except for a traffic study required by LA County Public Works.  Ms. Jacqueline Ayer discovered that a traffic study was conducted by an independent contractor who was hired by Taco Bell.  The study included both Primo Burger and Taco Bell with their drive-thrus  and reported 1,006 trips per day for Tco Bell and 1,500 trips per day for Primo Burger and Country Club Feed. Ms. Ayer also mentioned that “pass-bys” – those stopping by pon the way elsewhere – can be used to reduced the traffic trip numbers.  The developers are using a 10% pass-by while 40-60% is standard.  The need for traffic signals is still under evaluation.  The hearing has been delayed until September 16, 2015.

Acton Residents should send comments to Regional Planner, Richard Claghorn at [email protected]. They can also e-mail Regional Planning Secretary R. Ruiz at [email protected].  It was discussed that Acton residents need to voice their opinion on the project.  Pam Wolter volunteered to make up a petition opposing the project; Tom Costan will make up a form letter. The petition and form letter will be printed in the AV Press and the Country Journal.

A motion was made and approved for Ms. Ayer to draft a letter regarding the Taco Bell project (Project R2014-02996 and RCUP T2014-00142). Ms. Ayer stated that with C2 DP zoning for neighborhood commercial with a CUP, the project has to match community desires and needs.  The Antelope Valley Area Plan calls out Acton as rural comercial with rights to restrict commercial development.

11.  San Gabriel National Monument Implementation Plan: Scoping Comments are due on 7/27/2015.  It was discussed that the Acton Town Council needs to write a letter to the US Forest Service to address the critical issue that the Forest Service is not acknowledging the need to protect the  cultural, historic, and biological resources of Aliso-Arrastre Special Interest Area of the Monument from the severe and permanent impacts of the proposed High Speed Rail project.  It was proposed that J. Ayer will write the letter, Michael Hughes seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously by the ATC.

12.  Committee Reports:

  • Planning Coordination, Trails and Open Space – Jacqueline Ayer: J. Ayer made a motion to write a letter opposing the proposed Ordinance and instead propose changes to Title 10 – to define density of Animal Facilities in a community, numbers of animals, noise  limitations, and  need for a CUP to establish an Animal Facility.  Michael Hughes seconded this motion. It was passed unanimously by the ATC.
  • High Speed Rail: Pam Wolter.  Pam talked about the success of the HSR Float in the July 4th Acton Parade – the theme was “Just Say Neigh to HSR”. The float was very popular.  Pam noted that Senator Andy Vidac introduced a Measure which would allow California voters to vote on the HSR project.  She noted that there is no private investment in the project at this time. Several ATC members received letters from Michael Boehm thanking them for their input.  It was also noted that the State Assembly HSR financial reporting requirements was changed from every six months to every two years.
  • Publicity and Association of Rural Town Councils – Tom Costan and Ray Billet: No report.
  • Finance Ways and Means – Thor Merich: No Report
  • By-Laws, Community Standards and Decorum: Michael Hughes – See above.  Mike to send out to ATC for review by 7/13/2015.
  • Public Works and Utilities – Chris Croisdale:  No Report
  • Beautification and Illegal Dumping:  No report.  Mike will forward the Illegal Dumping Task Force newsletter to K. Tucker

13.  Unfinished Business:  1000 Trails:  Director Kathy Fiore reported that approximately 4,000 people attended 1000 Trails on July 4th.  The general public can also use 1000 Trails for $2.00 / day per person.

14. New Business:  None

15. Meeting Adjourned at 9:25 p.m.

Next scheduled meeting is 7/20/2015 at the Acton Agua Dulce Library

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